
Brexit: give me a positive effect (2023 ‘Epic Fail’ box set edition)

Running on fumes, cheered only by the memory of past glories. When the Conservative are finally expelled after 15 years in power, what will be their excuse- that they blame it on the last Labour government?
"They won’t want to be reminded of the sunny uplands shimmering with ripening fruits promised by Mr Rees-Mogg and the rest of the Brexit mob’s false prophets. One of their signature pledges was emblazoned on the side of the chariot that bussed Emperor Johnson – never an Augustus, more of a Caligula – around the realm. You will remember his claim that the subs paid to the EU only had to be redirected to the NHS to transform it into a world-envied health service. Strike one. What we actually have is a collapsing NHS. Another of their boasts was that the UK would “take back control” of its borders. Strike two. Unmanaged migration is not falling, but rising. The most critical promise was that the economy would roar like a liberated lion just as soon as the UK was “unshackled” from the “sclerotic” EU. Strike three. The UK is the sick man of the G7, the only member with an economy that is still smaller than it was before the pandemic. As for that fabled vista of fantastic exporting opportunities for “Global Britain”, businesses are writhing in all the red tape generated by Brexit while the UK has yet to secure a single better trade deal with a significant partner than we had as members of the EU."
"They won’t want to be reminded of the sunny uplands shimmering with ripening fruits promised by Mr Rees-Mogg and the rest of the Brexit mob’s false prophets. One of their signature pledges was emblazoned on the side of the chariot that bussed Emperor Johnson – never an Augustus, more of a Caligula – around the realm. You will remember his claim that the subs paid to the EU only had to be redirected to the NHS to transform it into a world-envied health service. Strike one. What we actually have is a collapsing NHS. Another of their boasts was that the UK would “take back control” of its borders. Strike two. Unmanaged migration is not falling, but rising. The most critical promise was that the economy would roar like a liberated lion just as soon as the UK was “unshackled” from the “sclerotic” EU. Strike three. The UK is the sick man of the G7, the only member with an economy that is still smaller than it was before the pandemic. As for that fabled vista of fantastic exporting opportunities for “Global Britain”, businesses are writhing in all the red tape generated by Brexit while the UK has yet to secure a single better trade deal with a significant partner than we had as members of the EU."

& in there own words :- (you will love reading just the headings)

Is anyone here still saying this wasn’t a massive pile of steaming manure and that those that voted for it a little too quick to mistrust foreigners?
Is anyone here still saying this wasn’t a massive pile of steaming manure and that those that voted for it a little too quick to mistrust foreigners?
No, no, no, Brexit wasn't motivated by racism, not even a bit. We've been told so, so it can't have been.
Is anyone here still saying this wasn’t a massive pile of steaming manure and that those that voted for it a little too quick to mistrust foreigners?
Haven't you been following the thread? A procession of positives, golden opportunities and sunlit uplands, and naysayers here are given very short shrift.
It's all so depressing I have given up arguing about it (mostly). It was completely obvious it would be the clusterfudge it has duly become, yet some people still try and argue it's a good thing, or deny the appalling damage that a bunch of tax-avoiding shysters dragging along the useful-idiot racists for their votes have done to the country.

Supporters have mostly gone quiet on the economic arguments (unless they are the aforementioned offshore-hoarding, tax-avoiding millionaires) because the damage is huge and undeniable now. Instead, they changed tack to claim the sovereignty argument was the most important after all: "It was never about the economy, self determination / independence, control of our laws, I don't care what it costs, a few economic hits are worth it" etc. etc. That this is also completely false, and that sovereignty was never 'surrendered' will eventually dawn on the dwindling band of supporters, but how bad do things have to get before then?

MP's and Lords will be slow to do anything about it, because let's face it, most of them are immune from the effects. A majority in the polls seem to be acknowledging the mistake but it will take a long time for things to improve, and I am appalled at how many people and businesses will suffer and disappear because of it. Yet still the unthinking tory voting working class, many of my family and friends among them, will continue to argue until they're puce that it's the greatest act of strength. I give up, leave 'em to it.

