
Hifi News Review of Naim Statement

Any time you go to a component supplier and ask for any change, modification or "bespoke" parameter from what is his "standard product" based on his pared-down-to-the-bone cost, there will be an additional price to pay. MIL standard, Spaceflight standard, matched pairs, additional inspections, screening or testing, your own company logo, no logo at all (cf BMW cars with no badges on the rear!). Any requested change results in additional work (hence costs) for the supplier, and he will want to recoup those costs. And the markup is often considerable, your five pence resistor from Maplins could well end up being ten quid in space qualified standard.
In my experience custom selection power transistors are not that much more expensive than commodity parts. Manufacturers make many parts from the same die just by testing to different limits. So long as yield is ok, price premium is not that much. The big advantage to Naim is locking down the servicing business.
The Bentley connection is an interesting one. It reminds me of Buggati's comment of the Bentley as a racing lorry, surely 2kW is overkill and not very agile.
Exactly what Naim say they did - design the transistors in-house from scratch.

Not sure they would have designed the silicon, but they would have certainly written the specification against which they procured the devices. Do you know who they get them from?
As a "purchaser," would one prefer them to spend company money on a fancy website, or in the electronics in one's living room?

One would prefer a bit of professionalism and pride in their product. A shoddy amateurish website says to me they have no interest in informing prospective customers of their products.

If they spend so little effort on their customer interaction what is to say their designs aren't as poor.
Just IME, the really clever people in this industry tend to be mavericks and somewhat unconventional.

Unless they are lucky enough to tie up with a commercially savvy businessman they are likely to fall by the wayside because the presentation is not what some high end buyers demand.

The truth often is that their products are remarkable - it's just that everything else is lacking.

At the other extreme we have companies trading on past achievements by using slick 21st century presentation and marketing skills.
The Bentley connection is an interesting one. It reminds me of Buggati's comment of the Bentley as a racing lorry, surely 2kW is overkill and not very agile.

Both are VW are they racing Beetles? There is, hopefully, always more than one way to win a race.
Not sure they would have designed the silicon, but they would have certainly written the specification against which they procured the devices. Do you know who they get them from?

I know where the old ones came from and who fabbed the silicon. I assume the new ones come from the same backend (since they are very flexible for low volume stuff), but I'm wondering if the new ones are FETs - they are described as "N" and "P". Of course it could be just the 'highly technical' journos' way of describing BJTs.

I love the way they describe the completely standard "copper heatspreader" and "non resonant epoxy shell" that every TO220/247 etc, has as something unique. I suppose it is if you've been stuck in TO3-land for 40 years.
Why does an amplifier have to be so complicated.

Who once said a perfect amplifier should be a piece of wire with a volume control on it.
Why does an amplifier have to be so complicated.

Why does a CT scanner have to be so complicated? The more complicated they become, and the more electronic circuits are put in, the better the resolution. The KISS principle is wrong.
Given that even the most basic Naim amplification will have a noise floor considerably lower than that of the vinyl source most Naimees will favour, claims of enhanced resolution have to make people chuckle.
Given that even the most basic Naim amplification will have a noise floor considerably lower than that of the vinyl source most Naimees will favour, claims of enhanced resolution have to make people chuckle.

Sadly, it's not all about noise floor.

[hurrah, I put "sadly" into a post]
What else is there involved with resolution as per your analogy? Distortion? Mythical timing?

