
Ghastly expressions you want to see the back of in 2011

I think the original from The Office was "There's no 'I' in 'team'. But then there's no 'I' in 'useless smug colleague', either. And there's four in 'platitude-quoting idiot'. Go figure."

Good quote, I wouldn't have seen it because the first ten minutes of The Office was enough to put me off watching it forever. Desperately over-rated unfunny drivel of the highest order. It is (along with any of Ricky Gervais' other attempts at it) to situation comedy what 'The Blair Witch Project' is to decent films.
No let him suffer, one minute he is raving about them and the next minute he flogs them.

If you like something, you stick with it.


To be honest (and all variants)
Another vote for going forward. Use of that expression should be a capital offence.
****wit members of the public on TV shows who start every sentence with a verb, leaving out the subject. For example, "Driving down the road. Saw my mate. Went for a drink. Head exploded." BASTARDS.
Mick, you know- the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about. Enjoy your well earned notoriety, its Saturday afternoon after all.

