
Cricket 2023

It seems extremely lenient, especially with the suspended fine.

WHAT!!! This case should never have got to any courts. This was just publicity seeking, and if he was so badly treated why did he not say anything at the time. The worlds gone mad.

Come on England you can still win this.
I think we should get a result. England are going to have to play well. Need a lot of quick runs. I am a little concerned about our bowling but we do keep getting them out.
@Woodface Some of our bowling was pretty awful towards the end of the Australian innings. We allowed them far to many easy runs, and should have had a comfortable 1st innings lead of at least 30 runs.
Tippling it down here, 7 miles south west of the Oval, I fear for the start of play.

Mrs BM had a very enjoyable day there yesterday though she said it wasn`t the most exiting day`s play she had seen.
^ Oz don't do exciting with minor exceptions now and then. Bazball England score at twice the Oz rate.
However a beneficiary of bazball I hadn't considered is that opposing bowlers have relatively few overs to tire themselves. This has some effect in a crowded schedule of matches.
Will the difference in overs bowled be a crucial difference - the Aussies only 54 v England 104.
England looked tired last night, not helped by trying to bounce Murphy out which shouldn't happen again.
Haymaking has commenced!
Morning everyone.

What a shot to start! One thing I hadn't thought of re.bazball, is the extra strain it puts on our bowlers; here having taken us half the overs to get the sam'ish score as Aus. It's all that new to me. And our main two the age they are.

Crikey 12 off the first over, including 2nd ball nearly getting Creepy. Horse!
What other sport is there, when as soon as the game starts, one team captain decides to have a cup of tea? And the crowd on a Saturday sit in fancy-dress. Marvellous stuff.

My favourite fancy-dressed england supporter, was a chap (with beard) dressed as a fairy, in a frilly pink leotard & ballerinas skirt, wand in hand with a star on the end. When a 4 scored he stood up & signalled 4 with his wand, like he was sprinkling pixie dust L to R. Genius.
As it must definitely be lunch by now, I’ve dared to take a peek. No posts from matthewr so I feared the worst all morning, especially when I saw at one point that the latest addition was from The Captain - I immediately assumed Harry Brook must be out. But the two posts above look pretty positive - I’ll head over to the BBC site and check the score.

