
Brexit: give me a positive effect... VI

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Perhaps those BrExit-pushing people hadn't realised that their idea of Leave wasn't viable yet and, like most Leave voters, fell for the "oven-ready" and "get it done" slogans.

"Take back control", "strong and stable", "oven-ready", "get it done"..."BrExit". Leavers are good at cumming up with catchy slogans.

They all fell into the trap of mistaking Boris's bluster and 'can do' attitude for someone who actually understood what was going on. They overestimated Boris's attention span and his ability to walk the walk as well as talking the talk. Of course, back in July 2019, no-one could have predicted that COVID would hit as hard as it did, but Boris's handshaking and hugging when infectious, and his blind eye towards Cumming's antics, revealed him for the clueless chancer he has always been.
So, to recap: the shower of multi-millionaire public-school educated elitist class-warrior shitheads running the country who promised us all free-trade deals, post-Brexit prosperity, no job losses etc can’t in reality even negotiate a deal with Greater Manchester...

Every PMQs I stare at the TV in disbelief that such a lazy, feckless, clueless and useless piece of shit can obtain the role of PM in this country. This is a clear indicator of systemic failure IMO, as is his twin Trump in the USA. This is not the end result of a functional democratic society.
So, to recap: the shower of multi-millionaire public-school educated elitist class-warrior shitheads running the country who promised us all free-trade deals, post-Brexit prosperity, no job losses etc can’t in reality even negotiate a deal with Greater Manchester...

Every PMQs I stare at the TV in disbelief that such a lazy, feckless, clueless and useless piece of shit can obtain the role of PM in this country. This is a clear indicator of systemic failure IMO, as is his twin Trump in the USA. This is not the end result of a functional democratic society.

It is abundantly clear that money has subverted democracy in the UK, and as a result we are left with a parody s**t show.

People of more "egalitarian" nations in the north of Europe look at the state of our politics and pity us. First-past-the-post is not fit for purpose, it just perpetuates adversarial politics that Thatcher ushered in.
Probably at least another 9 years of Tory rule.
I'm not so sure. There isn't going to be any good news on the economic front for the foreseeable future, and the public's mood will change very quickly when faced with empty shelves, accelerating job losses and tax rises following a hard BrExit. There is a limit to how much of this can be blamed on COVID: any consensus on that front, however tenuous, is now gone for good.
I'm not so sure. There isn't going to be any good news on the economic front for the foreseeable future, and the public's mood will change very quickly when faced with empty shelves, accelerating job losses and tax rises following a hard BrExit

Don't forget rising inflation and consequently rising mortgage payments.

The BoE are thinking of negative rates at the moment—but if inflation does rise (which it will with No-deal) their 'traditional' response will kick in.


Show me the unprovoked but personally provocative posts I’ve made. I can show you plenty from you.
Lifes too short, Brain.
Most replies you make to points I raise are ad hom rather than engaging with my posts.
Tuga will be delighted to know that Charles Michel, the former Belgian PM and current president of the European Council, has stated that the UK can't 'have its cake and eat it too'.

There's a certain irony in that the increasingly belligerent President Macron is keen on booting the UK out of the EU with no deal. Except, that is, on fish, where he continues to demand full French access to UK waters, and, as now, 85% of the catch in those waters.

Sounds very much as though he wants our fish, and to eat them too.
Tuga will be delighted to know that Charles Michel, the former Belgian PM and current president of the European Council, has stated that the UK can't 'have its cake and eat it too'.

There's a certain irony in that the increasingly belligerent President Macron is keen on booting the UK out of the EU with no deal. Except, that is, on fish, where he continues to demand full French access to UK waters, and, as now, 85% of the catch in those waters.

Sounds very much as though he wants our fish, and to eat them too.

You do realise that most of the fish eaten here is not caught in UK waters. The vast majority of the catch from here goes to the SM. The UK waters were what we brought to the party as entry, so that we could expand our trade in other areas that we were actually interested in. The use of a long gone fishing industry as some form of emotional metaphor for a time when UK fishing was actually UK owned and made a dent in our national fortunes is trite nonsense. But the services sector doesn't conjure such warm feelings of nostalgia even though the population is much more dependent on it, than it ever was for fishing.
Lifes too short, Brain.
Most replies you make to points I raise are ad hom rather than engaging with my posts.
You’re at it again. :D

I know I’m far from perfect, but the fact is, you aren’t able to come up with examples of what you accuse me of.

You spent months with me on ignore and encouraged others to do the same, you seemingly removed that and immediately started up again with provocation and ad-hom when you reply to something I post. Like a few others, you have me down as a ‘brexiteer’, so I’m fair game. It’s compounded by my dislike of nationalism. That’s it in a nutshell.

I suggest you just put me back on ignore.
You do realise that most of the fish eaten here is not caught in UK waters. The vast majority of the catch from here goes to the SM. The UK waters were what we brought to the party as entry, so that we could expand our trade in other areas that we were actually interested in. The use of a long gone fishing industry as some form of emotional metaphor for a time when UK fishing was actually UK owned and made a dent in our national fortunes is trite nonsense. But the services sector doesn't conjure such warm feelings of nostalgia even though the population is much more dependent on it, that it ever was for fishing.

I've noticed recently that at some of Sainsbury's frozen fish comes from China. responsibly "trawled" off the Galapagos?
You’re at it again. :D

I know I’m far from perfect, but the fact is, you aren’t able to come up with examples of what you accuse me of.

You spent months with me on ignore and encouraged others to do the same, you seemingly removed that and immediately started up again with provocation and ad-hom when you reply to something I post. Like a few others, you have me down as a ‘brexiteer’, so I’m fair game. It’s compounded by my dislike of nationalism. That’s it in a nutshell.

I suggest you just put me back on ignore.
'Lifes too short' is provocative? Do you have some terminal condition we should all be tiptoing around?
Tuga will be delighted to know that Charles Michel, the former Belgian PM and current president of the European Council, has stated that the UK can't 'have its cake and eat it too'.

There's a certain irony in that the increasingly belligerent President Macron is keen on booting the UK out of the EU with no deal. Except, that is, on fish, where he continues to demand full French access to UK waters, and, as now, 85% of the catch in those waters.

Sounds very much as though he wants our fish, and to eat them too.

Let's get our fearsome Navy out. Trafalgar 2 glory beckons.
Tuga will be delighted to know that Charles Michel, the former Belgian PM and current president of the European Council, has stated that the UK can't 'have its cake and eat it too'.

There's a certain irony in that the increasingly belligerent President Macron is keen on booting the UK out of the EU with no deal. Except, that is, on fish, where he continues to demand full French access to UK waters, and, as now, 85% of the catch in those waters.

Sounds very much as though he wants our fish, and to eat them too.

He wants your/our fish, you/we want free trade. Life, innit?
You do realise that most of the fish eaten here is not caught in UK waters. The vast majority of the catch from here goes to the SM. The UK waters were what we brought to the party as entry, so that we could expand our trade in other areas that we were actually interested in. The use of a long gone fishing industry as some form of emotional metaphor for a time when UK fishing was actually UK owned and made a dent in our national fortunes is trite nonsense. But the services sector doesn't conjure such warm feelings of nostalgia even though the population is much more dependent on it, than it ever was for fishing.

Yes, I do know all of those things.
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