
Ghastly expressions you want to see the back of in 2011


I like management speak, it is bloody good at getting an obvious point across. My all time favourites are "quick wins" and "picking the low hanging fruit"

Both are nonsensical but their meaning is crystal clear. These expressions enliven a dull language.

Mick .. now in archive driven mode

Anybody who thinks of English as a 'dull language', really does have a problem.

I like management speak, it is bloody good at getting an obvious point across. My all time favourites are "quick wins" and "picking the low hanging fruit"

Both are nonsensical but their meaning is crystal clear. These expressions enliven a dull language.
You have it completely wrong: English is a beautiful, lively language that's defiled by management speak.

"I myself think............"
(especially at supermarket checkouts) "See you later" - No, I haven't forgotten anything and have no intention of coming back today.
"Sort of...." - Well is it or isn't it?
"To be honest" or for more emphasis, "to be perfectly honest".

What, are you a habitual liar?
Anyone who says 'was sat' or 'is sat' and variations thereof, when they should be saying 'was seated' or 'was sitting'
I'm not a racist, but...

I don't want to influence you, but...

I didn't want to add anythng to this, but...

I don't want to force you, but...

And one I particularly like, especially when spoken out by a woman: What 'never told you' ? - I've been sending you signs for months !!

You have it completely wrong: English is a beautiful, lively language that's defiled by management speak.



English was a beautiful language until the Americans and the internet all but murdered it.

Today it is no more than jargon.



