
Has N. Korea pushed their luck too far now?

This is just NK throwing its teddies out of the cot in response to the last round of sanctions. It's all they can do in response.

You'll notice that the threatened strike on Guam hasn't happened.

There was never the threat made of a strike on Guam.
We've probably gone past the point of regime change anyway, NK are to all intents and purposes a nuclear power so that pretty much assures KJU's position. He's made a mockery of the sanctions programme, so it's moved from being a problem to a fact now. Quite how he intends to leverage the rest of the international community, I don't know, but I'd be concerned that he starts to sell nuclear weapon expertise to other states to provide the US and others with even more headaches.
Ultimately, the only thing to do it nothing, because there's nothing useful to do. Any country that wants nuclear weapons can get them, if it's suitably determined and prepared to spend the very large amounts of money.

Agreed for the present, but some kind of strategies need to be agreed in case NK starts behaving in a belligerent manner.

We could also do with working out some kind of disincentives to be applied to additional countries developing/acquiring their own nuclear weapons.
IMHO the only option is to accept the fact of NK as a nuclear power. The regime almost certainly has no intention of committing suicide, it wants to survive. It has seen that the world lives with India, Pakistan and Israel as nuclear powers. It has seen that Iran gets respectful handling when it makes vague motions in the direction of nuclear weapons. It knows that it's Game Over if it ever started a war. It knows that China doesn't want it to collapse, nor does China want a US ally right on its border.

Ultimately, the only thing to do it nothing, because there's nothing useful to do. Any country that wants nuclear weapons can get them, if it's suitably determined and prepared to spend the very large amounts of money.

Exactly. Trump and Boris Johnson whining on aren't going to make any difference whatsoever.

Is it just me, or does the N Korean news presenter Ri Chun-hee remind anyone else of their mother?
I'm a British honky, so nothing re: ethnicity. Perhaps something about her manner.
Anyway, sorry - off topic.
There was never the threat made of a strike on Guam.

OK but a strike " at the areas around Guam " would likely provoke an escalated response from the US.

The point remains that they keep firing into the sea and *not* anywhere near US forces on Guam.
Part of the reason the US did not issue an ultimatum prior to Hiroshima was the risk that the relatively new technology wouldn't actually work properly.

Have Pyongyang not hit Guam because they are deliberately missing, or because they haven't quite got their aim right yet?
We could also do with working out some kind of disincentives to be applied to additional countries developing/acquiring their own nuclear weapons.

One of the big worries here is that North Korea, pressured by more sanctions, offers to sell nuclear technology to other countries in return for vital supplies. Or to terrorist groups.
One of the big worries here is that North Korea, pressured by more sanctions, offers to sell nuclear technology to other countries in return for vital supplies. Or to terrorist groups.

How difficult is it to jump from a "dirty bomb" to a truly "filthy bomn" Tones?

What's the size of a nuclear warhead out of interest?
How difficult is it to jump from a "dirty bomb" to a truly "filthy bomn" Tones?

The "dirty bomb" business is a myth. The concept is that one had a device that didn't have such a big bang, but which merely spread radioactive material around to make people sick. However, chunks of radioactive material aren't that dangerous, provided you keep your distance. In fact, the dirtiest bomb is a proper atomic bomb, with the full panoply of alpha- beta- and gamma-radiation, plus irradiated dust from the bang.

What's the size of a nuclear warhead out of interest?

The "suitcase nuke" is another myth. During the Cold War, both the US and the USSR developed relatively small warheads portable by individuals, but the "suitcase" in each case looked more like a trunk. I think the smallest warheads developed were the MIRV multiple types, which, mounted in their re-entry vehicles, are still quite substantial, about 5' long. As you can see from this, it's quite an involved bit of gear:

I'd imagine that the North Koreans are some way from this degree of sophistication - well, I hope so.
Smallest ever was either the one used in the Davey Crockett.


Which also got used in the demolition device.

Or the one in the 155mm shell


Physics prevents anything smaller.
Part of the reason the US did not issue an ultimatum prior to Hiroshima was the risk that the relatively new technology wouldn't actually work properly.

Have Pyongyang not hit Guam because they are deliberately missing, or because they haven't quite got their aim right yet?

AFAIK, they have not yet fired any missiles at Guam or anywhere near it.
Kim Jong Cartman "Respect Mah Authoritah!" hasn't pulled the trigger yet because he's not sick of living just yet, I do wonder if it's the thought of reparations after any conflict that motivates the rotund lard barrel, the only obese person in NK whose national dish was once cabbage (Kimchi) now it's grass! However the cholesterol kid Kim has been involved in some very nasty stuff, even feeding people poisoned Kimchi, gassing people, feeding people to animals, NK are right up there with Nazi Germany and USA conducting lethal experimentation on their own citizens.

