
Iconic Turntables

The technics doesn’t look any different to four dozen other turntables from the 80’s. Give Joe Public a picture of a technics and a gyrodec and see which he points to as iconic.
I think this is best answer here. Iconic means the image that someone conjures up when they think of a turntable. This is not just including audiophiles like us, but the more general population too. Across the spectrum I think those three would fit the bill. The general population who are not so into turntables and hi-fi would picture a Technics, those with some interest in hi-fi an LP12 and those us with true taste a Gyrodec :D

Out of the three I think only the Gyrodec is a true classic in terms of industrial design though.

Technics. Nothing else comes close. Few honorable mentions but the Technics is in a class of its own.
I’m in that camp too. It’s helped create scenes and genres that might not otherwise exist… and I’m talking myself into a GAE
The technics doesn’t look any different to four dozen other turntables from the 80’s. Give Joe Public a picture of a technics and a gyrodec and see which he points to as iconic.

Yes, but ask them to picture a turntable and then pick what they visualised from a series of images and I guarantee they’ll pick the SL1200 MkII. Next would probably be a Dansette.

Never underestimate just how important hip-hop, rap, techno and DJ culture has been over the past 40 years. The SL1200 is the Gibson Les Paul and the Fender Strat of it. There is no second place!
Technics SL1200 - global reach.
Rega 3 RB300 - ground breaking arm and easy £$ for first time users.
Linn Lp12 - epitomy of great looking deck that sound good aswell.
Pink Triangle - so many engineering firsts together in a complete package, sounds amazing and looks stunning.
Michell Gyrodeck - sci-fi looks and great sound.
I had a Michell Focus One as a student and bought a full Orbe recently but always didn't like the looks and wanted a Gyrodec - much prettier.
Never liked the Technics though see it as iconic.
I've ended up with an LP12 as - despite needing experience setting it up - it just looks like a run of the mill old fashioned turntable.
So I jazzed it up with the ridiculously priced red Collaro mat - not sure if that messes with the iconic look?
1. Technics SL-1200 Series -Widely regarded as the industry standard for DJs due to its durability, direct-drive mechanism, and pitch control.

2. Rega Planar 2 - Known for its minimalist design and exceptional sound quality, popular among audiophiles.

3. Linn Sondek LP12 - Highly regarded for its modular design and high-fidelity playback, a favorite among audiophiles for decades.


Following a whiskey fuelled eBay session last night, what’s the most iconic turntable ever made?
I have a lovely Michell Transcriptor which must be up there, but then the SL1210 has done so much in creating scenes and culture it must be tops?
Is there a deck that’s done more than the 1210?

I agree was given my one in 1973 it was made by Transcriptors left at Borehamwood when David Gammon took the company to Carlow and John Michell took over the factory it is badged J A Michell has 3 round feet foam pads removed & replaced with oak cone's, fitted by me with a 9mm thick Duralumin arm board, & converted to DC with a Swiss Maxon motor when the original AC one started cogging. The sweep arm is badged J A Michell the stylus brush Transcriptors the foam pads of the raised platter weights were replaced with carbon impregnated PTFE ones.

Now fitted with a Hadcock GH242 Silver Plus with XTC counterweight & a Hana ML cartridge. On replaying records It holds it's own with most turntables but visually as the Metropolitan Museum of Art said "A perfect example of form following function". They said pretty much the same about Quad 57 speakers both were on display there. I have One Thing Audio rebuilt Quad 57's.

My son in law has 2 regularly serviced pristeen SL1210 that sound very good after the PTFE record pads the Hydraulic Reference had the advantage. The DC conversion took it even further ahead my son in law said " it's like CD but clearer"

Though famously seen but not played in A Clockwork Orange the Hydraulic Reference is a design icon.

The Thousands of SL1210's used by disc jockey's around the world easily win in the cultural icon stakes.

Shirley, the most "iconic" TT ... is the one in the fillum "Clockwork Orange"??? The Transcriptors Hydraulic Reference Turntable.

I bought one in 1979 - simply from having seen it in the film. Unfortunately, a week after it was delivered by the shop ... it was stolen from my house. (Mmmm ... is there a connection, here??? 😮 ) With the insurance payout ... I then bought an LP12 (from a different shop) - which I basically still have today (although it doesn't have much "Linn" left). :D
Icons SL1200+ Ortofon Concorde
Olympic Games Paris 2024 will be the first time in the Olympic Games history that breaking (break dancing) will be included in the competition. .
Technics will support the breaking competition at the Olympic Games Paris 2024 as the official DJ turntable to bring excitement to the competition with music.
You could walk into a nightclub in Tokyo, township in Johannesburg or a beach hut in Jamaica with a picture of a Technics and the odds are pretty high that most of the people in the room will recognise it. Even if they don't know what it's called they will have seen one and know what it is. No other turntable commands that kind societal presence. It isn't even close. There are no runners up.
I agree was given my one in 1973 it was made by Transcriptors left at Borehamwood when David Gammon took the company to Carlow and John Michell took over the factory it is badged J A Michell has 3 round feet foam pads removed & replaced with oak cone's, fitted by me with a 9mm thick Duralumin arm board, & converted to DC with a Swiss Maxon motor when the original AC one started cogging. The sweep arm is badged J A Michell the stylus brush Transcriptors the foam pads of the raised platter weights were replaced with carbon impregnated PTFE ones.

Now fitted with a Hadcock GH242 Silver Plus with XTC counterweight & a Hana ML cartridge. On replaying records It holds it's own with most turntables but visually as the Metropolitan Museum of Art said "A perfect example of form following function". They said pretty much the same about Quad 57 speakers both were on display there. I have One Thing Audio rebuilt Quad 57's.

My son in law has 2 regularly serviced pristeen SL1210 that sound very good after the PTFE record pads the Hydraulic Reference had the advantage. The DC conversion took it even further ahead my son in law said " it's like CD but clearer"

Though famously seen but not played in A Clockwork Orange the Hydraulic Reference is a design icon.

The Thousands of SL1210's used by disc jockey's around the world easily win in the cultural icon stakes.

How do you post a photo John?

