
"I'm not a wishy-washy Tory..."

In defence of his racist comment, today on Radio 4 Godfrey Bloom claimed that he was a libertarian. I consider myself to be a libertarian, as I wish we all had freedom to move to any country we want to without people telling us whether we can or cannot. And for that freedom I also acknowledge that everyone else should be allowed the same.

What kind of libertarian does he think he is?
But bongo-bongo land is largely taken to be a derogatory reference to the black African former British colonies.

Are you suggesting it wasn't a racist statement?
The real Poster Boy for Atheism, sadly i think he is proof that god...


...srsly that Poundland logo really really needs looking at... with some urgency now
But bongo-bongo land is largely taken to be a derogatory reference to the black African former British colonies.

Are you suggesting it wasn't a racist statement?

I think it's xenophobic rather than racist as no race is mentioned.
Bongo-Bongo Land is shorthand for any Developing World country (formerly Third World country) to whom we give aid. Big fuss about nothing here.
Bongo-Bongo Land is shorthand for any Developing World country (formerly Third World country) to whom we give aid. Big fuss about nothing here.

I've always thought it is mildly patronising/borderline xenophobic to call "World Music" "World Music" rather than "Third World Music", which is what it is. Calling it "Third World Music" must grate with the Guardian-reading, hipster lentil-eaters.
Bongo-Bongo Land is shorthand for any Developing World country (formerly Third World country) to whom we give aid. Big fuss about nothing here.

Bongo-Bongo Land is a derogatory term popularised by Alan Clark in 1985 - another right wing racist - with reference to Africa. (link)
I think it's xenophobic rather than racist as no race is mentioned.

He wants to lump a number of countries and races together and imply they are unsophisticated and primitive and it's clearly offensive on a number of levels.

But he has apologised and we can move on and the world will just dimly remember him as that bongo-bongo bloke.
Calling it "Third World Music" must grate with the Guardian-reading, hipster lentil-eaters.

I think it more likely to make them -- if we ignore the fact that your odd conflation of distinct social tropes doesn't actually exist -- think you were a retired major propping up a bar in Cheltenham thinking how jolly clever he was.
I found the bit about Enoch Powell being "the prophet" piss funny too. :rolleyes:

It clearly does in some people's minds. double :rolleyes:

Roll our eyes as much as you like. If you didn't enjoy his diaries, I think you really must have no sense of humour whatsoever.

I am a lefty socialist, btw. It's OK to sip champers, isn't it?
if we ignore the fact that your odd conflation of distinct social tropes doesn't actually exist .

Matthew, I lived in London for 9 years, and still visit occasionally. A good friend lives in Islington - the epicentre of pseudo-lefty, hipster, lentil-eating, wholefood sadness.

