
Gustard Network Switch... Thoughts?

I've opened a thread asking people whether sacrificing a herd of oxen can be relied on to ensure it rains next month, and pretty much everyone who has tried it thinks it works.
I don't believe anyone has mentioned this, but:

Where exactly are you going to derive the 10mhz clock from for these switches? Unless you're actually going to feed it an external clock signal then what's the point?
It has an internal clock with provision to use an external one. There is an 'INT/EXT' switch on the back by the coax.
I still find it amazing that computers connected to networks receiving packets of data work without errors but dacs just cant manage it.... you streaming guys ste literally taking your lives in your own hands
I'm of a mind that trying to discuss why switches shouldn't make a difference or if they do it's because it's a poor streamer/DAC design is pointless.

Once the foo is debunked the inevitable default response of "why don't you just try it then" is deployed.
Yeah, that ‘poor streamer/dac design’ diatribe was the rhetoric of the ex PFM member who repeated that at every opportunity except he called it ‘heroically badly designed’ and ultimately of course it got him exited from PFM when it just became too boring to even raise a smile.

Crying or shouting FOO! is easy but the problem for those who shout it is that the influence of switches and other network paraphernalia on sound quality is pretty easy to hear both in a positive and a negative way (I have heard plenty of network devices that make the sound worse when they are added into the network).

I am no stranger to being accused of selling foo cables and I suppose I might be worried if the detractors actually knew what they were talking about and if it wasn’t for the constant stream of delight in my incoming emails. Likewise I doubt that Innuos pay any attention at all to any shouts of foo from you or others over their PhoenixNET audiophile switch and why should they pay any attention when there are so many people who like what they hear when they install it in their system?

You say, “once the foo is debunked” but I am pretty sure that there has not been any rigorous debunking by you or anyone else in this thread of audiophile switches. All I have seen is playground taunts of calling people idiots.

(Just to be clear by the way, probably most of us who use and like audiophile switches are quite clear that what we hear is not due to any clocks in the switches or connected to them).

I still find it amazing that computers connected to networks receiving packets of data work without errors but dacs just cant manage it.... you streaming guys ste literally taking your lives in your own hands
Yeah, hilarious I’m sure. But no none is saying or claiming there are any transmission errors. The only person claiming that claim is being made is you.
You say, “once the foo is debunked” but I am pretty sure that there has not been any rigorous debunking by you or anyone else in this thread of audiophile switches. All I have seen is playground taunts of calling people idiots.

Use the search function, it has been done to death and I have no interest in trying to discuss the technical aspects of why they can't or don't do what you claim anymore.

It only ends with the "well I hear a difference so I don't care what you say" when the audiophile argument cannot be proven anyway
So whatever your personal view, someone on the point of purchase of one of these shouldn't even try one from a well-known brand? That's enlightened!
Don’t know why you’re bothering. The personal insults and lack of respect towards people who are just trying to discuss something, anything, in a respectful and constructive way is now impossible.
Total lack of respect.
ASR part 2.
Use the search function, it has been done to death and I have no interest in trying to discuss the technical aspects of why they can't or don't do what you claim anymore.

It only ends with the "well I hear a difference so I don't care what you say" when the audiophile argument cannot be proven anyway
So why not just dip out of this thread and others like it?
Likewise I doubt that Innuos pay any attention at all to any shouts of foo from you or others over their PhoenixNET audiophile switch and why should they pay any attention when there are so many people who like what they hear when they install it in their system?
Even though I am favourable to there being a benefit in placing a switch between the router and the audio gear, I can't accept your argument as valid.
One could easily replace "PhoenixNET audiophile switch" with "medical copper bracelet"...
Even though I am favourable to there being a benefit in placing a switch between the router and the audio gear, I can't accept your argument as valid.
One could easily replace "PhoenixNET audiophile switch" with "medical copper bracelet"...
Why do you think a switch in between the Router and Streamer is beneficial?
Why do you think a switch in between the Router and Streamer is beneficial?
The router is a potential point of ingress for noise/interference.
It's worse if you use shileded/FTP ethernet cables because you are linking the grounds.
This was taken from "There's no Such Thing as Digital: a Conversation With Charles Hansen (Ayre), Gordon Rankin (Wavelength Audio), and Steve Silberman" by Michael Lavorgna, AudioStream June 24, 2013:

Michael Lavorgna: It's common for people to envision and represent a digital signal as a series of 1s and 0s. As such, there's really no room for error, at least according to this binary theory. Is a digital signal simply a series of 1s and 0s?

Charlie Hansen: Unfortunately not. The "1"s and "0"s are just abstractions that are easy to think about. But in the real world, something real needs to represent those two abstract states. In modern digital electronics, we have almost universally chosen a voltage above a specific level (that varies from one "family" of electronic parts to another) to represent a "1" and a voltage below a different specific level (that again can vary) to represent a "0".

In the real world, those two voltages are not the same, so there is a "grey" zone between the "black" of the "0" and the "white" of the "1". Also, it takes time for the signal to change levels, and the time required to do so can depend on dozens (or even thousands) of other external factors.

All of the problems with digital are analog problems.
Likewise I doubt that Innuos pay any attention at all to any shouts of foo from you or others over their PhoenixNET audiophile switch
Why can’t Innuous share some measurements to show that their switch makes a measurable difference to the noise that gets into their streamers? Surely it should be trivial to do this - they must already have such measurements, how else could they have designed it?

