
General Election 2024

Is he truly just a spoilt little rich brat who became PM purely for his own amusement and couldn’t really GAF if the Tories get decimated as he’s simply headed back over to sunny California? Yup, guess he must be. And I’m enjoying every second of it. Get the popcorn in.

Sunak has almost certainly achieved his goals; securing multi-£bn contracts for Infosys, saved his wife millions in tax, even provided bogus covid grants etc, and rolled back the UK’s green climate agenda, all the while flying around all over the place securing business deals in a helicopter at our expense. I remain convinced he is, by far, the most corrupt and devious leader in UK history (at least since widespread voting was introduced). He has taken us all for £bns and left a mess that will take generations to sort out. The only good thing is he looks to have caused huge damage the Conservative Party in the process.

I view Sunak as very different to the usual clueless class-warrior elite curled-out onto Tory benches via Eton and the Bullingdon Club. This one was a real oligarch who somehow wormed his way into Downing St.
Yeah sure, I get that. But not even informing his own cabinet and not allowing enough time to properly select candidates; given the swathes of old faces stepping down. In situ constituency MP’s are generally better placed to attract votes than total newcomers.
He can't control the leaks even from the cabinet! The right may have used the warning to ditch him there and then, I'm guessing.
An opportunity for reformed characters to offer their services?
The Tories were infiltrated heavily last time and it remains a viable tactic for Tice and Farage, though little time to organise deselections and invasion of the body snatchers into constituency parties..
Sunak has zero political nous.
I think that's really implausible, just because you don't get to the top of any big organisation unless you can do politics. And he can go to California next Spring -- he's not going to jeopardise everything he's tried to build for just five months. The only rational explanation is that he's calculated that now is the best time for his party, that there's something which he thinks will happen in the second half of 2024 which will make the Conservatives chances worse.
I’m certain Sunak knew exactly what he was doing, has done it, and has walked off with vastly more money for doing it than the overwhelming majority of us will ever see in a lifetime.
I’m certain Sunak knew exactly what he was doing, has done it, and has walked off with vastly more money for doing it than the overwhelming majority of us will ever see in a lifetime.
The jackpot will keep coming up for year after year now!
I think that's really implausible, just because you don't get to the top of any big organisation unless you can do politics. And he can go to California next Spring -- he's not going to jeopardise everything he's tried to build for just five months. The only rational explanation is that he's calculated that now is the best time for his party, that there's something which he thinks will happen in the second half of 2024 which will make the Conservatives chances worse.
Agree that it smacks less of stupidity and more of panic based on information not clear to most other people.

Though based on the recent history of the party( sheer incompetence can’t be entirely ruled out.

The coincidence with someone or other in government saying in the past few days that people should stock up on canned goods etc is surely that, a coincidence. Though I confess that my inner conspiracist could help but notice!
Who on here gives a damn about Sunak?

He was a multimillionaire, and he still will be a multimillionaire

Above all he has made no secret of working first and foremost for multi millionaires, and he still will.
Huge numbers of Tory MPs standing down. Apparently already the biggest number ever ahead of any election.

Sinking ships and rats spring to mind...

Very little faith in Sunak.

Sir Keir is pushing for a return to Labour in Scotland. Could be a whopping majority.

It always happens at every election , and lets face it Mr Gove has done 20 years service which is amazing considering the evil bile they face with many facing dearh threats and some have even died .not surprised some are standing down
Who on here gives a damn about Sunak?

He was a multimillionaire, and he still will be a multimillionaire

Above all he has made no secret of working first and foremost for multi millionaires, and he still will.
Cant see much alternative , our Labour MP is utterly shocking .our Labour council is closing all the libraries , cant pay the bills and reducing bin collections .they are a disaster .and thats from someone who grew up in rhe same towns that Keir grew up in ! May have even seen him on my way to school !!
Kier Starmer grew up in Hurst Green in Surrey.

I went through it every day on the train at one point in my life.

Not a lot there. Not even a proper railway station till 1961.
Indeed yes he grew up in Oxted where i lived and we moved to Reigate and he went to Reigate Grammer about same time we were there.lovely place ,stockbroker belt in Surrey .
It always happens at every election , and lets face it Mr Gove has done 20 years service which is amazing considering the evil bile they face with many facing dearh threats and some have even died .not surprised some are standing down
20 years qualifies for full pension for MPs...
I don't mind MPs getting a pension, it's right and proper so that not only the rich can afford to do it. MPs of all parties have a serious credibilty problem of their own making but that is a different matter as far as I'm concerned that boils down the unhealthy 'democracy'...
Cant see much alternative , our Labour MP is utterly shocking .our Labour council is closing all the libraries , cant pay the bills and reducing bin collections .they are a disaster .and thats from someone who grew up in rhe same towns that Keir grew up in ! May have even seen him on my way to school !!
Yes, it is Starmer we should be examining closely.

His strategy so far seems to be to create a narrative for change, while promising nothing but more of the same. The same thumbs will be pushing down on Starmer as they were on Sunak.

Tilting the balance in favour of the greater good will require government investment. Starmer is promising the opposite.

One the other side of the balance sheet to government deficit is private surplus. A promise to pay down the deficit, is a promise to cut government money going into the economy. Labour’s one ironclad promise is to pay down the deficit.

A vote for Labour is a vote for less government investment, not more

