
Equipment stands

Stands are generally a good thing for two reasons

1. To get the speakers to the right height and generally stuff at a comfortable position to cue turntables, twist knobs and fiddle and otherwise nerdliate with the doodads, if you suffer footfall then a wallshelf is A Good Thing

2. Enable easy access to vacuuming the mounds and mounds of fluff that seem to follow me around through life that I have absolutely no idea where it comes from.

Anyway off to walk the dog.

The dog?
thanks for the input, keep it coming. like the iso blue as an option. custom designs look lush.

Muzzer you had any experience with the music works rack? i see they do a lite option as well.
No Deano I was being sarcastic, racks make little difference imho.
i have been looking at a few hifi stands and all i find is same old same old.

what else is out there?

of course lots of dealers do atacama and hifi racks but i can find very little else. Have most of the mid price suppliers gone?

so the question is whats out there between the likes of atacama and Finite Elemente.

any help would be great.

Check out Symposium Acoustics, they sell racks and other products that will improve the performance of your gear. I've had great results with their devices under my speakers and now recently with my turntable. They have a very good website which explains what their products do. Highly recommended!
I've ordered one from Slate Age in British slate (very dark grey). The quote of £270 per layer on the page here does them a disservice as it gets cheaper with multi layers. I'm paying £720 for a four layer one with bespoke shelf size 620x450mm and variable shelf heights between layers.

I fell in love with the podium stand when I saw it and have been looking for off cuts of oak ever since to make a replica. But now i've seen this new slate rack with hard wood legs, i'm torn!!
I've been using a Eames 230 unit for the last few years. Works great. Even has leveling feet.
Those screws are made from a material called PEEK. £300 includes the dealer margin. A local fabricator will charge you £150 for the same screws.

Except you wouldn't have them made to order, you would just buy them pre-made. Here are some on eBay - five for £13.65.


I've also experienced the Evo/Quadraspire demo - I didn't feel tempted to invest in either (or even make my own version).
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That's exactly what I mean. I got something similar though not as nice in a charity shop for £20 or £30. The person who sold it to me was someone I hadn't seen since primary school, and she recognised me 35 years on from my voice.

You've got to love ebay/charity shop buys!!
I bought some banged up quadraspire from a fishie for a price that seemed ok. £65 quid for a 4 tier cherry stained oak 100mm spacers and 314ish mm spacers. Got sod all to put on them but I wanted to convert it into a own sunoko vent in white and satin black metalwork.

It seems like a really nice simple bit of furniture, absolutely no idea what I will use it for maybe have it as an empty rack, a sort of zen purist "everything and nothing" response or turn I it into a pair of plinths for the valves and a bedside cabinet (resembling something more like a charging station) for my internet doodads. Its a simple aesthetic. Multifunctional and lots of uses.

You don't see a lot of white quadraspire about, I tarted up the black work ok, 3 coats and plenty of time (couple of days) to cure between coats... comes on real easily... Nice stuff.


I'll think of a use for it no doubt.
If I screw them all together and put the spikes at either end it will make an ace weapon for when the vampire zombie apocalypse comes, so portable and yet easy to dismantle and clean after a good staking sesh...
Hey Dan M, could you fit on turntable on the top of one of those eames designs? would a middle layer be deep enough for say a brio r?

