
"I'm not a wishy-washy Tory..."

He belongs to the generation brought up on Biggles and Co running half the world and not seeing anything wrong with there being a Golliwog on their marmalade jar label. And refuses to change. And is honest enough to admit it, unlike most slimy politicians in the Westminster/Islington bubble who have to consult a pollster before answering a question about tomorrows weather.
He belongs to the generation brought up on Biggles and Co running half the world and not seeing anything wrong with there being a Golliwog on their marmalade jar label. And refuses to change. And is honest enough to admit it, unlike most slimy politicians in the Westminster/Islington bubble who have to consult a pollster before answering a question about tomorrows weather.

And you're arguing that this is a good thing? He knows he's racist, and refuses to do anything about it.

Well done, Jo.
No one has yet explained why the Indian and Pakistani Govts should be getting aid when they can afford nuclear weapons programmes.

The aid is for the poor people of those countries, not the Government. That it doesn't always arrive where it should - that is a valid question.

And you're arguing that this is a good thing? He knows he's racist, and refuses to do anything about it.

Well done, Jo.

It is neither good nor bad, Anex. It simply is. Why should he do anything about his racism if he is happy that way?

The problem is that the definition of racism is inexorably expanding to cover more & more aspects of behaviour & attitudes.

For instance, why is it considered racist to abhor sending aid to countries like India, Pakistan & South Africa?

And why is it considered racist to comment on the high proportion of people from the Indian sub-continent who appear to get involved in organised child abuse?

It is neither good nor bad, Anex. It simply is. Why should he do anything about his racism if he is happy that way?

Obviously it's bad, everyone can see that. He should do something about it because it makes him an idiot, and the fewer of those we have in society, the better off we'll be.

The problem is that the definition of racism is inexorably expanding to cover more & more aspects of behaviour & attitudes.

This is only happening in your head. Racism is the same as it's always been, it's just discussed more widely now the majority appear to have accepted that intolerance is a bad thing.

For instance, why is it considered racist to abhor sending aid to countries like India, Pakistan & South Africa?

No one said it was.

And why is it considered racist to comment on the high proportion of people from the Indian sub-continent who appear to get involved in organised child abuse?

No one said it was, assuming the high proportion is factual.
And you're arguing that this is a good thing? He knows he's racist, and refuses to do anything about it.

Well done, Jo.

Honesty from a politician? Yup, a good thing.

He will probably have the last laugh when UKIP end up in first or second place in the Euro elections.
You should be thanking me for not pointing out what your support of overt racism says about you.

Sometimes stopping to see what people think, whether in a particular social circle or as part of a wider sampling is a good thing, particularly if that causes one to question one's own position.
Not that Bloom is capable of that sort of self-reflection of course. He couldn't grasp the concept that he might be wrong.
You seem to be unable to see the difference in defending his freedom to express his views and not actually sharing them. Just as I defend the right for radical islamic preachers to preach their racist stuff.
Obviously it's bad, everyone can see that. He should do something about it because it makes him an idiot, and the fewer of those we have in society, the better off we'll be.

This is only happening in your head. Racism is the same as it's always been, it's just discussed more widely now the majority appear to have accepted that intolerance is a bad thing.

No one said it was.

No one said it was, assuming the high proportion is factual.

It's obviously bad? From who's viewpoint? Not from his. He thinks his views are self evidently correct, you think they are self evidently wrong.

He is perfectly entitled to his views, and as long as he does not incite hatred or violence, perfectly entitled to shout them from the rooftops. And it does NOT make him an idiot. It makes him someone who's views you do not share. Nothing more.

Exactly Chris. For too long the left has tried to shut down debate on their failed immigration policies by attempting to smear as racist anyone who has the temerity to disagree with them.

I was hoping that some of them might have choked on their hand-knitted muesli when they heard Mr Bloom on the Today prog.
You miss the point. Elected politicians have a duty to all of the community. As a racist he brings too much to the table to be a credible representative. If he wants to be racist he should go and do it somewhere else.
You seem to be unable to see the difference in defending his freedom to express his views and not actually sharing them. Just as I defend the right for radical islamic preachers to preach their racist stuff.

Who's saying he doesn't have a freedom to express his views? Oh yeah his own fascist party who happen to be worried it will dent their chances, get down off your high chair!

If saying "Bongo Bongo Land" is racist, which race is being discriminated against?

Is it possible to read or hear "Bongo Bongo Land" or "Bunga Bunga Party" without a schoolboy smirk?
And why is it considered racist to comment on the high proportion of people from the Indian sub-continent who appear to get involved in organised child abuse?

Because a high proportion of people from the Indian sub-continent are not involved in organised child abuse.

