
Coronavirus - the new strain XXIV

Another pandemic is ‘absolutely inevitable’, says Patrick Vallance

Former UK chief scientific adviser warns ‘we are not ready yet’ and urges next government to prepare

"Speaking at a panel event at the Hay festival in Powys, Vallance said it is “great we are having an election” as there are “clearly issues that need to be sorted out”. One of the things the next government must do is implement “better surveillance to be able to pick these things up”, he said."

"“We know we have to have an army, not because there’s going to be a war this year, but we know it’s an important part of what we need as a nation,” he said. “We need to treat this preparedness in the same way and not to view it as an easy thing to keep cutting back when there’s no sign of a pandemic – because there won’t be a sign of a pandemic.”"

This very similar to my wife's story. 3 years soon enough. She just back at work this week after 3 months off. I think if she's not recovered by the Autumn (fat chance) it'll likely be curtains. What odds her insurance policy paying out?

‘I could bench-press 100kg. Now, I can’t walk’: Lucy’s life with long Covid

Before the pandemic, Lucy Keighley ran a gym, worked as a personal trainer and went on gruelling, exhilarating runs. But after three and a half years of illness, she isn’t sure she will ever recover
by Sam Wollaston


Mexico man dies from first human case of bird flu strain H5N2

Scientists are on alert for signs the virus is adapting to spread more easily among humans, after the WHO announced the death from April

The World Health Organization (WHO) has said a man’s death in Mexico was caused by a strain of bird flu called H5N2 that has never before been found in a human.

The WHO said Wednesday it wasn’t clear how the person became infected. “Although the source of exposure to the virus in this case is currently unknown, A(H5N2) viruses have been reported in poultry in Mexico,” it said in a statement.

Scientists are on alert for changes in the virus that could signal that bird flu is adapting to spread more easily among humans.

The data have been greatly thinned out now but...

Through Respiratory DataMart, SARS-CoV-2 increased to 8.0% compared with 6.1% in the
previous week.
Through primary care surveillance, the SARS-CoV-2 positivity in GP sentinel swabbing
decreased to 2.6% in week 21 compared to 3.3 % the previous week.
Overall, COVID-19 hospital admissions decreased slightly to 2.36 per 100,000 compared with
2.44 per 100,000 in the previous week. Hospitalisations were highest in those aged 85 years
and over. COVID-19 ICU admissions were very low although increased slightly at 0.09 per
100,000 in week 22.
Overall, 55.6% of all people aged 75 years and over in England had been vaccinated with a
spring 2024 booster dose since 15 April 2024.

It's still out there folks. My sister & both elderly parents have tested positive today. I'm rather worried. Trying to arrange a booster jab for next week in case I have to go over to help out with domestic stuff.
It's still out there folks. My sister & both elderly parents have tested positive today. I'm rather worried. Trying to arrange a booster jab for next week in case I have to go over to help out with domestic stuff.
Sorry to hear that. A big outbreak at my wife's work too - looks like it's on the up again...

"Seeing a big spike in Covid cases in the hospital

This one looks more transmissible and may well cause major disruption in hospitals and care homes

Only a few with lung problems, but for most it’s still knocking the stuffing out of them.

Maybe time to think about boosters?"

The tweet was promptly jumped on by antivax nutters.
In week 24, influenza activity decreased, and COVID-19 activity increased across all indicators.

Through Respiratory DataMart, SARS-CoV-2 increased to 10.0% compared with 8.4% in the
previous week.
Through primary care surveillance, the SARS-CoV-2 positivity in GP sentinel swabbing
increased to 5.3% in week 23 compared with 4.7% the previous week.
Overall, COVID-19 hospital admissions increased slightly to 3.31 per 100,000 compared with
2.67 per 100,000 in the previous week. Hospitalisations were highest in those aged 85 years
and over. COVID-19 ICU admissions were very low but increased slightly to 0.12 per 100,000 in
week 24.
Overall, 59.6% of all people aged 75 years and over in England had been vaccinated with a
spring 2024 booster dose since 15 April 2024

Hi, well my girlfriend has just been tested and she is positive for Covid, since Tuesday, she not super ill, but is off work, and looks pretty crook, she is a hairdresser by the way, i have just been taking supplies to her leaving them at the door, and stepping back,
To be honest she is not really up, for company, phew,

