
Brexit: give me a positive effect... VI

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I'm not so sure. There isn't going to be any good news on the economic front for the foreseeable future, and the public's mood will change very quickly when faced with empty shelves, accelerating job losses and tax rises following a hard BrExit. There is a limit to how much of this can be blamed on COVID: any consensus on that front, however tenuous, is now gone for good.
Apart from the deal in December, Boris can still rely on Corbyn's gang to undermine Labour for some time to come.
Tuga will be delighted to know that Charles Michel, the former Belgian PM and current president of the European Council, has stated that the UK can't 'have its cake and eat it too'.

There's a certain irony in that the increasingly belligerent President Macron is keen on booting the UK out of the EU with no deal. Except, that is, on fish, where he continues to demand full French access to UK waters, and, as now, 85% of the catch in those waters.

Sounds very much as though he wants our fish, and to eat them too.
Macron has had his chips.
I'm afraid Monsieur Macron is very unlikely to source his salt from Portugal, nor his vinegar from Italy, as he would maintain that the French versions are vraiment superieur. His fish, though...
Tuga will be delighted to know that Charles Michel, the former Belgian PM and current president of the European Council, has stated that the UK can't 'have its cake and eat it too'.

There's a certain irony in that the increasingly belligerent President Macron is keen on booting the UK out of the EU with no deal. Except, that is, on fish, where he continues to demand full French access to UK waters, and, as now, 85% of the catch in those waters.

Sounds very much as though he wants our fish, and to eat them too.
The belligerence of the French, the hegemony of Germany. It appears now they’re not actually going to direct the EU to meet our demands. What to do, the Anglosphere?
Apart from the deal in December, Boris can still rely on Corbyn's gang to undermine Labour for some time to come.
Johnson appears to be turning much of the British Isles against his government, including significant parts of England. I think it’s going to draw to an explosive conclusion- when the red wall constituencies see what’s in store for them next year. You and the the rest of the kippers will be able to observe the fruits of your work at your leisure.
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