
Election night 2019 / aftermath

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Here is a photoshopped picture of Diane Abbot, now thankfully wearing the same type of shoe on each leg; one left, one right.

Tried and likely failed to get my father not to vote Tory. He’s a Telegraph reader, and the type that hasn’t noticed the gradual decline into Express territory despite being a remainer. I used p48, John Major, Hestletine etc etc, even swore at him... a lot.

PS Not a hope in hell of getting him to vote for Corbyn, the aim was just to get him to stay home. He’s in a marginal so it matters too.
Couldn’t you have slipped something into his tea?
Let's add it the heinous crimes of Diane Abbott. Along with being a woman, black and having a 'leftwing' face.

Heaven forbid anyone that anyone dare questions the lady’s competency and grasp on her trade, but Failure to prepare being akin to preparing to fail, truly transgresses skin colour.

The polling station here was empty, I went around mid day. Just me and the staff. Always quiet here though, I've never had to queue. Maybe everyone votes very early or very late due to work or whatever, but I’ve never seen it busy.
just been to vote ,very busy , queues out the door !! Amazing

Meme is very English. The word was coined by Oxford evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins. He used the word in his first book The Selfish Gene to mean a unit of cultural inheritance that self-replicates and spreads much as genes do, though with less fidelity. (Obviously, because DNA replication is governed by enzymes that know their onions.)

Its etymology: The word meme is a shortening (modeled on gene) of mimeme (from Ancient Greek μίμημα pronounced [míːmɛːma] mīmēma, "imitated thing", from μιμεῖσθαι mimeisthai, "to imitate", from μῖμος mimos, "mime") coined by British evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins in The Selfish Gene (1976) as a concept for discussion of evolutionary principles in explaining the spread of ideas and cultural phenomena.


Dawkins wrote that evolution depended not on the particular chemical basis of genetics, but only on the existence of a self-replicating unit of transmission—in the case of biological evolution, the gene. For Dawkins, the meme exemplified another self-replicating unit with potential significance in explaining human behaviour and cultural evolution.​


There was me thinking it was a silly little cartoon. Consider myself suitably illuminated.
That clip is so obviously medication influenced that it’s an affront to see it regurgitated.

There was me thinking it was a silly little cartoon. Consider myself suitably illuminated.

Probably more than you want to know about the topic, but in the off chances you are interested in memes here's a video of Dawkins explaining them in more detail.

This morning I pulled up and disposed of the Tory billboard that's been lingering in someones front garden, in my street, mere yards from the Polling Station (local school). I also voted Labour, given the choice between them, the Tories and the LD's. I have been following the candidate on Twitter and she seems alright. She's not gonna win though, unfortunately.
A few sickies prolly.

Poorly again? “Mao did more good than harm”

No surprise JC packed her off for the current campaign.
I’ve just been to vote and it was busier than I have ever seen it here, queuing to even get near the polling station. The staff said they had been full up all day so far too. The demographic round here is generally older, but there were a lot of young people out in the rain to have their say.
I want to be cautiously optimistic but it’s James Cleverleys seat, and I’d be shocked if he got the boot. Has a 20,000 majority ever been overturned?

I’m pleased to add that after much haranguing I convinced at least one friend who is a regular Tory voter to hold his nose and steer clear of Bozo and brexit, both of which he despises. He voted Lib Dem, who have virtually no chance here, but at least it’s one less blue than normal.

Probably more than you want to know about the topic, but in the off chances you are interested in memes here's a video of Dawkins explaining them in more detail.


Seriously I get it. Twas flippancy to feed the foaming Left.

The proliferation of memes as forum and soc media fodder, suggests most don’t get it, and that was basis fir my sarcy comment.
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