
General Election 2024


Labour builds a get out clause into it’s tax clampdown
I mentioned upthread I couldn’t find some polling data on manifesto pledges after reading the Green’s performance. I’ve found it for all parties here:

As ever with these polls the results are somewhat contradictory, but it goes a long way to dispel the idea that the electorate are all miserable racist austerity-loving pensioners who crave nothing more than tax-cuts for our multi-millionaire overlords.
"The UK's dire productivity performance since the great financial crisis of 2008 is, to a large extent, the single biggest driver of our dire living standards," the IPPR says.

Source: UK dire productivity performance

This is what 14 years of Tory economic incompetence has done.

Labour turned it around after the last wrecking ball Tory govt and its wrong-headed ideology. It will be more difficult next time as it is even worse now after 14 years of right wing brainwashing, lies and incompetent govt has cost the UK billions, but it can be done.

The tories demand 4th July be called an election for the future, they refuse to talk about the past 14 years. They lie and scaremonger about Labour, talking about £2,000pa tax increase per household, they talk of Labour and a pension tax while they have frozen personal tax allowances. The tories hurl this at Labour while simultaneously claiming record spend on virtually everything, failing to acknowledge their record on high taxation. They are liars on a massive scale. There probably is a record spend on everything, but where is it going…

We constantly get shouts of, “how will you pay for it” when anyone dares to suggest spending anything at all on public services. I probably missed it when I was younger, but I don’t recall such an inquisition until the tories lied that Labour caused the global crash in 2008 then used it as an excuse to implement their core ideology of cuts to public services and austerity from 2010, then convincing the easily persuaded that we can’t afford decent public services, so we have had 14 years of utter destruction.

The answer to this rant from tories of “how will you pay for it?” is easy.
A. We can start to be better by spending on the services money is meant for rather than diverting £££ to yourselves and your backers”.

In just over 2 weeks we have another chance to remove this party and ideology from govt. Since 2010 some people have totally bought into the anti-Labour propaganda as it has switched from Miliband to Corbyn and now to Starmer, my hope is people don’t buy it this time. Consider what the tories have actually done. Ignore the Labour hard left. They should set up a new left-wing party, stand for election on some policies and see what support they get from the electorate rather than striving to ensure another Tory term in govt.

Labour is not the same as the tories. Think of the last 14 years and remember this on 4th July.
In just over 2 weeks we have another chance to remove this party and ideology from govt.
The Tory Government will go, but the ideology will remain intact because
Labour have promised to take it on and what’s more, make it ironclad
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The Tory party and Labour can be easily compared to an old married couple. They bicker a lot but nearly always agree with each other.

There is hardly any difference between the two, even long standing party members will agree with that.
Removal of Child Benefit cap under Reform.
There's a thing, putting Farage to the left of Rayner🤔

The Tory party and Labour can be easily compared to an old married couple. They bicker a lot but nearly always agree with each other.

There is hardly any difference between the two, even long standing party members will agree with that.
That appears to be the Tory approach at the moment i.e. Labour are no different from us, so you might as well vote for us.

Tories like Mick that are saying that they might vote Labour really mean they're going to continue voting Tory when it comes time to put pen to paper.

Also the polling needs to be considered carefully as racist Tory voting pensioners don't like admitting that when asked, so will typically say something like they are undecided when they're planning to still vote Tory. Something similar happened at Brexit, with folks not wanting to admit racism was the main factor in casting their vote.
I mentioned upthread I couldn’t find some polling data on manifesto pledges after reading the Green’s performance. I’ve found it for all parties here:

As ever with these polls the results are somewhat contradictory, but it goes a long way to dispel the idea that the electorate are all miserable racist austerity-loving pensioners who crave nothing more than tax-cuts for our multi-millionaire overlords.
That's such an interesting poll. I'm surprised to see so much opposition to lowering the voting age to 16 and that there isn't more support for scrapping the Rwanda scheme.

Also.. 49% of people support a ban on domestic flights that can be done by train with 39% against. It's a policy I support but I honestly thought it would be a lot more controversial.
That appears to be the Tory approach at the moment i.e. Labour are no different from us, so you might as well vote for us.

Tories like Mick that are saying that they might vote Labour really mean they're going to continue voting Tory when it comes time to put pen to paper.

Also the polling needs to be considered carefully as racist Tory voting pensioners don't like admitting that when asked, so will typically say something like they are undecided when they're planning to still vote Tory. Something similar happened at Brexit, with folks not wanting to admit racism was the main factor in casting their vote.

I am one of the one nation Tories and right now today that aligns with Starmer's Labour. The current Tories have run amok and screwed up and hence their deserved low ratings . If Corbyn had been in charge, then the Tories, although bad, would have been seen as the lesser of two evils and they would be winning.

Thus a lot of us are boycotting this election and are hoping that a purge will do the Tories some long term good and get them back on track. Believe me, it seems strange not to be voting Tory but it has to be done. It is also strange not to vote Labour when they now have good Tory policies and are committed to enforce them.

The simple truth is that there is hardly any difference in their policies. There is a lot of cat calling but that is the norm.

As regards to racism, there are a lot of Tories who want more immigration because of the current job shortage, it's purely about markets forces which is the Tory way.
As regards to racism, there are a lot of Tories who want more immigration because of the current job shortage, it's purely about markets forces which is the Tory way.
I'm not saying all Tories are racist pensioners, just most of the ones I've met. I've never yet met one who was in favour of immigration though, but I imagine if the lack of cheap labour was affecting their pocket books then I'm sure they would.

