
Cricket 2023

I unsubscribed as I found it was reducing my enjoyment of the cricket. Cricket has been a place of refuge for me during some difficult times these last few years and I found the (very small) number of rage inducing posts here was spoiling that. I also have two other places where I chat about the cricket and get my fix without this minor irritant.

Which is a shame as I generally cannot have enough cricket and some of my favourite PFMers are on here.
I know exactly how you feel.
Sorry @matthewr that we've spoilt your enjoyment.

Not the case at all. It's more that the enjoyment I get from this thread is outweighed by the minor annoyances. Also this is likely as much about me and my relationship to cricket and the particular circumstances of my recent life rather than anything about this thread. I very much want it to be a thing of joy not conflict.

FWIW I also quit TMS a few years ago as I find them horribly old fashioned and that the constant old man, moaning and whining rather ruined cricket compared for me. They seemed somehow stuck in the age of England being terrible. With the caveat that TMS might have changed since I last listened to it.

The other thing I would say is that Australia's play this morning has completely undone them if England go on to win his game and we will look like the moral victors. Today has also added to my overall conviction that despite not winning the Ashes this series has been in aggregate a massive vindication of Bazball.
If we -can- keep the runs gnats ass tight now, we can get the new ball in 7 overs.. & blitz the tail.

It's turned into another cracking days test cricket.
Dibbly dobs.

I can put my comfort pony out to graze. He'll have to come in & support me again tho once Duckett & Co bat in an hour, & with an hour to go before stumps under murky Oval skies.
I unsubscribed as I found it was reducing my enjoyment of the cricket.
Oh no… ‘Cricket 2023 - Latest post - matthewr - a moment ago’ was all I needed to see to know things were OK! What will I do now? I’ll have to go back to my old method of not peeking until breaks of play (otherwise I immediately put a hex on things) and going for walks in between without the temptation of a phone in my pocket. Oh well, only two more days to go.
Oh no… ‘Cricket 2023 - Latest post - matthewr - a moment ago’ was all I needed to see to know things were OK! What will I do now? I’ll have to go back to my old method of not peeking until breaks of play (otherwise I immediately put a hex on things) and going for walks in between without the temptation of a phone in my pocket. Oh well, only two more days to go.

I am now worried you have your cause and effect the wrong way around and i have to keep posting or Australia will stage a miraculous comeback :)
Oh no… ‘Cricket 2023 - Latest post - matthewr - a moment ago’ was all I needed to see to know things were OK! What will I do now? I’ll have to go back to my old method of not peeking until breaks of play (otherwise I immediately put a hex on things) and going for walks in between without the temptation of a phone in my pocket. Oh well, only two more days to go.
Two? What do you know that I don't?:)
Not much of an atmosphere at the Oval given the close nature of the test. I understand why they gave an Ashes test in 2027 to The Rose Bowl but I think it was a travesty for it to be at the expense of Leeds rather than sarth Landon with all its cockney winkers which is only 80 miles from Southampton.
Not much of an atmosphere at the Oval given the close nature of the test. I understand why they gave an Ashes test in 2027 to The Rose Bowl but I think it was a travesty for it to be at the expense of Leeds rather than sarth Landon with all its cockney winkers which is only 80 miles from Southampton.

Follow the money. Old Trafford after the last debacle, not a chance.

Maybe they could pair them up Lords or the Oval, Birmingham or Nottingham etc :) cwbaft
Follow the money. Old Trafford after the last debacle, not a chance.

Maybe they could pair them up Lords or the Oval, Birmingham or Nottingham etc :) cwbaft
Southampton thoroughly deserves their chance. Been waiting for ages and it is a fantastic ground.
As for The Oval…..2005, 2009 etc
Just increase the number of tests, Simples
England did much better than I expected today helped by some slow boycott batting by the Aussies .
Game nicely poised with both teams basically even , looking forward to a cracking match

