
European Parliament elections

This is a thread about the EU elections, Brexit etc. Rothermere, Dacre etc were key enablers with their constant drip drip of xenophobia, racial scapegoating, Islamophobia, attacks on minorities and promotion of nationalist ideology. I have absolutely no issue in pointing out their paid lackeys, especially when they are laughably attempting to lecture the rest of us about not voting for non-nationalist/pro-EU parties such as the Lib Dems, Greens etc! Glass conservatories, rocks etc...

PS #StopFundingHate, as ever.

But you choose not to mention your beloved BBC. That’s the organisation that almost single-handedly brought about Brexit.

The BBC pretty much created UKIP. Aside from giving Farage endless opportunities to spout his shite on Question time, the literally fawned round him on almost every news bulletin and suggested time and again that UKIP were a “new force in British politics”

Thanks to the BBC’s ridiculous and biased reporting, Cameron ran scared and ordered a referendum to keep UKIP at bay.

Also, had it not been for those LibDem chancers, Cameron might not have been in power.

Which bits of that did I get wrong?
This is a thread about the EU elections, Brexit etc. Rothermere, Dacre etc were key enablers with their constant drip drip of xenophobia, racial scapegoating, Islamophobia, attacks on minorities and promotion of nationalist ideology. I have absolutely no issue in pointing out their paid lackeys, especially when they are laughably attempting to lecture the rest of us about not voting for non-nationalist/pro-EU parties such as the Lib Dems, Greens etc! Glass conservatories, rocks etc...

PS #StopFundingHate, as ever.

Paid lackeys. Hilarious.
But you choose not to mention your beloved BBC. That’s the organisation that almost single-handedly brought about Brexit.

The BBC pretty much created UKIP. Aside from giving Farage endless opportunities to spout his shite on Question time, the literally fawned round him on almost every news bulletin and suggested time and again that UKIP were a “new force in British politics”

Thanks to the BBC’s ridiculous and biased reporting, Cameron ran scared and ordered a referendum to keep UKIP at bay.

Also, had it not been for those LibDem chancers, Cameron might not have been in power.

Which bits of that did I get wrong?

I actually agree with most of that!
I actually agree with most of that!

Of course you do. But you chose not to mention any of it because it doesn’t suit your agenda of relentless personal attacks on the paid lackeys of the right wing press at any opportunity. It really is pathetic.
Because it isn't. The Labour party have enabled the Tories at every step when it comes to Brexit, no doubt hoping it would be the Tories' undoing. Turns out it's the undoing of the whole nation. A Labour party with a spine and some common sense would have opposed Brexit at every turn, from the referendum, to the pre-ref. campaign, and post referendum.
No one expected a Leave vote - no one.
Of course you do. But you chose not to mention any of it because it doesn’t suit your agenda of relentless personal attacks on the paid lackeys of the right wing press at any opportunity. It really is pathetic.

I have criticised the BBC news and current affairs reporting countless times and made all the points you mentioned for years now. I do remain a fan/supporter of the BBC in concept, to my mind it is another great institution along with the NHS, our libraries, museums and art galleries etc, though it is clearly very broken at present. I would very much like to see a manifesto pledge from all progressive parties to restore it to its core remit of impartiality and quality as I do believe it worth saving.

By contrast The Daily Mail/TMOS has never not been broken; they promoted Hitler, Moseley, Powell etc just as they support the hard-right and attack/scapegoat minorities today. These publications have never been worth saving and I will happily campaign to strangle their finances.
I don’t agree at all. They will get some MEPs (maybe more than predicted, I expect them to do well) and also when the vote-share is analysed it is perfectly clear where the anti-Brexit vote went.

No one voting on the principal of remaining in the EU should touch Labour with a barge pole, they have a manifesto pledge to “honour” the fraudulent Tory/UKIP referendum FFS! Screw that!
Who is most likely to manage a Brexit (if it ever comes to that)? The Tories who have one plan that has been rejected 3 times and leaving with no deal will trash the economy for years, or Labour who will argue to retain a customs union and not trash the economy. Or minor parties who will never be in power anyway?
Who is most likely to manage a Brexit (if it ever comes to that)? The Tories who have one plan that has been rejected 3 times and leaving with no deal will trash the economy for years, or Labour who will argue to retain a customs union and not trash the economy. Or minor parties who will never be in power anyway?

Pragmatism, logic and common sense. You won't fit in here. :)

Did you take a wrong turning after going past the lighting, mirrors and pictures department?

You need to realise that EVERYTHING is Corbyn's fault.
Calling people who voted leave “elderly racist bigots” is not only
A ridiculous sweeping generalisation but is insulting to people who voted to leave for very good reasons. It also does the remain cause no good at all.

I'm not saying all leave voters were racist bigots but enough leave voters I've spoken to were for it to have an effect on such a tight vote.
I'm still hoping it'll drag on to the point where even the Labour leadership can't ignore that Brexit no longer has a majority of public support and that therefore has to be tested either by a GE (as long as Labour doesn't still have a Brexiter at the helm) or another referendum. Sadly I do think it'll happen - and if it does it'll be Corbyn I blame. The Tories and UKIP are at least doing what their parties stand for. Corbyn's support for Brexit is a betrayal.

How many times has this lie been posted? It is Labour Party policy as per their manifesto. It is not in Corbyn's gift just to do what he wants or what you would like him to do.
Indeed. Sadly I suspect it'll be Labour caving and agreeing a deal to make the Corbyn/May/Farage Brexit happen. Preferable would be for Labour to enter a GE with an electable leader on a Remain platform, get elected then do the sensible thing and kick Brexit into touch.
Oh, my sides have just split from the best laugh ever....
It is interesting to see on here, as elsewhere, that hardline Labour supporters still seem to think that the only thing that's important is the Labour Party. It's those sorts of blinkers that have got us into this situation.

No, with respect you have that wrong, imo. What is important is the UK. It just happens that the only party that can win a general election other than the tories is Labour. That’s not hardline support of Labour.
I need a new irony meter. Mine just exploded after I read the blurb on the Brexit Party's leaflet telling me that they are the only party standing for truth, integrity and honesty!

Anyway, I voted Green.
It just happens that the only party that can win a general election other than the tories is Labour. That’s not hardline support of Labour.

My suspicion/hope is the days of two party politics are all but over. I certainly can’t see either Labour or Conservative winning a majority anytime soon, and I have no issue with that. In the past decade there has only been one very slim (Tory) majority, which they amusingly pissed away. Other than that we have firmly been in hung parliament/coalition territory. My hope is obviously that we gradually transition to a proper democracy, and I suspect it will come as the two party system is clearly no longer fit for purpose.

