
General Election 2024

I see Mick P is back from a liquid lunch. More drunken Tory shitposting.
Actually it's Labour Party philosophy rather than Tory.

Starmer is a damn good copy of Blair, so happy days as far as I can see.

PS. In fairness Tony needs to drink a bit more as far as I can see, lighten up a bit more.

PPS. Liquid lunches in a good restaurant overlooking the med on a warm sunny day is a bloody good way of spending time.
The Tories are sensible enough to know when they are beat. Their main problem is that Starmer is a better Tory than Rishi. Socialism is dead for another five years and Thatcherism is back on track.

Luckily we have Hitchens to correct these falsehoods and reveal how Starmer is actually a Trotskyist, Liz Truss is the last beacon for Neoliberalism and Reform are the true conservatives.

Whether you like it or not, her policies are still the main drivers and the public support it because it works.
Well, if the measure of success is how long you have to wait on a trolley in a hospital corridor before a bed becomes available, or how many tons of shit are dumped into our rivers, or what an abortion our rail network has become, or how our deregulated financial system came close to crashing, then yeah. It’s been a rip roaring success.
Desperately trying not to lose his seat, knee deep in shit in a Surrey quagmire.
If he does, the poor wee lamb gets a £50 to £60 grand pay off to tide him over until he gets a position with a six figure salary from Goldman Sachs.
Democracy is founded on notions of equality
Is it really? I have serious doubts about that. Democracy as an idea purely means "the people" have the right to vote for who governs them. There is absolutely nothing intrinsic about such a system that means it's about equality in any other measure, or founded on such notions. Equality of choice as to who rules maybe, but that's as far as any "notions of equality" go in Democracy
I wouldn't want to be Starmer. The pressure on him to get it right is huge.
Get it wrong, and Farridge is in.
I probably won't be here, or won't be capable of knowing. My children will be, though.
Is it really? I have serious doubts about that. Democracy as an idea purely means "the people" have the right to vote for who governs them. There is absolutely nothing intrinsic about such a system that means it's about equality in any other measure, or founded on such notions. Equality of choice as to who rules maybe, but that's as far as any "notions of equality" go in Democracy
Yes. You are correct. After all, Athenian democracy was hardly based on anything we would consider equality.

But I was speaking in a more modern context about our democracy today.

It would be fair to say we only got democracy a few decades ago, but that was after centuries of agitation and blood.

I do think there is a case to say that our modern notions of equality have long roots. How long ago did John Ball ask, “when Adam delved and Eve span, who then was the gentleman?”?

I wouldn't want to be Starmer. The pressure on him to get it right is huge.
Get it wrong, and Farridge is in.
I probably won't be here, or won't be capable of knowing. My children will be, though.
Labour will win this election by taking over the Tory ground by appealing to those voters who are Tory. After the election the Labour Party will either have to reveal their true colours and try to appeal to more socialist voters, or they will try the same tactic as before, and appeal to Farage voters.
I was cheered to hear the Mick had decided to abstain this year.
I have no idea why anyone would do an analysis of the reform manifesto, it will obviously be fantasy because if they end up with three seats that will be a victory.
If Reform get 3 seats and that beats the tories my celebrations will go on well into the following week. 🍺 To see the total demise of the Tory party….
I have no idea why anyone would do an analysis of the reform manifesto, it will obviously be fantasy because if they end up with three seats that will be a victory.

The Reform manifesto of today is the Tory manifesto of the next election. Both parties are channelling the 1970s National Front, but Farage will have proved that idiots will vote for visceral racism, authoritarianism/removal of human rights, tax cuts for billionaires, private healthcare, ending the Good Friday Agreement and climate science denial. All things Tories also believe in, but are often too scared to say out loud.


