
Iconic Turntables

Iconic loudspeakers!
John I have updated the original post, I have One Thing Audio rebuilt Quad 57's sitting on OTA Rupert stands fitted with the truly exceptional Stack Audio Auva 50's at the moment though thinking of Auva 70's still.
I'd rate Mark Dohmann's Continuum Caliburn as one of the most iconic tt's of all time (within the audiophile community atleast). The Caliburn has been Michael Fremer's long-term reference tt.
Far too exclusive to be iconic, how many audiophiles would pick that out of a group of exclusive turntables as the Continuum. Here's an example of how similar they can be. I would however be able to pick pick out a Technics SL1200
Far too exclusive to be iconic, how many audiophiles would pick that out of a group of exclusive turntables as the Continuum. Here's an example of how similar they can be. I would however be able to pick pick out a Technics SL1200
Well as another member said, it depends on the context. For audiophiles like me, that is an iconic turntable. Technics are more of a mass market brand like Sony which appeals to a certain market segment. Let's not exclude more boutique or esoteric products, that's all i'm saying.

Btw, Mark's Helix One Mk3 is similiar in some aspects, but is fundamentally different to the Continuum Caliburn which used a vacuum hold down platter, external psu and air supply, integrated rack, and featured a carbon fibre tonearm developed specially for that table.
Well as another member said, it depends on the context you're talking about. For audiophiles like me, that is an iconic turntable. Technics is more of a mass market brand like Sony which appeals to a certain market segment. Let's not exclude more boutique or esoteric products, that's all i'm saying.
Sorry, but iconic means widely recognised and well established. IMO your choice fails on the first of those as iconic turntables should not really be those only recognised by a specific group of audiophiles.
I’d go for the gyrodec too as most iconic. Maybe we should select a shortlist and chuck a poll up to see what the consensus is amongst the Pink Fish audio fanatics.
Sorry, but iconic means widely recognised and well established. IMO your choice fails on the first of those as iconic turntables should not really be those only recognised by a specific group of audiophiles.
The problem with what you're putting to me is that there are variations of the definition of the adjective "iconic" depending on which dictionary you reference. If you'd care to have a debate about the accuracy of different dictionaries and their authors, i'd be more than happy to oblige you. Otherwise, have a good day sir.
Sorry, but iconic means widely recognised and well established. IMO your choice fails on the first of those as iconic turntables should not really be those only recognised by a specific group of audiophiles.
And also influenced the main stream I’d say. You’d not put that Continuum jobbie in a design museum would you - looks like a dogs dinner…
And also influenced the main stream I’d say. You’d not put that Continuum jobbie in a design museum would you - looks like a dogs dinner…
I agree although everyone is entitled to an opinion. Whatever that opinion is though that turntable is not iconic by any definition of the word regardless of which dictionary you use.
I don’t see the Tecnics 1210 as mass market, always a premium product with a defined target audience.

Loads of crappy TTs from days of yore were mass market, probably in a radiogram cabinet.

I think we are just a bunch of snobs;)
Sorry, but iconic means widely recognised and well established. IMO your choice fails on the first of those as iconic turntables should not really be those only recognised by a specific group of audiophiles.

The problem with what you're putting to me is that there are variations of the definition of the adjective "iconic" depending on which dictionary you reference. If you'd care to have a debate about the accuracy of different dictionaries and their authors, i'd be more than happy to oblige you. Otherwise, have a good day sir.
Please show a link to a different variation to the meaning of 'iconic' that would happily sit in describing the Continuum tt. It would never be how I would describe the Continuum tt.
Oh, and by the way is an Aussie tt. ;) 😁
The reason only the Technics can be described as an icon, in my view, is because whilst it’s not the only hi-fi icon, it’s is the only one which is also a musical icon. The LP12, Rega 3, Thorens decks, Gyro and others may well be hi-fi icons but none of them have actually influenced music, although Dave Mancuso did use a TD125 for some of his loft parties, I suppose. The Technics is the only one that can be described as an icon outside of our geeky little circle, IMV.
1. Technics SL-1200 Series -Widely regarded as the industry standard for DJs due to its durability, direct-drive mechanism, and pitch control.

2. Rega Planar 2 - Known for its minimalist design and exceptional sound quality, popular among audiophiles.

3. Linn Sondek LP12 - Highly regarded for its modular design and high-fidelity playback, a favorite among audiophiles for decades.



Yep. You nailed it, John. :cool: 👍

POST SCRIPT: I do wonder if Edgar Villchur's beautiful AR XA turntable and arm qualify for a spot here too...

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