
Coronavirus - the new strain XXIV

I don't really understand how the fourth jab is being rolled out. My in-laws were waiting for their GP to get in touch and offer it to them. Instead my wife booked them in on the NHS website and they've both had it now.

I suggested that to my folks and they brushed it off saying they were happy to wait and hear from the GP. I suspect they'll be waiting a long time...

Both sets of parents are 80+, the demographic that makes up most covid fatalities.

Many GPs have given up I think. Best just to book via the website.
Agreed. The problem is many people in that demographic either aren't online or will wait indefinitely for the GP to get in touch.

I think this last wave has been very damaging to GPs. The Government had been reckoning on 2 waves per year but we've had two since Christmas...
I tried to check my covid vaccination status last night using the my gp app and I find all the covid stuff has been removed :( Is that it now?
Sorry Gav, i don’t know what the digital passport is. I usually log into the my gp app and click on the covid part but there’s nothing there now.
Received an updated NHS letter with advice on what to do if I get Covid - pcr positive how to get tablets or IV. Next day got this text.

The Highest Risk List will end on 31 May 2022. Evidence clearly shows that vaccines and new medicines mean the majority of people on the list are now far less likely to become seriously ill from Covid-19 and are not at any higher risk than the general public.

We will delete all personal data that we hold on you after 31 May 2022. Anyone you agreed we could share your data with will delete it too. Your GP will still have your medical records, and we will still be able to contact you if we ever need to send you extra Covid-19 advice again.

If you have questions about Covid-19 and your condition, please speak to your GP or clinician.

The Chief Medical Officer will write to you soon with more information. You can also find more details at

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"The latest member of the rogue’s gallery of variants and subvariants is the ungainly named BA.2.12.1, part of the omicron gang. Preliminary research suggests it is about 25 percent more transmissible than the BA.2 subvariant that is currently dominant nationally, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC said the subvariant has rapidly spread in the Northeast in particular, where it accounts for the majority of new infections."
More on the new Omicrons in the US: "COVID Update: We are experiencing a significant wave of case growth. We may be getting clues as to what endemic COVID looks like. If so, it feels different from other endemic diseases in some important ways. 1/"

Thanks for posting that and it's very illuminating and written in layman's terms. Sadly it seems our government here in the UK are taking no notice of any of that and we are likely flying blind into a waning immunity situation in a few months time which if we're unlucky may well just time itself for the arrival of another Omicron variant or worse. They never ever learn!