Oh, and F the tories, obvs.
Supporters have mostly gone quiet on the economic arguments (unless they are the aforementioned offshore-hoarding, tax-avoiding millionaires) because the damage is huge and undeniable now. Instead, they changed tack to claim the sovereignty argument was the most important after all: "It was never about the economy, self determination / independence, control of our laws, I don't care what it costs, a few economic hits are worth it" etc. etc.
The justification was always going to shift to this if/when the economic hit landed as predicted. The economics are of course relatively easy to measure, so if there had been any benefits the pro Brexit camp would of course have been trumpeting them from the rooftops. Obviously there haven't been, so the only sound is that of Remainers saying "I told you so. You didn't listen. Now look."
Nobody wants to look foolish, so the Brexit cheerleaders had to come up with another benefit, cue "sovereignty" which is a word that almost nobody had ever used and few had even heard prior to 2016. It wasn't even much used then, but it's really picked up in use since we actually left the EU and the full scale of the economic cost is starting to become evident. Sovereignty is great because there's no easy way of measuring it so there's no obvious means of countering the claims.
Sovereignty means we can't protest, freedom of speech threatened by Online Safety Bill, striking made illegal, anyone less than the richest paying the cost of the cost of living crisis, refugees displaced by war being sent to Rwanda and Government grift on steroids while measures to constrain the powerful are watered down or fixed by the same corrupt politicians. If Boris was still in charge he'd be looking to turn us into a 1 party state.
Sovereignty means we can't protest, freedom of speech threatened by Online Safety Bill, striking made illegal, anyone less than the richest paying the cost of the cost of living crisis, refugees displaced by war being sent to Rwanda and Government grift on steroids while measures to constrain the powerful are watered down or fixed by the same corrupt politicians. If Boris was still in charge he'd be looking to turn us into a 1 party state.
Exactly, and that's what we want, proper British laws from proper British politicos. And if we don't like 'em we can vote them out. Can't we?
The justification was always going to shift to this if/when the economic hit landed as predicted. The economics are of course relatively easy to measure, so if there had been any benefits the pro Brexit camp would of course have been trumpeting them from the rooftops. Obviously there haven't been, so the only sound is that of Remainers saying "I told you so. You didn't listen. Now look."
Nobody wants to look foolish, so the Brexit cheerleaders had to come up with another benefit, cue "sovereignty" which is a word that almost nobody had ever used and few had even heard prior to 2016. It wasn't even much used then, but it's really picked up in use since we actually left the EU and the full scale of the economic cost is starting to become evident. Sovereignty is great because there's no easy way of measuring it so there's no obvious means of countering the claims.

Indeed, it was obviously going to be the fall-back although some, including on here, will claim it was always only ever about sovereignty.
It remains frustrating that, as you say, our previous lack of sovereignty never seemed to cause anyone any problems, yet all of a sudden it is the be-all and end-all, the ultimate triumph of brexit.
It can't be measured and we never really lost it either, just agreed to share it.

There are ways and facts to counter the case - that we were free and able to decide to leave the EU and therefore 'reclaim' it, whatever it is, just proves we hadn't lost it at all.
The government's own Brexit White Paper of 2017 says: “The sovereignty of Parliament is a fundamental principle of the UK constitution. Whilst Parliament has remained sovereign throughout our membership of the EU, it has not always felt like that.”
I've argued plenty of times that sovereignty in practice means having a seat at the table, a voice in debate and a vote on the outcome. Brexit threw these away and left an on-paper sovereignty that has no benefit, because it reduces us to rule takers from the 'hated' EU, rather than having a share in making the rules.
The insistence on sovereignty and the desire to minimise the 'intrusion' of EU law is why we ended up with such a poor trade agreement too (WTO+, barely), which Bozo and Frost so proudly trumpeted to all. Now we see the inevitable results of introducing significant barriers to trade in food and labour shortages, collapsing trade and soaring prices. Uniquely worse for the UK than all our contemporaries as we recover from war and covid.
Such blind stupidity, and still no brexit supporter can actually show any practical, tangible benefits realised, apart from for those who seek to maintain their millions offshore and anonymous.

The ongoing result of this regained sovereignty is that spiteful, mendacious fools like Mogg can propose and possibly enact dangerous pieces of legislation like the REUL bill, cheered on by those who will suffer from it directly, fooled into thinking they were getting what they wanted. That bill is just the start too. The insanity of reclaiming the 'power to make our own laws' and then immediately handing it to the utter shower of barstewards currently in government is a folly we will suffer from for years, or decades.

Sorry for the negative tone, rather cheesed off with it all. The arguments in favour of brexit have disappeared, that it is entirely and seriously negative and damaging is clear, but here we are.

