
Hypex Ncore - as good as all that?

Would anyone be so kind as to email to me the data sheets for the Ncore and power supply as I have been unable to download from the sites link.

tony at eclfirst dot co dot uk

Many thanks

I've got those Tony, they're just leaving my outbox now, should be with you any minute!
Many thanks Paul, as it happens the sites links just started to work and my edit of the last post overlapped with your response.
Ok, glad to know you got them. Are you planning to invest shortly?

Well it would be nice to try them and I should be having some state of the art evaluation transducers soon :D (ErgoIIIr)

Sadly funds are in very short supply but I do like my HiFi and there are 'no pockets in shrouds' so I may become a little rash with my spending in the new year and blag a pair of NC400s
Well I have read this thread a few times now, its sure got me a little excited.

Could someone just give me a sanity check for a pair of mono NC400

2 NC400 EUR 325,00
2 SMPS600 EUR 180,00
Subtotal: EUR 1.010,00
Shipping (UPS Standard): EUR 23,97
Payment (Bank transfer): EUR 0,00
VAT: EUR 217,13
Total: EUR 1.251,10
Well I have read this thread a few times now, its sure got me a little excited.

Could someone just give me a sanity check for a pair of mono NC400

2 NC400 EUR 325,00
2 SMPS600 EUR 180,00
Subtotal: EUR 1.010,00
Shipping (UPS Standard): EUR 23,97
Payment (Bank transfer): EUR 0,00
VAT: EUR 217,13
Total: EUR 1.251,10

I'd say you're spot on with that. Plus something nice to put them in of course:D
Hi Paul, I was toying with using my Galaxy HackerNAP enclosures, I built them with a no drill philosophy other than one back panel which is drilled / punched for a large heatsink, Neutrik power, Neutric speaker and 5 pin din signal connector. Two galaxy's stacked per channel, first impression looks like a whole NC400 would be lost in just one Galaxy case.

First thoughts were to use the HackerNAP linier supplies but the voltages are not suitable so buying in the Hypex switchmode now makes sense. Also the SMPS 600 looks ok for a stereo build so I am into overkill territory with a dual mono setup.
Current speakers are Thiel CS1.6 and are not a naughty load, the Ergos should be benign also.

That would leave me a pair of HackerNAPs, Canterbury transformers, main HackerCaps stuffed with Qspeed & Kendiels, front end HackerCaps and speaker protection boards to sell on to claw back some funds.

I would only need to make up a new balanced inter connect, put some tasty leds and a standby switch on the front panels.

No need to unbalance the Sen with transformers or whatever, also perhaps offload the Legato and Placids.

Overall as a long term solution it seems to make sense
Long term solution, i like that, when do any of us end with long term! I'm sure you'll find a way of pressing some more fleas into service:)
Long term solution, i like that, when do any of us end with long term! I'm sure you'll find a way of pressing some more fleas into service:)

It's just my way of kidding myself that I need Ncore and I can afford NCore :eek::D:eek:

Been raining most the afternoon so have spent most of it reading the diya thread.

I can feel a new thread coming on. Something like
My ???? Build

Becoming very interested, also decided that should I go Ncore then it probably needs something better than a Galaxy case...

If you're going to build ErgoIIIs, which not plan to drop the nCore amps into the enclosure, with the SMPS in a little metal shell on the back?

A long run of balanced interconnect (xlr mike cables) and little or no speaker cable is a very viable solution.

That's my gameplan - and I think it is my long term solution - won't be expecting to better these babies for some time to come.

(Now get the definitive SEN solution sorted - some of us are waiting with baited breath!)


If you're going to build ErgoIIIs, which not plan to drop the nCore amps into the enclosure, with the SMPS in a little metal shell on the back?

A neat idea, sort of Meridian like, I believe Meridian are using the commercial nCore but...
I am not building 'my' Ergos, Gareth of this parish is tasked with that little job :p
In fact they are very nearly built :)
Ergos crossovers have been designed as external by James so I would not be at liberty to stuff the amps in the cabinets.

A long run of balanced interconnect (xlr mike cables) and little or no speaker cable is a very viable solution.

Yes my HackerNAPs have nine meter interconnects and 400mm speaker cables, I would do the same with nCores.

That's my gameplan - and I think it is my long term solution - won't be expecting to better these babies for some time to come.

Unless Bruno comes up with something better :D

(Now get the definitive SEN solution sorted - some of us are waiting with baited breath!)

