
Elsdon Wonfor Audio LS-25 speaker cables

The Kii’s offer a completely full-range sound , with higher resolution, because of they way they ameliorate the effect of the room if you can hear more of what is on the recording that for me at least is an improvement .
Cables ‘can’ only affect the FR perhaps rolling off the treble slightly that is not an improvement just a difference.
Cables are audibly transparent unless the designer chooses not to make the so.
Compare your current and former cables unsighted.

If one set of cables rolls off the treble, as you say, and another set does not. Does this not constitute an improvement for the second set. I'll answer, no it does not. The reason, in simplistic terms is synergy/preference. If your system it too bright you may need cables to act as tone controls to reduce treble output. Conversely in a dull system you may need bright cables.

Which set is right, which set is wrong, neither they are just different. Add to this the preference for a bright or dull system. The permutations of equipment/cables are endless.

This is what I find appealing with the Kii's, it's a one stop closed system. However on the down side you can't tailor the sound, with for instance cables. You either like it's presentation or you don't. They may have a flat response across the audio band, but who says our ears are even across the audio band. I believe they are not.

What a great hobby this is.

Just to add I really do not need to carry out blind tests when comparing the LS-25's with the TQ Black's. The fundamentals are far superior with the former, I dislike the term night and day, but when the term fits.
The Kii’s have a really sophisticated set of ‘contour’ filters that do precisely that, Bruno said he added them so audiophiles could fiddle!
My error if I failed to point them out to you.
Unless you compare them unsighted then your various bias’ will take over.
If one set of cables rolls off the treble, as you say, and another set does not. Does this not constitute an improvement for the second set. I'll answer, no it does not. The reason, in simplistic terms is synergy/preference. If your system it too bright you may need cables to act as tone controls to reduce treble output. Conversely in a dull system you may need bright cables.

Wouldn't actual adjustable tone controls be much better for that?
Wouldn't actual adjustable tone controls be much better for that?

There you go, dragging logic into another discussion. :)

Having heard speaker cables make a difference (they were silver and made a bright system sound awful) I'd be interested to hear the LS-25s: otoh, since my new monoblocks will be right next to each ESL, the leads will be around 10cm. Hard to believe any cable is going to make an audible difference in a sub-4K system.

(I arrived here to discover 2 phono i/cs had been left behind: substitutes bought for 4 euros in the local supermarket seem to be fine, which supports my particular prejudice that speaker cables do affect the sound, interconnects hardly at all, unless (maybe) the other components are so high end as to be entirely out of my reach.)
What have the kiis got to with this thread, move your marketing/crapping BS elseware please...

In fairness Keith does have a trade account, unlike Colin who knows he shouldn’t be promoting his business here at my expense!

PS Having to chase folk who make and sell really expensive kit really does p*** me off it has to be said. It’s just £50 FFS, and a total bargain for the catchement and number of views!
In fairness Keith does have a trade account, unlike Colin who knows he shouldn’t be promoting his business here at my expense!

PS Having to chase folk who make and sell really expensive kit really does p*** me off it has to be said. It’s just £50 FFS, and a total bargain for the catchement and number of views!

Isn't paid trading account for those who want to use trading folders? Not sure what is policy here for bussines people.
This subject was created by user for other users as far as I know.
And I hope having paid for traiding account does not mean, is is allowed to write about kii everywhere?
Anyhow, this thread has at least brought a great cable to a few peoples attention, that was the reason and I’m glad to have shared the knowledge.
Anyhow, this thread has at least brought a great cable to a few peoples attention, that was the reason and I’m glad to have shared the knowledge.

Cheers CK and others for doing so.

However and it's a big however, and having met Keith he is a top fella and the least salesman like salesman I've had dealings with. Always happy to read his point of view as I believe he is passionate about hifi/music. Everyone is entitled to their opinion especially if they are passionate.
Having heard speaker cables make a difference (they were silver and made a bright system sound awful) I'd be interested to hear the LS-25s: otoh, since my new monoblocks will be right next to each ESL, the leads will be around 10cm. Hard to believe any cable is going to make an audible difference in a sub-4K

Is this not the very reason to try before you buy
Cheers CK and others for doing so.

However and it's a big however, and having met Keith he is a top fella and the least salesman like salesman I've had dealings with. Always happy to read his point of view as I believe he is passionate about hifi/music. Everyone is entitled to their opinion especially if they are passionate.

That’s another thing altogether. He wouldn’t be on this forum if there wasn’t a passion. However his constent belittling of products that he doesn’t sell and constant placement of stuff he does regardless of content is boring and relentless.
There you go, dragging logic into another discussion. :)

Having heard speaker cables make a difference (they were silver and made a bright system sound awful) I'd be interested to hear the LS-25s: otoh, since my new monoblocks will be right next to each ESL, the leads will be around 10cm. Hard to believe any cable is going to make an audible difference in a sub-4K system.

Earlier in the thread I said I'd love to hear from someone with ESLs or NS1000s as they are both for many, a known standard standard in terms of strengths and weaknesses. I'm a couple of months in now with my LS25s and I have absolutely no regret in purchasing them, I can't think of any better compliment for a piece of kit.

