
Has N. Korea pushed their luck too far now?

NK always said they were going to drop the missiles near Guam, don't think they ever said they would attack it.

In the end they bottled out of doing anything to or near Guam.
..Or the one in the 155mm shell


Physics prevents anything smaller.
Not much room for the implosion explosives, so that core must be so close to critical.
I wonder how long those guys lived after that photo was taken
What realistic aim could NK have for a single nuclear strike on US territory?

With NK's aim they have very little realistic chance of hitting anything unless they line the west coast with barn doors or cows arses.
Seems to be having some unfortunate consequences:

Unfortunately, the Japanese shows of Ian Hunter and The Rant Band planned for September 2017 were cancelled by the promoter.
While Ian and the Rant Band were willing and prepared to meet their obligations, and tour in Japan on their scheduled dates, the promoter was unwilling to proceed, ‘due to the threat of war’.
Haw, Haw, Haw, I did not say 'Simon says, touch your nose'. YOU! With the smaller big hat, death by anti-aircraft gun! Haw, Haw, Chop, Chop!
According to North Korea's Foreign Minister, Trump has declared war. In a tweet FFS.
Nothing on his Twitter feed, other than a constant stream of NFL deflection and some bullshit about doing some bigly tax cuts and reform.
Ah, it seems that the NK Foreign Minister has decided to take Dotard's Sept 23rd tweet as a declaration of war...

@realDonaldTrump aka Drumpf aka Dotard aka Twitler said:
Donald J. Trump‏ Verified account @realDonaldTrump Sep 23
Just heard Foreign Minister of North Korea speak at U.N. If he echoes thoughts of Little Rocket Man, they won't be around much longer!

I predict that, in the post-nuclear apocalypse world 'Be careful what you Tweet for' will be a thing.