Well I have a long way to go yet. Actually nCore is part of my Sen journey.
In search of a high quality method of unbalancing the Sen it occurred to me that a fully balanced system from Sabre to amplifier may perform better and would a least obviate the need to unbalance the Sen.
Probably around the time of completing this lot cubeasic may have his linear supplies working. If they seem OK I will look to replacing my batteries with Fleas or maybe ALWSR.
Right now Sen wins over Legato, hands down.
As my Sen journey had a few niggles along the way I never witnessed the full step change of Legato to Sen until a while back when I reinstalled the Legato. By jingo, the Sen soon went back in. :D
Well I have a long way to go yet. Actually nCore is part of my Sen journey.
In search of a high quality method of unbalancing the Sen it occurred to me that a fully balanced system from Sabre to amplifier may perform better and would a least obviate the need to unbalance the Sen.
Probably around the time of completing this lot cubeasic may have his linear supplies working. If they seem OK I will look to replacing my batteries with Fleas or maybe ALWSR.
Right now Sen wins over Legato, hands down.
As my Sen journey had a few niggles along the way I never witnessed the full step change of Legato to Sen until a while back when I reinstalled the Legato. By jingo, the Sen soon went back in. :D

I'm certainly convinced that balanced is the way to go in a system with these components because the issue of attenuation can be taken care of elegantly in the digital domain, eliminating the need for a quality balanced preamp.

SEN would represent a particular challenge in my system as I use both the balanced and SE outputs from my Legato. That would need to be addressed before I got too excited about the FET circuit, but if the sonic gains are there...
Thinking about an enclosure I veered to something along the line of propods with a walnut end cap to match the Ergos but with a more machined 'square' profile to wooden part. These tubes are a little small but a few minutes googling turned up cheap 5" diameter tube this seems to be around £10 a foot.
Tony - that's a nice idea, quite fitting given the shape of the amp.

I'd advise some form of metal to act as a bit of a heatsink. Although the amps are very efficient, they do generate some temperature which will ultimately limit the life of the onboard caps (if not other components). It's not - Bruno assures us - a significant or short term issue, but I'd be unhappy sealing these amps in a thermally inefficient container of any sort.

I use cast aluminium heatsinks with an effective surface area of about 20cmsquared. This keeps temps down to 50-60 celsius, well below the rated value for the components.

There is some discussion on the DIYA thread which you've probably seen. Just wanted to add my observational experience.

Yes its just a starter for ten sort of idea and needs some thought but the basic material cost and deign idea look well to me.

Possible drilling of small ventilation holes in the tube would work, giving an effect rather like the Michell Techno arm. Possibly lit with leds on the inside.

Fastening the whole sub chassis (tray in Naim speak) to the tube in a good thermal manor would maybe allow the whole tube to radiate the heat, there is a lot of surface area on a twelve inch long 5 inch diameter tube.
Again conventional heat sinks could be incorporated maybe but seems tricky at first thoughts.

The Aluminum tube could lie flat like propods or stand upright like a chimney.
Upright mounting could have a vent at the top and bottom and perhaps be quite thermally efficient, might look like one of the old super computers but scaled down somewhat.

The heat loss for nCore is very small.

From the nCore manual
The amount of cooling needed by the NC400 varies with usage. If your power supply includes a gate
drive supply (referenced to –HV), as the SMPS600 does, idle dissipation is around 4.5W. When no
drive supply is available, another 5W are being dissipated by the on-board regulator. Additional
power loss scales linearly with output power. A good rule of thumb is Ploss=Pidle+0.06*Pout.
How well a cooling arrangement works is expressed as “thermal resistance Θ”. This number indicates
how much warmer (in Kelvin or degrees Celsius) the heat sink becomes compared to ambient
temperature when asked to dissipate a certain amount (in watts) of thermal power. Thermal
resistance is expressed in Kelvin per watt. The lower thermal resistance becomes, the more power
you can get rid of for a given allowable temperature rise: ∆t=Θ*P.
A sensible maximum heat sink temperature would be 80°C and a conservative ambient temperature
would be a toasty 35°C. Design ∆t=45K.

I am only up to post 2831 over on diya, I may never get to the end of the thread judging by the rate at which they post :D
Yes, you had to be in from the beginning for the full effect of the nCore thread!!!!

There's a lot of noise, unlike the amps, so you really have to search for the worthwhile stuff, especially towards the more recent end of the postings. (and at the very beginning - and in the middle, come to think of it)

I have erred on the side of caution thermally, I think. My amps don't reach anything like 80 degrees c. I just wanted to alert that these amps, though class d, do generate some thermallity. Unlike my older UCD180s which are never noticeably above ambient.
Yes one he'll of a lot of distractions on the thread.
I am a sucker for hyper links so are only on 2963 even now.

