
Coronavirus - the new strain XXIV

I don’t post these everyday, although updates are everyday, another real world view on what’s going on.

Yesterday's update was delayed. 35 635 cases, 407 deaths and 1 082, 936, 872, 718, 807 admissions to 1/5
If the US has 0.3% mortality, I would expect India to be about 0.2% (younger demographic) so around 2 million
Brazil also has a young population, so around 400k. They report far more, 664k. This is maybe due to low vaccination.
India might then be expected to be about 3 million
David Oliver: Facts the Daily Mail omits in its GP bashing

BMJ 2022; 377 doi: (Published 04 May 2022) Cite this as: BMJ 2022;377:eek:1091

The newspapers owned by DMG Media (including the Daily Mail and the Mail on Sunday) have been publishing incendiary articles about GPs for many years. The covid pandemic and the resulting extra strain on services have acted as an accelerant, with headlines badging themselves as crusaders for patients.
Returned from Ibiza on Tuesday absolutely drained and with a bit of a dry cough after 3 nights on the trot of partying. Took a test and it showed positive! Feeling quite a lot better today…
David Oliver: Facts the Daily Mail omits in its GP bashing

BMJ 2022; 377 doi: (Published 04 May 2022) Cite this as: BMJ 2022;377:eek:1091

The newspapers owned by DMG Media (including the Daily Mail and the Mail on Sunday) have been publishing incendiary articles about GPs for many years. The covid pandemic and the resulting extra strain on services have acted as an accelerant, with headlines badging themselves as crusaders for patients.

DMG media are the worst type of pond life in the media sea of pond life and I genuinely hope that anyone that writes for them meets a very nasty demise! I really do not undertand how they can sleep at night with their constant support of a corrupt and criminal government and bigoted mantras around immigrants, Muslims and more lately GPs and the NHS!
^ well there you go. Can't imagine that countries in Africa with poor medical facilities will have had a lower death rate than other countries will similar age profiles.
In today's session, joined by guests Fiona Fox, Prof. James Wilsdon and Prof. Christopher Grey, and chaired by Prof. Deenan Pillay, we are discussing science and policy. With Prof. Anthony Costello hosting and Prof. Christina Pagel presenting the latest numbers and trends.


