
General Election 2024

I was cheered to hear the Mick had decided to abstain this year.
I have no idea why anyone would do an analysis of the reform manifesto, it will obviously be fantasy because if they end up with three seats that will be a victory.
Apparently it's not a manifesto, it's a contract... except it's not actually, is it, our Nige.

If it was an actual contract, he'd need to be well insured against failing to meet his contractual obligations. Mind you, by the time the tens of millions of eligible voters had signed it, it would be time for the next election.

It's worrying how popular this sort of populism is these days :)
I wouldn’t be so sure. If Farage wins Clacton there’s a big chance of rebranding and him as leader of the opposition. Then it would likely take a Labour, SD, Green alliance to stop him in just five years. Clacton is the most important seat this election.
The Reform manifesto of today is the Tory manifesto of the next election. Both parties are channelling the 1970s National Front, but Farage will have proved that idiots will vote for visceral racism, authoritarianism/removal of human rights, tax cuts for billionaires, private healthcare, ending the Good Friday Agreement and climate science denial. All things Tories also believe in, but are often too scared to say out loud.

However, they are offering a referendum on PR and changing the HoL to an elected chamber.
If he wins, Farage's political career will end soon after when he gets booted out of the Commons for repeated drunkenness. He *ahem* likes a drink and the Commons bar with its all day pints for tuppence will prove to be his undoing.
Today and tomorrow. If you can stomach Nick Ferrari. Link to ask your question below…

Luckily we have Hitchens to correct these falsehoods and reveal how Starmer is actually a Trotskyist, Liz Truss is the last beacon for Neoliberalism and Reform are the true conservatives.

See that bit of dirt in the corner, that’s your mum that is…

