
How would you vote in a General Election?

How would you vote in a General Election?

  • A Brexit Party (Brexit, UKIP)

    Votes: 22 11.6%
  • A Remain Party (Liberal Democrat, Green, SNP, Change UK, Plaid, Sinn Fein, SDLP, Alliance)

    Votes: 123 65.1%
  • The Labour Party

    Votes: 35 18.5%
  • The Conservative Party

    Votes: 7 3.7%
  • Other (Raving Looney, DUP etc)

    Votes: 2 1.1%

  • Total voters
It is now abundantly clear they will not get a GE (let alone win one), so when are the leadership going to start actively campaigning for a second ref?!
I think it works like this. The only time you know if you can’t not get something in the future is when you have got it. And then obviously you can’t not get it. So they needn’t start campaigning for a second referendum rather than an election until it’s too late not to get one, and then of course it won’t be necessary because we will have an election.

And Brexit will be done by then anyway.

Hope that makes things clear.
I think it works like this. The only time you know that you can’t not get something in the future is when you have got it. So they will start campaigning for a second referendum rather than an election once we have an election.

Sorry to jump in. Corbyn said recently that Labour will go for a second referendum on their deal, if we vote them into power. This will not be a copycat of the first referendum and will not include a Remain choice.

Corbyn said recently that Labour will go for a second referendum on their deal, if we vote them into power. This will not be a copycat of the first referendum and will not include a Remain choice.

So. Corbyn said recently that Labour will go for a second referendum without including the choice whose lack has resulted in a massive loss of labour support.

He's not quite grasped this yet. Give him time...
You are missing the point as usual. Corbyn has said he is not in favour of a second referendum that would include a Remain choice. This is why people are leaving the Labour Party. It's irrelevant that Labour won't set the referendum question.

Nope, I haven’t missed your point, it’s simply a ridiculous demand. Labour will support a second referendum if it can’t secure an election and that is the correct position to take. That you disagree with that position does not mean the policy is unclear or wrong. In fact, it is correct.

Labour can’t set any referendum question, it is irrelevant if they demand remain be on the paper, that would be entirely down to the tories.

You’re going to get that tory hard brexit you deserve for your intransigence and lack of respect.
So. Corbyn said recently that Labour will go for a second referendum without including the choice whose lack has resulted in a massive loss of labour support.

He's not quite grasped this yet. Give him time...

Although Corbyn hasn't grasped it yet, it looks like an insurrection is starting to take place.

Labour can’t set any referendum question, it is irrelevant if they demand remain be on the paper, that would be entirely down to the tories.

Because Corbyn doesn't support a second referendum with a Remain choice, if the Tories came up with a proposal for one he would whip Labour to vote against it. He doesn't want a Remain choice under any circumstances. This is why people are leaving the Labour Party.

I've no idea what you're talking about. Your first sentence makes no sense, it's not even a good tory spin on the truth.

Labour will support a second referendum if they are unable for get a GE. It's very clear. The whole point is they will support a referendum on a shite tory deal. How do you work out they will support a second referendum only if they win an election?

"Labour will support a second referendum if they are unable for get a GE" and I'll buy everyone on here a bottle of champagne IF I win the lottery. Corbyn is still holding for a ref that has a Labour negotiated deal in it. He thinks that there could be a GE soon and that Labour will win it. Really. He has not made a clear statement backing a second ref without any ifs and buts. As the FT put it 14 hours ago: "Labour campaigners for a second Brexit referendum are planning to ambush Jeremy Corbyn at the party’s annual conference this autumn to try to push him into clear-cut support for their cause." Another journal said, "Emily Thornberry heaped blame on Mr Corbyn for refusing to give his full-throated support for a second referendum". That's why she is facing demotion.

The GE proviso is just more fudge and voters are fed up with indecision.
a) I guess you mean ‘on any deal’. If so, Labour has said it supports a second referendum on the deal the tories come up with if Labour can’t get a General Election. That’s clear.

b) The govt gets to set the question in a referendum. Labour can’t ‘include remain as an option’. That’s clear.
No, not really. I may be mistaken, but I'm pretty sure Parliament agreed the question to be put to the electorate in the last referendum. I don't think it was a Tory 'this is the question, take it or leave it' scenario. If nothing else, I believe the Electoral Commission has to approve the wording of the question.

So, plenty of scope for an effective opposition to wangle a Remain option onto the ballot, if so minded.
It is not a lack of clarity from Labour, it’s that you don’t support Labour policies. Just accept it and stick with whatever waste of time you’re into right now before your next change of mind.

Carry on enabling the tories, Jack. Just don’t complain about brexit and any of their policies when the penny drops.
I'm sick and tired of this 'vote anything but Labour and you've enabled Tory Brexit' bollocks. It's bullying tactics, and it doesn't sit well with a party which claims such respect for democracy.

If you want my vote, bloody well earn it, or persuade me that you deserve it. Holding a Tory-shaped gun to my head is far more likely to turn me away, than draw me back in.
I'm sick and tired of this 'vote anything but Labour and you've enabled Tory Brexit' bollocks. It's bullying tactics, and it doesn't sit well with a party which claims such respect for democracy.

If you want my vote, bloody well earn it, or persuade me that you deserve it. Holding a Tory-shaped gun to my head is far more likely to turn me away, than draw me back in.

It’s not that long ago that we were being told Labour would walk the next election and the Tories were finished as a political party. How times change.
I believe that is one of the Johnson’s pledges, isn’t it?

As is this

Because Corbyn doesn't support a second referendum with a Remain choice, if the Tories came up with a proposal for one he would whip Labour to vote against it. He doesn't want a Remain choice under any circumstances. This is why people are leaving the Labour Party.

Ok. Let’s hope they understand they are enabling a hard brexit with a tory govt and don’t whinge about it.
If Labour really do support a second ref without ‘remain’ as an option they have seen the last of my votes, and a few others I think.
Your choice, Alex. I know you realise only Labour or Conservative can win an election under our current system. Shame about the LibDem sell-outs in 2010. It could all be so very different.

