
General Election 2024

It is astonishing how they got from there through to the wilful self immolation of Brexit, multi-£bn corruption, shameless Nazi rhetoric, and even concentration camps in Rwanda, all while keeping at least some of their voterbase onside.
Brexit was the key. Whatever your view of the EU the damage caused by particular Brexit we did is immense and long-lasting.
National Service....I nearly spat my tea out. Let's get back to the good old days. We can bring back rickets and diphtheria as well.
Brexit was the key. Whatever your view of the EU the damage caused by particular Brexit we did is immense and long-lasting.

Agreed. I’m now absolutely convinced Brexit was bought and sold by elites to keep crown tax havens open and preserve the UK’s place as the centre of global money-laundering. The price was economic viability and social cohesion for the rest of us. They got what they paid for.

I’ve linked this movie before, and will do so again here as it is a very well researched analysis and explanation of how UK tax havens and international money laundering works. It was made back in 2017, long before things really went off the rails. If anything that makes it stronger as I don’t think it even mentions Brexit. Those dots can easily be drawn later by the viewer by researching who funded Brexit and where their money is.

It really is worth an hour and eighteen minutes of everyone’s time. Highly recommended.
It always happens at every election , and lets face it Mr Gove has done 20 years service which is amazing considering the evil bile they face with many facing dearh threats and some have even died .not surprised some are standing down
Death threats are too lenient for gove and anyway with his cocaine fuelled invulnerability he's not bothered. We need to threaten something he is, like taking his coke stash away.
Yes I agree. The Tories have totally screwed up and it needs to get back nearer the centre.

A good clear out will rejuvenate them and the new intake will have 5 years to cut their teeth in opposition and be ready for the 2029 election.

I certainly will not be door knocking this year because this is not an election, it is merely a foregone conclusion being processed.

The only good news is that Karmer and Reeves are a safe pair of hands and will do a reasonable job on the economy so there is no need for anyone to loose sleep.
I almost feel for traditional old school Tory members who must look at the party and wonder how it came to be run by the current load of absolute loonies.

I'm very glad to hear you won't be canvassing in support of this lot Mick.

It would be nice to think the direction of travel would be towards the centre but the bookies choice for next leader is still Kemi Badenoch - self-proclaimed nemesis of wokism...

I suspect 2029 will be a lot closer - simply because the country is in such a mess that whatever improvements Labour achieve over the next few years is likely to fall short of people's expectations.
Professional racist Nigel Farage is currently on Trevor Philips’ Sky show being a professional racist. An unashamed fascist.

PS I’m no fan of Trevor Philips, this show was way better with Sophie Ridge IMO, but he’s allowing Farage to come across as a real piece of shit. Just staggering degrees of racism.
I almost feel for traditional old school Tory members who must look at the party and wonder how it came to be run by the current load of absolute loonies.

