
Brexit: give me a positive effect... V

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At least the Govt now has a precise figure for the lorry queue in Kent in January. It is exactly 7,000. This shows that some detailed planning has been done so we've won. :rolleyes:
I had the misfortune to be in a pub in Co Durham earlier today and when I went into the beer garden for a tab it was like a meeting of UKIP pond life out there! 4 were present. landlady, her son (I gathered) and two elderly blokes..
I heard a non stop 4 way rant about "foreigner scum" which then went specifically to Turks, who they it seems thought there were lots of in the area.... "They're all feckin rapists" was the main view... plus how much they hate going to a barbers and finding someone foreign running it...
It was a VERY "working class" run down establishment and unfortunately this is what decent remainer people are up against... If Labour or Lib dems etc etc believe there is anything they can say or do that would make such dregs of humanity vote to rejoin the EU they are in cloud cuckoo land and this is why rejoining must be forced upon the country without another referendum.
The WA agreement was not passed by the UK parliament until 23rd January 2020, well after Johnson obtained his 80-seat majority. It's not true that he had 'no choice other than to sign it'. He had ample opportunity to 'tear the bloody thing up' before that vote - had he wanted to.

Good luck EV is a free standing boxing bag with Greece on it. No facts stick.
A bit like the other two amigo's here.
Looks like someone...ahem...more appropriate has the chip pans fired up already. Check the name...



...them foreigners lookin down their noses at us.
I had the misfortune to be in a pub in Co Durham earlier today and when I went into the beer garden for a tab it was like a meeting of UKIP pond life out there! 4 were present. landlady, her son (I gathered) and two elderly blokes..
I heard a non stop 4 way rant about "foreigner scum" which then went specifically to Turks, who they it seems thought there were lots of in the area.... "They're all feckin rapists" was the main view... plus how much they hate going to a barbers and finding someone foreign running it...
It was a VERY "working class" run down establishment and unfortunately this is what decent remainer people are up against... If Labour or Lib dems etc etc believe there is anything they can say or do that would make such dregs of humanity vote to rejoin the EU they are in cloud cuckoo land and this is why rejoining must be forced upon the country without another referendum.

Looks like someone...ahem...more appropriate has the chip pans fired up already. Check the name...



...them foreigners lookin down their noses at us.

You missed the part where they say that on the 31st of January 2020 KK Catering will be adding a new K to their name.
The WA was agreed in October 2019, before Johnson had a majority, and when his back was against the wall. I assume that when it was 'agreed', he signed that agreement. It was put before Parliament in early 2020, when he had a majority.

Er, why was his back against the wall?, “the easiest deal in history” was the claim before the vote, wonder what the vote would have been if they told the truth, I.e “you will be well fvcked, except the vulture funds run by my mates who will coin it in”.
Why not?

Grant unfettered access to your markets on the same basis, to:

A) a country, the 6th largest economy right on your doorstep which is tightly integrated into your markets and services but which will not agree to mutually acceptable trading or social welfare standards or subsidy rules, or

B) the 10th largest economy, a substantial distance away, with very little trade with the EU, no services, not integrated into your supply chains and cannot unfairly undercut EU companies.

These are not the same thing and as I have said to ET, all FTA’s differ. For the UK (and you) to expect a Canada equivalent deal for the UK is cloud-cuckoo thinking.

I didn’t and don’t expect a Canada style deal. As time has gone on I don’t expect any movement out of the EU on anything. No deal is nearly here thanks to bad faith from both sides.

I’m not specifically interested is a Canada type of deal, it’s been flatly refused by the EU ‘negotiators’ without any negative comment here. That last bit is what I’m interested in. What I want to know is, why is it acceptable for the EU to have unbreakable red lines (in a negotiation) while the UK is slated (here) for wanting anything at all? Do you want the UK and EU to reach a deal, or what?

The UK set the red lines and wants all of the benefits of being in without contributing and not be under the jurisdiction of the ECJ. Cake'n'eat it or outright piracy?
Evidence for this is?

