
HS2 - levelling up... LOL

I feel sorry for the population of Chorley, who seem to have been squished by having Manchester dumped on top of them.
I think we Mancs had to move over to make room for Macclesfield. Which seems to be trying to distance itself from Leek. Which is understandable.
Anyone here traveled on the cross Pennie line? It is dire.
Sadly only too often. I last used it in March or April to get to Manch airport from Leeds. It took all morning to cover 50 miles and I had to change at Rochdale and some station in central Manchester. I think that if I put in enough training I could cycle from my house to Manchester Airport in less time than it takes on the train.
I've had similar experiences travelling from Manchester to Hull. On one occasion I had to get off at one Wakefield station and walk for 10 minutes across town to the next station for the second train.
HS2 will not go to Euston without private funds

It's not going to Euston is it? Still it's no problem as I've often had the need to get to Acton from Birmingham quickly so happy days :rolleyes:

there had been two "unaffordable designs" for a "gold-plated" station.

Please tell me they haven't ditched the diamond encrusted escalators and Dom Perignon drinking fountains. We Liberal Metropolitan Elite expect a modest level of comfort.
The ‘Northern Research Group’ of Tory Gauleiters will no doubt be meeting Barrat and Wimpey for a business conference titled ‘Where There’s (freshly dug) Muck There’s Brass’
I understand Starmer says he can't promise to reinstate HS2 after a GE, because the Tories have already started selling off the land.

What he could do, though, is introduce a state of creative ambiguity so that the land becomes effectively worthless and in a state of limbo. If he said something like "We can't rule out the possibility that land could be compulsorily purchased, again, if we were to reinstate HS2", that'd put a kink in the Tories' plans to enrich their mates with a land bonanza.
In this case Starmer has a point. The Tories will have sold all the land, land we all collectively own, to party donors at a knock-down rate effectively sabotaging all future prospects. It appears the Tory party viewed HS2 as yet another opportunity to scam the citizens of this nation.

The Conservative Party is a criminal enterprise. The corruption on display is worse than even Zimbabwe under Mugabe.
In this case Starmer has a point. The Tories will have sold all the land, land we all collectively own, to party donors at a knock-down rate effectively sabotaging all future prospects. It appears the Tory party viewed HS2 as yet another opportunity to scam the citizens of this nation.

The Conservative Party is a criminal enterprise. The corruption on display is worse than even Zimbabwe under Mugabe.
I said:
I understand Starmer says he can't promise to reinstate HS2 after a GE, because the Tories have already started selling off the land.

What he could do, though, is introduce a state of creative ambiguity so that the land becomes effectively worthless and in a state of limbo. If he said something like "We can't rule out the possibility that land could be compulsorily purchased, again, if we were to reinstate HS2", that'd put a kink in the Tories' plans to enrich their mates with a land bonanza.
In this case Starmer has a point. The Tories will have sold all the land, land we all collectively own, to party donors at a knock-down rate effectively sabotaging all future prospects. It appears the Tory party viewed HS2 as yet another opportunity to scam the citizens of this nation.

The Conservative Party is a criminal enterprise. The corruption on display is worse than even Zimbabwe under Mugabe.

If that was the real intent, it would have been far more fruitful to build the northern leg first, then sell off the more valuable land in the south to their mates for buttons.
If that was the real intent, it would have been far more fruitful to build the northern leg first, then sell off the more valuable land in the south to their mates for buttons.

I think you're right. It's just the usual opportunism. Same as we saw with covid.

I wonder how many Conservative MPs are already negotiating with developers for a cushy job when they lose their seat next year.
I think you're right. It's just the usual opportunism. Same as we saw with covid.

I wonder how many Conservative MPs are already negotiating with developers for a cushy job when they lose their seat next year.

There must be complete transparency over the matter. For every title deed, the compulsory purchase price and resale price should be open book and in the public domain. I don’t trust any politician, of any party, to act in the best interest of taxpayers.

Of course, the other novel idea the govt could do with lots of land it now finds itself owning is to build houses on it.
There must be complete transparency over the matter.

There won’t be. The Tories own the law, own the press, and their voter base are folk like you who largely turn a blind eye to the corruption and hypocrisy as you think you are getting something in the deal.

PS Hint: you aren’t!
There won’t be. The Tories own the law, own the press, and their voter base are folk like you who largely turn a blind eye to the corruption and hypocrisy as you think you are getting something in the deal.

PS Hint: you aren’t!

Well, on the basis they very possibly won’t be in govt next year, and this process will take years to unwind, it’ll be largely down to the next govt to sort out. I won’t expect any different or better overall outcome for the taxpayer.
Well, on the basis they very possibly won’t be in govt next year, and this process will take years to unwind, it’ll be largely down to the next govt to sort out. I won’t expect any different or better overall outcome for the taxpayer.

Labour are neoliberal, socially conservative and authoritarian, but they have never been connected to anything even remotely similar to this 14 year run of multi-£bn corruption and theft. I have never liked or respected Labour as a party, but in comparison they were just petty crooks dipping the expenses till a little too deep, not a global crime syndicate like the modern oligarch-owned and run Tory kleptocracy. We are simply not comparing the same levels of criminality here.
this is interesting article , isome years ago i looked at buying a house in Bromford and noticed how cheap they were . I soon found out they were going to tunnel under it

  • Bromford tunnel will be 3.5 (5.8km) miles long
I understand Starmer says he can't promise to reinstate HS2 after a GE, because the Tories have already started selling off the land.

What he could do, though, is introduce a state of creative ambiguity so that the land becomes effectively worthless and in a state of limbo. If he said something like "We can't rule out the possibility that land could be compulsorily purchased, again, if we were to reinstate HS2", that'd put a kink in the Tories' plans to enrich their mates with a land bonanza.
I wondered the exact same thing. Even a tiny bit of ambiguity would scupper plans. That said, in financial terms, the land probably pales into insignificance compared to winding down the construction activity, making good and the (no doubt) hideous termination clauses someone agreed to on our behalf.