I have a very good ex-Navy friend who is true blue through and through. Maggie is one of his idols, long time member of the party and all that. Not my politics by a long chalk, but there you go. Anyhow I have seen him go from trying to defend some of the nonsense prior to the pandemic to being utterly disgusted by the various pandemic scandals and how it was handled to being downright seething over the direction the party has travelled since (Johnson, May, Truss, Sunak). Resigned his membership in 2021, said he should have done so long ago and is now tactically voting to get them out. If they can't retain the support of people like him they are ****ed! Thankfully :D
Cant see much alternative , our Labour MP is utterly shocking .our Labour council is closing all the libraries , cant pay the bills and reducing bin collections .they are a disaster .and thats from someone who grew up in rhe same towns that Keir grew up in ! May have even seen him on my way to school !!
Don't you understand that that's because of central government reducing funding? How are they supposed to pay for services if theres no money? Bankrupt themselves?
I have a very good ex-Navy friend who is true blue through and through. Maggie is one of his idols, long time member of the party and all that. Not my politics by a long chalk, but there you go. Anyhow I have seen him go from trying to defend some of the nonsense prior to the pandemic to being utterly disgusted by the various pandemic scandals and how it was handled to being downright seething over the direction the party has travelled since (Johnson, May, Truss, Sunak). Resigned his membership in 2021, said he should have done so long ago and is now tactically voting to get them out. If they can't retain the support of people like him they are ****ed! Thankfully :D
The problem is that Labour are attracting Thatcherites by adopting Thatcherism.
Don't you understand that that's because of central government reducing funding? How are they supposed to pay for services if theres no money? Bankrupt themselves?
Its not because of gov funding , its because they messed up constantly on equal pay issues and made a hash of IT systems
I have a very good ex-Navy friend who is true blue through and through. Maggie is one of his idols, long time member of the party and all that. Not my politics by a long chalk, but there you go. Anyhow I have seen him go from trying to defend some of the nonsense prior to the pandemic to being utterly disgusted by the various pandemic scandals and how it was handled to being downright seething over the direction the party has travelled since (Johnson, May, Truss, Sunak). Resigned his membership in 2021, said he should have done so long ago and is now tactically voting to get them out. If they can't retain the support of people like him they are ****ed! Thankfully :D
Good on him. I don't really understand how anyone sensible could retain their membership. I guess, as Mick's post suggests, they think "things can only get better"...
Its not because of gov funding , its because they messed up constantly on equal pay issues and made a hash of IT systems
Local Government funding has been cut

“Spending was 25% lower in real terms in 2019/20 than in 2010/11.[31]

In local authorities with social care responsibilities, their spending on social care rose from 52% to 80% of their spending power.

Services that saw spending reductions between 2010/11 and 2019/20 include:[32]

  • cultural and related services (–36.8%)
  • planning and development services (–35.7%)
  • non-schools education (–31.6%)
  • housing services (general fund revenue account only) (–25.7%)
  • highways and transport services (–23.6%)
  • central services (–16.4%)
  • environmental and regulatory services (–10.”

Good on him. I don't really understand how anyone sensible could retain their membership. I guess, as Mick's post suggests, they think "things can only get better"...
Yes, me neither. He's a genuinely decent person actually, does a heck of a lot for the community so much so he was awarded an MBE for his efforts... he is also seething over the UK government and Starmer's stance on Gaza... we bond over that when we meet up for a coffee and put the world to rights.
Cant see much alternative , our Labour MP is utterly shocking .our Labour council is closing all the libraries , cant pay the bills and reducing bin collections .they are a disaster .and thats from someone who grew up in rhe same towns that Keir grew up in ! May have even seen him on my way to school !!
Labour are not an alternative for any meaningful change
The problem is that Labour are attracting Thatcherites by adopting Thatcherism.

Agreed, but in this particular instance due to Labour's stance on Gaza I think my friend is going to find it hard to vote for them. I think a tactical vote where he is is for the Lib Dems anyway.
I have a very good ex-Navy friend who is true blue through and through. Maggie is one of his idols, long time member of the party and all that. Not my politics by a long chalk, but there you go. Anyhow I have seen him go from trying to defend some of the nonsense prior to the pandemic to being utterly disgusted by the various pandemic scandals and how it was handled to being downright seething over the direction the party has travelled since (Johnson, May, Truss, Sunak). Resigned his membership in 2021, said he should have done so long ago and is now tactically voting to get them out. If they can't retain the support of people like him they are ****ed! Thankfully :D

The current Labour Party is closer to the ‘old school’ tory party than the current tory party. Which is why they will form the next govt.
Depends if they were in politics to "serve the wonderful voters" or to get their faces in the trough.
Oh tosh. Plenty of right minded people would just decide to call it a day in such circumstances, anyone that claims they wouldn't is just being disingenuous. I don't believe for a second that the vast majority of people, if given the option to retire in their mid sixties wouldn't jump at the chance.

