
General Election 2024

It's bloody brilliant, the silent majority get what they want.

My prediction is :-

Those who are currently happy will remain happy whatever the result.

Those who are currently moaning will continue to moan because nothing will change.
I’ll just be happy to see the Conservative Party go. This is the worst governing stint in living memory. A party riddled with deceit, self interest and yet again, sleaze. It is a party uninterested in its electorate, especially those in poverty and on the precepaveThey have no empathy and no humility. I hope they are obliterated and we never see the likes of Gove, Cameron and Johnson again. Still the Nasty Party after all these years. Will they never takes their heads out of their arses long enough to learn? Labour may have sailed near and have had their own internal issues but they are no where near the incompetence and callousness of this shower. Just moving on will be enough for me. I’ve never been so embarrassed to be British and they are central to this view.
I’m very puzzled by this. They appear to be narrowing their focus on a group of voters they already have in the bag- elderly white hangers and floggers. It’s certainly alienating to anyone below pension age, then again perhaps it’s directed specifically at those voters bleeding to Reform?
Isn’t it bizarre? So much broken and this is what they come up with? You have probably nailed the strategy, survival of the party against Reform.
^ IMO 16 year olds should not work, pay tax, serve in the Armed Forces or vote. They should be in school or a, functioning, apprentice programme. 17 for work, tax and vote. 18 to volunteer for Armed Forces.
You can be sure Rishi Sunak's daughters will not be doing National Service.
As the CHAOS gathers more momentum there's going to be more frequent, more widespread and more serious conflicts and wars, so I suppose by a sort of crazy logic, compulsory national service will provide the men needed to fight them.

This is what the politics of fear, hate and division does. All because of the stupidity of humans.
Isn't it more for internal reasons ? "Give those young people more discipline and less time to protest."
What next ? Arm all police ? A National Guard to smash up demonstrations ? Us and them.
If they bring back the Home Guard, I'm volunteering to be Sergeant Wilson.
Just as long as Sunak isn't playing the role of Private Pike.
All the far-right ever have to sell is a vacuous sepia-tinted revisionist view of the past, nationalism and scapegoating. A manufactured view of “purity”, “security”, the protection of “us” from “them”.

Reheating National Service is perfect. It ticks all the boxes of the minority of miserable old racist white losers who would still consider voting Tory at this late stage in the game. Farage walks onto stage at his elderly fascist events to the sound of WWII air raid sirens. The far-right absolutely love this shit. They all live in an Ealing Studios/Dad’s Army revisionism of 1940. Thankfully young folk don’t and will tell anyone trying to push this one exactly where to go.

Like the Tory party as a whole this idea doesn’t stand a chance in hell. It is just a truly desperate appeal to get some senile old Daily Mail/Express-reading gammons back from voting Reform and embarrasses us all on the world stage. It highlights exactly how far the Tories have fallen. Just pathetic.
I’ll just be happy to see the Conservative Party go. This is the worst governing stint in living memory. A party riddled with deceit, self interest and yet again, sleaze. It is a party uninterested in its electorate, especially those in poverty and on the precepaveThey have no empathy and no humility. I hope they are obliterated and we never see the likes of Gove, Cameron and Johnson again. Still the Nasty Party after all these years. Will they never takes their heads out of their arses long enough to learn? Labour may have sailed near and have had their own internal issues but they are no where near the incompetence and callousness of this shower. Just moving on will be enough for me. I’ve never been so embarrassed to be British and they are central to this view.
Yes I agree. The Tories have totally screwed up and it needs to get back nearer the centre.

A good clear out will rejuvenate them and the new intake will have 5 years to cut their teeth in opposition and be ready for the 2029 election.

I certainly will not be door knocking this year because this is not an election, it is merely a foregone conclusion being processed.

The only good news is that Karmer and Reeves are a safe pair of hands and will do a reasonable job on the economy so there is no need for anyone to loose sleep.
The National Service proposal is a curious mix of 30,000 full time 18 year olds to increase are services numbers by 40% on the cheap plus 12 weekends per year to get help in local communities for the remainder of 18 year olds. Most would choose the weekends and skive.
All the far-right ever have to sell is a vacuous sepia-tinted revisionist view of the past, nationalism and scapegoating. A manufactured view of “purity”, “security”, the protection of “us” from “them”.

Reheating National Service is perfect. It ticks all the boxes of the minority of miserable old racist white losers who would still consider voting Tory at this late stage in the game. Farage walks onto stage at his elderly fascist events to the sound of WWII air raid sirens. The far-right absolutely love this shit. They all live in an Ealing Studios/Dad’s Army revisionism of 1940. Thankfully young folk don’t and will tell anyone trying to push this one exactly where to go.

Like the Tory party as a whole this idea doesn’t stand a chance in hell. It is just a truly desperate appeal to get some senile old Daily Mail/Express-reading gammons back from voting Reform and embarrasses us all on the world stage. It highlights exactly how far the Tories have fallen. Just pathetic.
The most outrageous ploy Major came up with at the 11th hour was the “Cones Hotline”.
A first rate take down by Oborne. Gove has been the most dangerous loose canon in the British political firmament for the last twenty years, the epitome of what has been labelled “the extreme centre” into which Starmer takes his place seamlessly. The extreme centre incorporates both Labour and Tory; right and left of centre collude to maintain the status quo, and that is the colonisation of U.K. politics by an emerging super-elite who have an alarmingly atrophying relationship to any form of democracy. The disintegration of the post-war consensus, initiated by Thatcher but accelerated by Blair and continued by Starmer, has now reached an exceptionally perilous juncture.

Oborne is an old style left Tory- a ‘wet.’ They have become so completely marginalised by the interests represents by Gove and our first oligarch PM, that Oborne and his ilk no longer recognise the party of Macmillan, Heath or even Thatcher. Starmer is an exceptionally dangerous figure given his complete capitulation to the extreme centre. He is being relied upon by the super rich, who now regard Sunak & Johnson’s Tories as a busted flush, to continue the crackdown on dissent, the war on workers and public services and their disgraceful ‘culture wars.’
Yes I agree. The Tories have totally screwed up and it needs to get back nearer the centre.

A good clear out will rejuvenate them and the new intake will have 5 years to cut their teeth in opposition and be ready for the 2029 election.

I certainly will not be door knocking this year because this is not an election, it is merely a foregone conclusion being processed.

The only good news is that Karmer and Reeves are a safe pair of hands and will do a reasonable job on the economy so there is no need for anyone to loose sleep.
I’m so frustrated that we have a wealth of talent that could be promoted to make real differences. I really admire people like Brown and Fields who cared about their responsibility but were underutilised or shafted. I don’t want entitled idiots in charge of the reins. The Camerons and Sunaks of our world need to be put Back in their privileged cages so real, informed people can lead the way. There is no seriousness in the Cons party. They play at Politics like Croquet in the garden. I feel that people like Nandy, Cooper and even Rayner should be given a stronger platform. I love Nandy’s lack of hesitation when interviewed which betrays confidence in her knowledge and sincerity. Where are all of the serious people?
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The most outrageous ploy Major came up with at the 11th hour was the “Cones Hotline”.

It is astonishing how they got from there through to the wilful self immolation of Brexit, multi-£bn corruption, shameless Nazi rhetoric, and even concentration camps in Rwanda, all while keeping at least some of their voterbase onside.

