
Coronavirus - the new strain XVII

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Quite, the clown hair was the same prior to current lock down, a bit shorter so he could make it stand up before going in to announce deaths.
There's been no change in the decline in hospitalisations over Easter, they're still falling 50% in 17 days 179 (3rd) cf 175 for the trend.

You see I think we should expect the rate of change of admissions to at least slow down now because of schools opening.

Re the AZ news, the strange thing is that it was drip fed to that Italian paper. Why?
You see I think we should expect the rate of change of admissions to at least slow down now because of schools opening.

Re the AZ news, the strange thing is that it was drip fed to that Italian paper. Why?

I think it was reported in France first.
There's been no change in the decline in hospitalisations over Easter, they're still falling 50% in 17 days 179 (3rd) cf 175 for the trend.

A remarkable and very encouraging consistency, And perhaps for more encouragement the ratio of deaths to admissions seems to have fallen from around 30% to less than 15% taking into account a likely range of delays between admission to death.
I don’t understand the constant media attention on this. Surely this is going to make those younger people thinking of having it think twice and that’s not what anyone wants. Ok, 30 cases of clotting isn’t nice to read for anyone but thousands of deaths from Covid and living a life of never ending restrictions I feel is infinitely worse. I’m one of the 18 million who have had the AZ as many of us probably have by now and I for one am thankful for it. Has anyone worked out approximately how many would have died if they hadn’t of invented these amazing miracles.
I don’t understand the constant media attention on this. Surely this is going to make those younger people thinking of having it think twice and that’s not what anyone wants. Ok, 30 cases of clotting isn’t nice to read for anyone but thousands of deaths from Covid and living a life of never ending restrictions I feel is infinitely worse. I’m one of the 18 million who have had the AZ as many of us probably have by now and I for one am thankful for it. Has anyone worked out approximately how many would have died if they hadn’t of invented these amazing miracles.
I've had AZ too and have no issue with it for myself. When it comes to my 28 year old daughter I'd prefer another vaccine for her which MAY not have these rare side effects. Fewer younger people have been vaccinated so the 18m figure isn't so helpful. How many under 50s or under 30s have been vaccinated?

If there weren't alternatives then we'd have to use AZ on everyone but that's not the case.
How many under 50s or under 30s have been vaccinated?

Must be quite a lot of under 50's by now - seems like the majority of my colleagues in England that are in the 40-50 range have been vaccinated now. My 25 year old son has had the AZ vaccine already but his 29 year old system hasn't yet - so if (and that "if" is the big question) there is a significant risk then I'd rather she got something else. Overall if it was AZ or nothing then it'd still be the better option that she got it.

The French people are starting to refuse Moderna - reasons are not clear. One suggestion is that they’re mixing it up with AZ, which, of course, they think is a sort of poison.

If there weren't alternatives then we'd have to use AZ on everyone but that's not the case.

This sounds eminently sensible, what I don’t know is what happens if you ring your GP and say you don’t want AZ and he can’t make you change your mind. What I’m saying is, in the UK it may be a case of take what you’re offered or don’t get vaccinated at all.
Must be quite a lot of under 50's by now - seems like the majority of my colleagues in England that are in the 40-50 range have been vaccinated now. My 25 year old son has had the AZ vaccine already but his 29 year old system hasn't yet - so if (and that "if" is the big question) there is a significant risk then I'd rather she got something else. Overall if it was AZ or nothing then it'd still be the better option that she got it.

They're still formally on the 50-54s. The under 50s probably won't start until May now
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