Who’s going to get the burger van concession I wonder?
Ben had a great Burger van. You’d have loved it.

Good luck EV is a free standing boxing bag with Greece on it. No facts stick.
A bit like the other two amigo's here.
That makes no sense. Again.

Brian sweetie, if you act and talk like a brexiteer you can’t be a pi55 and moan artist when you get called one.
I don’t care what you call me from your keyboard. Carry on making stuff up, tough guy.
Hang on a minute. The deal is the deal Johnson used to take May’s premiership from her, the deal he won a general election on and then signed with the EU. There aren’t any other deals. He’s now about to break international law so that he can welch on his very own deal. Let’s be under no illusion about who is responsible for where a Britain stands now. Blaming the ‘remainer Parliament’, the ‘enemies of the people’, the devolved nations, the EU or Uncle Tom Cobley won’t wash it away.

It might play well in the English right wing press for an audience of aggrieved ethnic nationalists but that’s not going to alter reality. Johnson didn’t have the integrity or political talent to negotiate, he lacked the candour to tell the public that where they’ve been heading for the past four years of Tory failure is straight to no deal Brexit and all the financial and societal costs that brings.
Hang on a minute. The deal is the deal Johnson used to take May’s premiership from her, the deal he won a general election on and then signed with the EU. There aren’t any other deals. He’s now about to break international law so that he can welch on his very own deal. Let’s be under no illusion about who is responsible for where a Britain stands now. Blaming the ‘remainer Parliament’, the ‘enemies of the people’, the devolved nations, the EU or Uncle Tom Cobley won’t wash it away.

It might play well in the English right wing press for an audience of aggrieved ethnic nationalists but that’s not going to alter reality. Johnson didn’t have the integrity or political talent to negotiate, he lacked the candour to tell the public that where they’ve been heading for the past four years of Tory failure is straight to no deal Brexit and all the financial and societal costs that brings.

But Brain said that the baddies in the EU have broken red lines. We must focus on that and answer all the questions he asks. It is like talking to a five year no matter how easy you make it and no matter how much detail is given nothing goes in. To cap it all he will come with a crap put down one liner and think he is top dog. Is this the best brexit has to offer?
My complaint is simple - you have posted defection to avoid the question you were asked as usual.

'Brainwashed' coming from a 'kipper, yes of course. You don't get to play that victim - no remainers that I have seen here have remotely suggested the EU is without flaws or problems. That's another straw man.

What was the UK's role with Greece, Portugal etc? Oh, that's right screaming and demanding that none of "our" money was used. Physician cure thyself.

Double standards? Deceit? Sounds like Johnson and the Leave campaign. The EU doen't have to be a paragon of virtue for our membership to be in our interest. Speaking of which, presumably you will be spurning any Trump overtures on the same basis? Thought not.

Greece, Portugal etc was the defective EMU made flesh. The UK quite rightly opted out of that disaster in the making, one in which it played no part, despite John Major's best efforts. Dubious charity apart, I can think of no reason why the UK taxpayer should have had to bail out the EZ for the problems which it had bestowed upon itself. Can you?

And now you accuse me of double standards even as you excoriate the UK for its imperfect virtue whilst simultaneously excusing the EU. Sauce for the goose is apparently not sauce for the gander.

What Trump overtures am I being accused of failing to 'spurn'?

Why not?

Grant unfettered access to your markets on the same basis, to:

A) a country, the 6th largest economy right on your doorstep which is tightly integrated into your markets and services but which will not agree to mutually acceptable trading or social welfare standards or subsidy rules, or

B) the 10th largest economy, a substantial distance away, with very little trade with the EU, no services, not integrated into your supply chains and cannot unfairly undercut EU companies.

These are not the same thing and as I have said to ET, all FTA’s differ. For the UK (and you) to expect a Canada equivalent deal for the UK is cloud-cuckoo thinking.

A small correction, I think, at the last count of which I was aware the UK had been usurped in whatever its world ranking on the GDP scale is/was by India.
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