
Brexit: give me a positive effect... VI

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@Vinny Maybe it is just me but he doesn't look particularly convincing.

Oh, I don't know...

Boris Piccaninny Watermelon Letterbox Cake... said:
For whatever reason it is clear from the summit that after 45 years of membership they are not willing - unless there is some fundamental change of approach - to offer this country the same terms as Canada.
And so with high hearts and complete confidence we will prepare to embrace the alternative.

high hearts, complete confidence...
Free at last!!!

^ get some of that good old boy high fructose corn syrup into everything. We'll soon be as large as Americans.

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, and assume you meant “some” Americans. US obesity numbers are skewed by our poorest five states (West Virginia and four states in the Deep South). Where I live in Minnesota, obesity numbers are almost identical to the UK.
As dumb too.

Again, SOME Americans are dumb. Of course, this is true of all countries, even wherever you are from.

But if comments like this is what It takes to make you feel better about yourself, then feel free to carry on.
Game over.

"@BorisJohnson will set out UK reactions and approach tomorrow in the light of his statement of 7 September."

Which said... " There needs to be an agreement with our European friends by the time of the European Council on 15 October if it’s going to be in force by the end of the year. So there is no sense in thinking about timelines that go beyond that point. "

We are entering the age of Kentish lorry parks and no toilet paper.
That does sound like the EU doesn’t want to negotiate.
Nothing sad with me except to see your support for this Tory crap. I'm a fan of Katya, I'm not so sure you would be if you read more of her - which you obviously haven't. She is very pro-EU. But I appreciate the BBC has been very wary of upsetting Johnson as he threatens them with cash starvation.

If I need a laugh in this situation, it's trying to figure out how you move from knowing that Johnson and his cronies are an unspeakable bunch of liars and charlatans in UK politics, but transform into honest, downtrodden victims when they have to face the consequences of their dishonesty and opportunism concerning the EU. That's quite a pivot.

I wonder why the article failed to mention...
I am very aware of Katya Adler and her reporting, thanks.

Your second paragraph just gave me a laugh. Utter rubbish, Steve. Johnson and his cronies are liars, I just happen to have no trust in the EU either, it is entirely sensible to be suspicious of the EU regarding brexit negotiations. You’ve made clear yourself the EU will only do what benefits the EU and doesn’t need to ( even shouldn’t ) compromise.

I’m actually starting to believe the EU is attempting to ensure the UK fails as an example to other countries where people want to leave their project.
@Brian here's some more scraping. I'm testing your immunity to facts.

US agribusiness lobbyists paid for trip by David Davis
The E Foundation worked with UK thinktank on Brexit and is alleged to favour weakening EU food regulations

A six-day trip to the US by former Brexit secretary David Davis was partly funded by an American lobbying organisation that is alleged to favour weakening European Union regulations on environmental and food standards.
The Oklahoma-based organisation, the E Foundation, paid £5,362 to Davis, who was accompanied by fellow Brexiter Owen Paterson on the trip last month. The organisation represents agricultural and energy interests.
The E Foundation attracted attention this year when undercover reporters from Greenpeace’s investigative unit, Unearthed, recorded its director saying that he aimed to raise thousands of dollars from US donors to campaign on Brexit.

Which facts have you decided I’m immune to and why?
That does sound like the EU doesn’t want to negotiate.

I am very aware of Katya Adler and her reporting, thanks.

Your second paragraph just gave me a laugh. Utter rubbish, Steve. Johnson and his cronies are liars, I just happen to have no trust in the EU either, it is entirely sensible to be suspicious of the EU regarding brexit negotiations. You’ve made clear yourself the EU will only do what benefits the EU and doesn’t need to ( even shouldn’t ) compromise.

I’m actually starting to believe the EU is attempting to ensure the UK fails as an example to other countries where people want to leave their project.

The EU looking after the EU, no shit. Yes benefits of being part of a larger whole.

They see the same charlatans as you do and yet you expect them to treat them differently? Glad you think that’s amusing, it just looks inconsistent. It’s not a negotiation in the sense you persist with either, that’s a brexiter line. It’s a unilateral choice by one party who hope to limit the rather obvious consequences. Leaving the EU has a documented process which the UK was very involved in drafting. We now wish to limit the extent of that because it no longer suits us.
but the current cabinet of the tories are afaik extremely wealthy.

I really have less than no idea what wealth has to do with this. What about considering where that wealth came from. Why not take a look at the shadow cabinet too?

Anyone who suggests that anyone with a few bob will be unaffected by the mess that is highly likely to be Brexit, is in fantasy land. Fair enough, if anyone has a financial cushion, that cushion will just shrink, but it will still be there in all probability. BUT it is what was amply well explained before the poll, and for which the majority of voters, voted.

Rabid reds and fanatical brexiteers and remainers just DO NOT engage brain OR logic, as is far more than amply illustrated here.
^ it wasn't really a serious point Hook. At least I hope not.

Isn’t that why we invented smile face emojis?

I don’t usually get worked up over anti-American posts when the subject is the government, the military, violence, racism, and so on. The criticism is almost always well deserved. But I draw the line when it comes to ordinary people. Most of the seriously obese are poor, segregated and undereducated. Most of the “dumb” are merely ignorant. They are poorly served by their local schools and government. I just do not think it is right to make fun of people who do not have access to good food, are living check to check, and especially during these extremely challenging times.

I also don’t think it is good form slipping in anti-American wisecracks in to an infinitely long Brexit thread. If anyone wants to take shots at American obesity and dumbness, then I say have the balls to start a thread about it.
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