
General Election 2024

You need to factor this is an anti-fascist site. It sits in its own location in the audio community providing a welcoming space by design. I’m happy to host everyone as long as any ugly exclusionary right-wing politics are kept off the site. I don’t care what people are offline, but given the extremist mainstream Tory position on refugees/Rwanda, LGBTQ+ rights, the disabled, homeless, Israeli genocide etc I find activists fly-tipping here beyond repugnant. It is directly against the site ethos. It really is taking the piss.

Yep, and I support that, and if they posted that, then they deserve a ban but from where I sit that's not the issue here. For the two members you specifically call out, they're not posting that sort of content and it just shows you're just demonstrating an amount of intolerance to a different world view. I get it, it's an age thing; many pfm members display intolerance to some degree when it comes to one topic or another and being one side of a moral or political divide does not make it any more or less justifiable.
Swindon is one of areas that is spot on for national trends.
My local pub is a bit like that.

You can only get half a dozen people on the front bar, and then only if you’re prepared to fight a dog for the comfy chair, but it is an indicator of national trends.
For the two members you specifically call out, they're not posting that sort of content

FWIW I rather enjoy chatting with both members even though our politics are different. I regularly encounter Conservative Party supporters in the general course of life - colleagues, clients, family members. Doesn't mean we can't shoot the breeze over a cup of tea or pint of gin.
Yep, and I support that, and if they posted that, then they deserve a ban but from where I sit that's not the issue here. For the two members you specifically call out, they're not posting that sort of content and it just shows you're just demonstrating an amount of intolerance to a different world view

Showing support for the Conservative Party in 2024 is exactly that. These are the party’s main policies. Its stated aims. The modern Tory Party is a GOP-styled ‘culture war’ party. As someone who attempts to provide a safe and welcoming space for those they seek to demonise I have to take a stand.

As I say, I’m banning no one. I am just attempting to provide some degree of editorial balance and ensure the message as to what pfm stands for is very clear. I may be a little clumsy in my wording and I’m not happy with some of my posts today (I may even prune a couple of pages later), but I’d prefer to leave absolutely no doubt.
Showing support for the Conservative Party in 2024 is exactly that
Surely the problem is that support for the Labour Party is also support for the self same pretty rotten ends, except with added taste of hypocrisy and betrayal of a stated position.
Surely the problem is that support for the Labour Party is also support for the self same pretty rotten ends, except with added taste of hypocrisy and betrayal of a stated position.

Yes, pretty much. It is a hard one to call. There is no moderate space in mainstream politics at present. It is all crazy. I guess all we can really do is spotlight the craziness and make contrasts to history where similar ideas and rhetoric have risen to power.
One of the nice things about this election is that the post 60 white, little Britain conservative voter has the extra dilemma of having to vote for brown Asian leader :)
No not by itself, there will need to be some organising. The right will of course try to take advantage, as drood suggests. But they actually have an uphill struggle in some respects because there is much, much more public support for progressive values than there is for the fash stuff. It’s just a question of getting representation for it, because as we’ve seen the media-politics class will systematically block and attack left wing voices while spraying the most extreme right wing garbage into every living room and newsstand in the country.

Speaking of... this is an absolute corker from Sonia Sodha in today's Observer:

Eat shit, or else.
Can any one advise what is required in terms of identity for voting in the election ? I guess postal voting removes this obligation!.....Perhaps not voting because of restrictions provides Mogg with a result?
Can any one advise what is required in terms of identity for voting in the election ? I guess postal voting removes this obligation!.....Perhaps not voting because of restrictions provides Mogg with a result?

List here:

Again worth asking everyone with voting age kids, grandchildren etc make absolutely sure they know this. We are all relying on them!
Can any one advise what is required in terms of identity for voting in the election ? I guess postal voting removes this obligation!.....Perhaps not voting because of restrictions provides Mogg with a result?
Yes, pretty much. It is a hard one to call. There is no moderate space in mainstream politics at present. It is all crazy. I guess all we can really do is spotlight the craziness and make contrasts to history where similar ideas and rhetoric have risen to power.
Yes. History, as ever, rools ok.

We must look at past failures as warning signs, but also when, where, and above all how, we have improved things slightly in the past
Incredible behaviour.
Starmer is increasing privatisation in the NHS because that's what voters want and the Green Party is anti-semitic. Desperate stuff.

P.S. I see last month she was praising the transphobic Cass report. She really is going out of her way to prove that the Labour right have, er, nothing in common with the Tories.
Starmer is increasing privatisation in the NHS because that's what voters want and the Green Party is anti-semitic. Desperate stuff.

P.S. I see last month she was praising the transphobic Cass report. She really is going out of her way to prove that the Labour right have, er, nothing in common with the Tories.
Yes she’s a hardcore transphobe as are most of the Observer/Guardian crew.

I liked that one of the two things she found to separate Starmer from Sunak was that he’d *like* to remove the 2 child benefit cap but sadly can’t. That is what progressive politics means to these people, tone.

The good thing is that there seems to be a growing awareness, and nervousness, that everybody hates them and will be voting for them solely to get rid of the worst government the country has ever had.

