
Equipment stands

Thanks for the feedback on the handmade stands from ebay I was going to purchase one of these and now changed my mind
After hearing a simple A-B (cdp on A then B) between a wood shelved Quadraspire table and a MusicWorks ReVo table, it was a no brainer, the wooden one, had a "wooden" sound to it and the ReVo just let the music flow IMHO.
So I bought it, to me the red acrylic fronted Albarry's look great on the acrylic stand, but each to their own, some stands look good, but sonically stifle the music IME.

regards Al
Do you not think they are way over priced?

I mean £175 for the base unit! A wood board with legs and four spikes? Is there not a real overpricing con going on in this area of the market?

If you build them up slowly they will have changed the wood/ veneer grade by the time you get to upper shelves. Pricey!
What's wrong with speccing some quadraspire?
Nice range of options, materials and styles

Sunoko vent looks nice enough. Discreet
I've been using Quadraspire stuff for years. Does the job of holding my gear, is flexible for future changes by being able to add shelves/different height legs later as & when other gear is bought or sold. Not beautiful, granted. Sonically, I'm not a believer that racks alter sound a great deal anyway. Didn't hear any difference between QSpire & Fraim stuff, although a rack full of Naim gear in a Fraim does look great to my eyes. Extra isolation/ vibration control can be added later by using Black Ravioli etc if you believe in such things.
I've ordered one from Slate Age in British slate (very dark grey). The quote of £270 per layer on the page here does them a disservice as it gets cheaper with multi layers. I'm paying £720 for a four layer one with bespoke shelf size 620x450mm and variable shelf heights between layers.
Have you seen the price? And it looks ugly as hell. Could you live with something like that in your living room?

Then they do this too...
12 screws for £300?
Must be a typo?
£3 from B&Q more like.

I have a Quadraspire AV rack for my plasma, ML centre speaker and YouView boxes and it works quite well. The rods come in different lengths and can be joined together to make even bigger shelf spacing as my centre speaker is quite tall

Those screws are made from a material called PEEK. £300 includes the dealer margin. A local fabricator will charge you £150 for the same screws.

The question is: do you want a piece of pretty furniture or a rack designed specifically to improve the performance of your hi-fi?

I chose the latter. I suspect that these choices are more often made by the trouser-wearing SO and therefore the protests regarding ugliness are just the fabled sour grapes.
Those screws are made from a material called PEEK. £300 includes the dealer margin. A local fabricator will charge you £150 for the same screws.

The question is: do you want a piece of pretty furniture or a rack designed specifically to improve the performance of your hi-fi?

I chose the latter. I suspect that these choices are more often made by the trouser-wearing SO and therefore the protests regarding ugliness are just the fabled sour grapes.

That's only a factor if you believe it to be one. There is no reliable evidence that this is the case, however.

Apart from the usual audiophile nonesense, that is:)

In this day of audio streaming a rack mount cabinet behind a door under the stairs may be more appropriate with nothing at all on show

That's how I am playing it


The valve amps can sit on the floor
Why would a valve amp need a special stand, unless it suffered from microphony , and why would one purchase such a poor design?
Why would a valve amp need a special stand, unless it suffered from microphony , and why would one purchase such a poor design?

Hush! Sold by Purite North.

All valve amps are microphonic to some degree.

Poor design? The proof of the pudding. . .
Stands are generally a good thing for two reasons

1. To get the speakers to the right height and generally stuff at a comfortable position to cue turntables, twist knobs and fiddle and otherwise nerdliate with the doodads, if you suffer footfall then a wallshelf is A Good Thing

2. Enable easy access to vacuuming the mounds and mounds of fluff that seem to follow me around through life that I have absolutely no idea where it comes from.

Anyway off to walk the dog.

