
General Election 2024

If that is Campbell, and it probably is because he has told his favourite joke about Willy Whitelaw for perhaps the 6th time this year, it is not a leak just a gag. He does make a serious point i.e: "Talk up supermajority. I know it is meaningless but it is the only way to stop the superdefeat"
Leadsom being allowed to spout her transphobic filth on Politics Live, completely unchallenged by the two Labour Party bods- indeed Dugdale nodded along in agreement. Shameful.
You like higher inflation?
What they can take credit for is the high rate of inflation over the past couple of years or so, higher than many other countries in Europe. They can take credit for that because they didn't act more aggressively to restrain price increases for the consumer -- and they didn't do that because they don't really care about the plight of citizens. Let them eat cake.
I sincerely hope the current media outrage of the Tories betting on their own election date is blown wide open and there is a wider investigation into financial chicanery and insider dealing. So many MPs and their donors are directly involved with hedge-funds and other financial chicanery where their knowledge of government movement would be worth £millions.
Suspect the media is making hay with this precisely because allows them to do some Holding to Account without obliging them to look at more systemic issues. See also, Farage's Putinism, Starmer's hypocrisy over Corbyn, Sunak's D-Day traitorism - all ultimately trivial stuff that allows them to perform criticality and independence without every asking, "How come all the main parties are so racist? Why are they all backing austerity while saying they're not? What's all this about corruption and the House of Lords? How come we never recovered from the 2008 crash? What role did the media play in propping up these comically venal clowns for 14 years?"
8th Anniversary of Brexit vote yesterday. Hurray!

Will those Red-Wall seats in The North (of London), who voted Boris in to "Get Brexit Done" reward the Tories for all the Brexit Bonuses that have flowed their way since?
Will the Northern Powerhouse return another Thumping Majority to the Tories? Hearts full of Sovereignty (fridge and leccy meter empty). Will they march to the polls to say "Well Done Tories!, We've Never Had it so Good!" ? I'm looking forward to finding out.

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Farage's 'Putinism' is pure Farage. It's another opportunity for him to have a dig at the EU, by confusing and obfuscating EU and to some extent NATO expansion ( but not 'expansionism'), with Putin's Imperialism. It also handily aligns him with Trump//just in case he has to do yet another 'about face'.

We (should) all know that membership of both the EU and NATO are voluntary, that neither the EU nor NATO have ever invaded so much as a square inch of Russian, or former Soviet Bloc territory and that NATO is purely a defensive alliance, as borne out by the facts.
To claim admiration for Putrid 'as a political operator', even after Putrid had already usurped Russia's fledgeling Democracy.. says a lot about Farage's methodology, tactics and ambitions.
He's a shit..but he's not a joke.
Just trying to work through the figures of the state taking on private school pupils.

So far all i see is that most of the private school places are day schools on about £12kpa so will pay £2400 VAT but state school places cost c£7k each so our glorious leaders will lose c£4600 each? Boarding schools at (?) c£50k will pay £10k so a little to be had there but maybe a big loss in foreign earnings.

Only started thinking about it this morning after an item on private SEN schools so maybe i've missed something!

We only sent one to private school and it didn't seem to be a hotbed of entitled gentry.

