
HS2 - levelling up... LOL

Possibly the solution for travel out of Bradford. The fastest train from Bradford to Manchester involves first taking a train to Leeds and changing trains there. For those without a map or knowledge of the local area I can confirm that this means that a 40-mile journey between 2 cities and travelling from east to west involves first travelling eastwards for 10 miles on a different train.
You can only imagine the outrage if travel from Slough to London involved first travelling to Maidenhead.
Big blow to the north , i could easily commute from manchester to london 1 hour one way !! ...not to be sadly
Call me a cynic but I'm expecting a substantial proportion of the £36bn to be additional roads, given his Ballardian car fetish.
Maybe another runway or two as well.
My own experience of the northern railway network is as follows.

Short journeys give mixed results. I travel from Castleford to Leeds in less than 20 minutes, I prefer this to going by car, generally the train has ample seating and runs on time, all good. This changes dramatically if you do the same journey for work, I spent 2 weeks doing this about 5 year ago, you never got a seat, it really was ‘packed’, sometimes you couldn’t even get on the train, you then had a 30 minute wait until the next one. At the time I bumped into an old school friend who had worked in Leeds for 20+ years, who said he had given up on doing petitions for extra carriages and just had to live with it!

So, short journeys, depending on time can be either very good or very bad.

Longer journeys are SLOW, it takes as long to get to Liverpool as it does to get to London, which is around 100 miles further. The journey to Liverpool is very tedious, never really gets going, lots of stop/start and slower speeds.

As said further up the thread, the north needs a high speed line between Liverpool and Hull, with Leeds and Manchester as the other stops.
So Network North is announced in place of the northern leg of HS2... cue the same conversations in 5-10 years time about how Network North has not happened and will not happen... surely no one north of Birmingham can vote for this shower after the disaster of 'levelling up'.
I‘m thinking Sir K will announce a reversal of the HS2 decision at the labour conference?
How many more £billions like failed test and trace (£34bn) have been pissed up against the wall by these Tories?
So Network North is announced in place of the northern leg of HS2... cue the same conversations in 5-10 years time about how Network North has not happened and will not happen... surely no one north of Birmingham can vote for this shower after the disaster of 'levelling up'.

Network North appears to include Plymouth.

I was listening to someone on BBC 5Live this morning who was involved in the delivery of HS1. It was delivered 6 weeks early and 6% under budget. It uses tried and tested French TGV Technology and Infrastructure. Why didn't we just follow that successful delivery model, but use the faster TGV Technology?

Given the success of HS1 delivery, we really should have had HS2 and HS3 as direct follow on projects with the supply chain and experience all in place.
HS3 is where it is at. Places like Leeds and Manchester have their growth stifled by the inability to "bus" more people in, to enable people with skills useful to a Leeds company, but who live in Manchester and don't want to move, to travel to Leeds for has a posh name which I can't remember :) Ed Balls goes on about it in the podcast link I posted upthread.

It is not all about speed, it's about having a decent, reliable service with enough capacity to serve business.

But now HS2 is cancelled there will be no HS3.

Anyone here traveled on the cross Pennie line? It is dire. No idea how they can improve it without digging a new tunnel, and like that's not happening 'cos it's a big infrastructure project and the UK's not doing those for travel service anymore....

HS3 is analogous to the building of the M62, it unlocked so much trade between the north east and the north west.

