
Brexit: give me a positive effect... VI

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BJ has never had a plan for anything in his life. He is the golden boy that can just wing it. Or not.

But Cummings has. The Brittania Unchained Tory party has.

It's happening now. Cummings has written about it for years.

Allow the USA into the NHS
Decimate agriculture and manufacturing and replace with an algorithm-based 'data driven' economy
High-level monitoring of subjects and making opposition movements illegal
Remove judicial and parliamentary oversight
Neuter the civil service and the BBC/C4
Place puppets in place in positions of power
Syphon taxes into the pockets of friends and donors
Change the electoral boundaries to create a Tory hegemony
Remove workers' and environment rights and the minimum wage by using 'free ports'
Reduce taxes for the rich.
Remove powers from the regions and countries of GB

There's more. It's happening right now.

Invite climate change deniers to speajk

But Cummings has. The Brittania Unchained Tory party has.

It's happening now. Cummings has written about it for years.

Allow the USA into the NHS
Decimate agriculture and manufacturing and replace with an algorithm-based 'data driven' economy
High-level monitoring of subjects and making opposition movements illegal
Remove judicial and parliamentary oversight
Neuter the civil service and the BBC/C4
Place puppets in place in positions of power
Syphon taxes into the pockets of friends and donors
Change the electoral boundaries to create a Tory hegemony
Remove workers' and environment rights and the minimum wage by using 'free ports'
Reduce taxes for the rich.
Remove powers from the regions and countries of GB

There's more. It's happening right now.

Invite climate change deniers to speajk


No wonder the majority of Scots want out!
There are harder right-wings that will take advantage of the power grab that Johnson is putting in place under cover of Brexit.

Even our pathetic 'checks and balances' are being eroded. The UK is ripe for an authoritarian coup, especially if Scotland secedes.


Not over till the fat lady sings. It will take a long time even if things go pear shaped in January. If it is a hard Brexit I feel the population will react to how bad it will become. Having said that covid has softened them up. In a perverse way covid might help the Tories as people will stoically rally around. I am astounded at how silent the people are on what is potentially going to happen. There appears to be more concern about whether the pubs can remain open. :D
Not over till the fat lady sings. It will take a long time even if things go pear shaped in January. If it is a hard Brexit I feel the population will react to how bad it will become. Having said that covid has softened them up. In a perverse way covid might help the Tories as people will stoically rally around. I am astounded at how silent the people are on what is potentially going to happen. There appears to be more concern about whether the pubs can remain open. :D

IMO, it will take around 5 years after a hard Brexit before opinion swings decisively. It needs time to play out, but I am certain at some point in time , pressure will build for an EEA/EFTA arrrangement.
IMO, it will take around 5 years after a hard Brexit before opinion swings decisively. It needs time to play out, but I am certain at some point in time , pressure will build for an EEA/EFTA arrrangement.

The Tories will try their best not to make that happen. I'm sure bungs will be offered and the power grab currently under way will neuter opposition.

Corbyn will be blamed!

If Scotland secedes, it's game over.

Scotland will now have to do what Catalonia did. I can just see Boris shouting "Lock her up" as Nicola flees to France.
On the same ferry as Andy Burnham and Sadiq Khan? Johnson is remarkably like Trump in his tactics. Silence dissent through threats- shut parliament, attack judicial scrutiny- cheat on Northern Ireland (both ways), remove devolved powers from Scotland and Wales and strip the duly elected Labour Mayors of England’s biggest cities of their authority. You’re facing four more years of this and it will only intensify if they remove him and anoint Gove. Johnson is bad but Gove is malignant in ways even Johnson can’t quite manage.
On the same ferry as Andy Burnham and Sadiq Khan? Johnson is remarkably like Trump in his tactics. Silence dissent through threats- shut parliament, attack judicial scrutiny- cheat on Northern Ireland (both ways), remove devolved powers from Scotland and Wales and strip the duly elected Labour Mayors of England’s biggest cities of their authority. You’re facing four more years of this and it will only intensify if they remove him and anoint Gove. Johnson is bad but Gove is malignant in ways even Johnson can’t quite manage.

Sunak even more so.

He's the 'friendly' face of the Conservative party.

No, some people are toxic. It is a choice some people are making.

Having just over 1/3 of the electorate (misled) decide on a matter of such importance and then that same electorate enable a government run by an incompetent lying buffoon puppeteered by a radical unelected bureaucrat to see it through is bound to end in misery...

Covid-19 made matters worse: as if a "broken" Union wasn't enough we're now on the verge of a "broken" England.
On the same ferry as Andy Burnham and Sadiq Khan? Johnson is remarkably like Trump in his tactics. Silence dissent through threats- shut parliament, attack judicial scrutiny- cheat on Northern Ireland (both ways), remove devolved powers from Scotland and Wales and strip the duly elected Labour Mayors of England’s biggest cities of their authority. You’re facing four more years of this and it will only intensify if they remove him and anoint Gove. Johnson is bad but Gove is malignant in ways even Johnson can’t quite manage.
Probably at least another 9 years of Tory rule.
Thought I would login to check mainly the corona thread for updates from Gav and tiggers, but also noticed these in the brexit thread..

Classic, you should use all that as your avatar. I will desist now as a friend has often pointed out about some of these forums, there are some people who can just enjoy pulling you through quicksand and will turn around and go back through the same mud pile again ad finitum.

Oh no, is he still around? I had hoped he might have gone by now.

Got to say, these are 2 examples of the type of worthless, provocative posts that only go to cause more arguing and angst on the forum. I'm really not sure what kind of individual sees the need to make those sort of posts.
Interesting piece in the new Private Eye, comparing and contrasting the euphoric remarks about Boris made at the time he became Tory leader and PM, and the negative comments about him now being made by those same people. As well as the 'usual suspects' (Allison why-oh-why Pearson, Toby Young), there's Peter Oborne who describes Boris thusly - 'A prime minister who shamelessly lies to Parliament, who misled the Queen [...], who wages permanent war on the independent civil service and who turned his back on Britain's legal obligations by pledging to tear up his own Withdrawal Agreement'.

To my certain knowledge, Oborne was equally euphoric about Blair, Brown and Cameron when they became PM, and equally disillusioned about all three after they'd been in office for a year or so. His faith in whoever is the latest PM is touching in some ways, but you think by now he'd have learned not to put any trust in any politician.
nteresting piece in the new Private Eye, comparing and contrasting the euphoric remarks about Boris made at the time he became Tory leader and PM, and the negative comments about him now being made by those same people.

Perhaps those BrExit-pushing people hadn't realised that their idea of Leave wasn't viable yet and, like most Leave voters, fell for the "oven-ready" and "get it done" slogans.

"Take back control", "strong and stable", "oven-ready", "get it done"..."BrExit". Leavers are good at cumming up with catchy slogans.

All ineffectual, all meaningless verbiage, all lies.
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