
Devialet Phantom (part II)

TBH... I can't get my little one up more than half way.

It's probably worth £400 just to be able to stare, shake you head in disbelief and mutter the phrase 'three thousand watts' a few times. If you get them both in eye-shot you could say 'six thousand watts', which is kind of like the Grateful Dead's PA!

I still shake my head in disbelief and mutter "3 bars of an electric fire in a plastic sphere" :)

Why doesn't it melt?

Devialet tech support says:
"Well it's like a very small electric fire, that's on all the time. When the thermostat for the small electric fire demands more heat, we switch 2.9 bars of electric fire on and off really fast to give just the right amount of heat"
3kw is right on the cusp of what we can draw with a normal plug circuit - 15 amps at 220v
2 of em on a single circuit playing full tilt ???
I still shake my head in disbelief and mutter "3 bars of an electric fire in a plastic sphere" :)

Why doesn't it melt?

Devialet tech support says:
"Well it's like a very small electric fire, that's on all the time. When the thermostat for the small electric fire demands more heat, we switch 2.9 bars of electric fire on and off really fast to give just the right amount of heat"

There's continuous RMS, and there's continuous RMS :)

An amplifier which can sustain 3kw for say 20 seconds is technically capable of providing such RMS output. So you can give it an RMS rating.
Try it for 20 minutes and see what happens..... if the circuits will allow of course.
I can't help thinking of the Droids from the film Oblivion or even the Zeroids from Terrahawks.


Had a listen in Harrods today, the Phantom's are pretty impressive.

What would be a good, reasonably economical way to connect a turntable?
An ADC from Phono stage output to Optical Input into any of the three Optical ins (one on each Phantom and one on the Dialog) unsure when the USB port will be activated for audio in otherwise I would recommend the Behringer 202.
Hmmm, I've got a Rega Fono Mini A2D which has a USB output. Would the Behringer accept the USB output from the Rega, and output digital via Toslink to feed the Phantom?
I can't help thinking of the Droids from the film Oblivion or even the Zeroids from Terrahawks.

I'm sure I read in a magazine article something along the lines of 'no designers were used at all - the technology dictated the look entirely'

Which seems unlikely, but perhaps it was truer than in most design processes…..
I've had a few problems setting up my Phantoms, partly, it has to be said, due to my failure to understand the set-up instructions. Now though they're working fine, and all the music on my NAS is visible.

There's a continual experience of shock when listening to these white blobs. When drums or a desk of double basses come in, it can really make you jump.

I'm quite impressed by the tweeter too.

It's really quite a package.

Very interesting, but worse than Tannoy rectangular GRFs with early Monitor Reds, right? ;-)

Set mine up today. A bit of faffing about getting the dialogue to link to my network. It is not seeing my NAs or my cocktail x10 either on the network or when the X10 is plugged into the dialogue with an optical cable. Working on Deezer though. The bass is a bit full on but that maybe because they are too close to the wall. I was worried they would be bright as they are currently in my kitchen with plain walls, tiled floor and no curtains. They are fine.

Very interesting, but worse than Tannoy rectangular GRFs with early Monitor Reds, right? ;-)


Yeah, and ATC 150s and whatever speakers Disbeliever has at the moment. And AVI DM5s, of course. And my Martin Logan Montis, mustn't forget them.

Though in truth the bass put out by these ephphing Phantoms puts the 10" woophers in the Montis to shame.
Colette are going to exchange mine to silvers and, Disbeliever take note, they have sent me a DHL prepaid label. Very fair.
Colette are going to exchange mine to silvers and, Disbeliever take note, they have sent me a DHL prepaid label. Very fair.

The Silvers would be stunning party speakers.* If I ever had that kind of party. Which I don't.

* which is not to be construed as meaning that they're in any way coarse or overly bass-y or cheap-sounding, just in case anyone was about to climb onto their PFM high horse.

My local hi-fi guy says he will bring in the Phantoms. I'm rather interested in hearing a pair, even though I'm firmly a legacy, back-loaded horn, tizz-boom, passive, valve, stack system with a turntable in the front and 300 times more distortion kind of bloke.


