
General Election 2024

one shocking fact i note is that although Reform will be standing 630 candidates in the UK , they had to stump up their own 500 quid deposits because last year Reform only had 255, 000 in Donations . Just contrast that to the millions the Taxi guy Addison Lee owner gave to the conservatives . Reform face an uphill struggle there
Reform isn't a party it's a company, majority shareholder Farage. You don't think he's going to risk his own money funding a bunch of losers do you? He is after all an expert at not getting elected to Parliament. Why are they bothering to put up candidates in Wales, Scotland and NI anyway?
"I will never play fast and loose with your money... I believe in sound money and public spending that is kept under control." Rachael Reeves
Labour’s plan, which has been published, external after weeks of negotiations with unions, pledges to end fire and rehire, a practice where businesses dismiss workers and then hire them back on worse deals.

The party says the practice is a “scourge” which leaves “working people at the mercy of bullying threats”.

But critics have pointed to a line in the plan which says “businesses can restructure to remain viable… when there is genuinely no alternative”.

Nem con
It always happens at every election , and lets face it Mr Gove has done 20 years service which is amazing considering the evil bile they face with many facing dearh threats and some have even died .not surprised some are standing down
Service be buggered, he's a very dangerous man and has done unfathomable damage. Yes, he's clever. Yes, he's rich and likely has and will become MUCH richer while helping to impoverish the poorer "subjects".
It would be just brilliant if Sunak resigned😊 If you are so wealthy why on earth go through the humiliation and subsequent scapegoating. When the ****s lose he will be humiliated and scapegoated and will resign anyhow.
On a slightly serious note at least if he resigns now he can honestly say he did what he could to turn the rotting hulk around.
Sunak's latest wheeze - 12 months compulsory national service for all at 18.
Either in the forces or doing community work.
National service is a weird fixation of the political class in general. Here’s David Lammy::

When you’re determined to stay within the limits set by Thatcher, as both parties are, you only have so many ways of rearranging the deckchairs, so it’s no surprise that the blue sky thinking of both parties is basically identical: deregulation of childcare and house building, and national service. I don’t understand why they all landed on national service of all things, but that’s groupthink for you.

Absolute freaks. Cannot overstate how detached these ****s are from reality.
TBF to Lammy and in contrast to Sunaks proposal his idea didn’t have the military element “let me just be clear, this is about civic service, not the armed services..”

Meanwhile back at the front, this one may gain favour with some on here who have banged on about it before (from the Graun):

Sixteen- and 17-year-olds could be given the right to vote if Labour wins the general election, Keir Starmer has confirmed.

“If you can work, if you can pay tax, if you can serve in your armed forces, then you ought to be able to vote,” the Labour leader said while campaigning at a football ground in the West Midlands.
National Service! Don‘t they have researchers and focus groups, stuff like that? How can you get so completely out of touch? Purely from a getting elected perspective who on earth thinks this could be a good idea?
Reminds me of when I first heard the Rwanda idea, I genuinely thought it was a gag.
I’m very puzzled by this. They appear to be narrowing their focus on a group of voters they already have in the bag- elderly white hangers and floggers. It’s certainly alienating to anyone below pension age, then again perhaps it’s directed specifically at those voters bleeding to Reform?
I’m very puzzled by this. They appear to be narrowing their focus on a group of voters they already have in the bag- elderly white hangers and floggers. It’s certainly alienating to anyone below pension age, then again perhaps it’s directed specifically at those voters bleeding to Reform?
Good effort! I couldn’t see any logic at all. It’s going to be narrow at best. A few thousand Reform bleeders vs everyone under about 40.

