
Curmudgeon Corner

There were certainly a lot of them. It was like a sort of low-level mass hysteria.

Saucepan-bangers, I like that!
As a fully paid-up Curmudgeon the thought that people imagined (or more correctly, were being allowed to imagine - or manipulated into imagining) that they were ‘supporting the NHS’ by abusing their kitchen utensils in the street annoyed me immensely. It had one beneficial outcome though - I was determined to do something concrete instead and so signed up for blood donation. Giving my third pint next month!
As a fully paid-up Curmudgeon the thought that people imagined (or more correctly, were being allowed to imagine - or manipulated into imagining) that they were ‘supporting the NHS’ by abusing their kitchen utensils in the street annoyed me immensely. It had one beneficial outcome though - I was determined to do something concrete instead and so signed up for blood donation. Giving my third pint next month!
I know what you mean, and I know this is Curmudgeon Corner, so not really the place to examine this, but I think a lot of people did the clapping/pot banging thing as it turned into a way to demonstrate the level of support the NHS had. I did it, partly as a gesture for the NHS people in a difficult time, but also as a 'keep your filthy hands off the NHS' gesture. But then I'm prone to pointless gestures like that.

Blood donation, excellent idea, good thought. Given what you drink, is there any way to express a preference for yours, should I ever find myself in need?
Around here it was a great opportunity to ‘see’ ones neighbours. Friendly waves all around. Another check that residents of the Almshouses next door are OK. Some nutter flying his drone around to make a video. And another couple of nutters in dinosaur costumes parading on a different street every week. That sort of thing.
I know what you mean, and I know this is Curmudgeon Corner, so not really the place to examine this, but I think a lot of people did the clapping/pot banging thing as it turned into a way to demonstrate the level of support the NHS had. I did it, partly as a gesture for the NHS people in a difficult time, but also as a 'keep your filthy hands off the NHS' gesture. But then I'm prone to pointless gestures like that.

Blood donation, excellent idea, good thought. Given what you drink, is there any way to express a preference for yours, should I ever find myself in need?
Obviously it began as a well-meaning gesture, but it was rapidly hijacked IMV. Not the place to discuss it further as you say, this isn’t a political thread. I wouldn’t be contributing if it were.

I pointed out in another thread that my blood could wreak havoc if it found its way into a Prosecco lover. I did think of mentioning this to the donations nurse, but as he had already told me that I had answered a selection of ‘female’ questions on the form as well as all the ‘male’ ones I don’t think he was in a laughing mood. But one of the nice things about donation is that they tell you where your blood has gone. My two monogrammed bagfuls so far have found recipients in Birmingham and Plymouth - but I haven’t yet heard of a spike in Rochefort or Châteauneuf consumption in either.

PS I think I would have preferred ‘given your drinking preferences...’ Your phrasing leaves the possibility open that you were referring to quantity rather than quality. Or perhaps you were...
PS I think I would have preferred ‘given your drinking preferences...’ Your phrasing leaves the possibility open that you were referring to quantity rather than quality. Or perhaps you were...
Apols, MB, I'd never impugn your bibulous nature (stones, glass houses, etc), it was definitely a quality vs quantity thing. Though I note they are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
A neighbour has builders doing something silly outside their house. I think it is a wall that doesn’t need to be there. I know the neighbour in that house, and she has more money than sense.

The Wife is annoyed with countryside artisan deli shops that oppress the customers with condescending tones and behaviour. (Welbeck /Harley Gallery area for the nosey)
London black cabs on rural A-roads that progress at a steady 30mph, with a long snake of traffic behind them. It used to be old ones, belching out black smoke, but I got caught behind a brand new, probably electric, one this morning. Not once did he exceed 30mph on a 60mph road.
On that general note, can anybody tell me whether a shedload and a shitload are essentially the same size, or is one bigger than the other?

You can have shed loads of sheet.

You can have sheet loads of sheds.

That just makes it more confusing.
Sheds are bigger than Shits. They just are, even if you are an Elephant. Maybe not if you are a Blue Whale.
Yes, that was my initial thought. But then I wondered whether 'shitloads' referred to 'loads' of shit, ie lorryloads. Most lorries are of bigger capacity than most sheds, and the use of the plural does imply more than one load. So I'm confused and hence look to this august body for guidance.

Oh, and does mentioning the Blue Whale get you a QI-style klaxon, I wonder?

