
Brexit: give me a positive effect (2023 ‘Epic Fail’ box set edition)

But not as fractured as the UK.
Or as corrupt.

Certainly reassuring to read yesterday that parliamentary immunity is to be removed for the increasing number of MEP suspects in the qatar scandal.

That any immunity for politicians exists from police arrest in any situation anywhere may be a small part of the problem.
Well, yes, because we have recourse to the ballot box.
Although, of course, we could argue the point as to whether the vote for Brexit was ideological.

I posted something similar to this in a separate thread, but feel it's worth including in the debate again here.

I don't think it's unreasonable to say that for many Brexit was driven by a mindset or ideology drawing heavily from a time when Britain certainly was a much more powerful player on the world stage.
The problem with ideologies is that by nature they invariably oversimplify things and/or ignore the bits that don't fit. The bit that didn't fit with Brexit was quite how the UK would manage to sever ties with its main trading partner, the massive EU market next door, in such a dramatic fashion, and hope to thrive economically afterwards.

That hope certainly hasn't come to fruition to date. The Leave supporters can of course argue that it needs more time, or indeed complain that the plan was perfect and would have all come to pass but for a belligerent and unsupportive EU. The Remain side will argue that the whole concept was founded on a naive view of the economic realities of trading with Europe - and (in a way very much like the similar aspirations contained in the abortive Truss/Kwarteng 'high-growth' budget) never actually stood a pup's chance in hell of surviving the first open clash and contact with European economic reality.

I find it hard to see much reason or logic in voting for the Leave argument other than support for the ideological ones - which ultimately brought into play most of the practical downsides that the Remain side flagged early and repeatedly..
Comin over ‘ere, down the vets takin all the appointments. Our local females aren’t safe:

Positive effect of Brexit? It spurred me to leave Blighty and looking back I’m well off out of it.
Positive effect of Brexit? It spurred me to leave Blighty and looking back I’m well off out of it.
You may be. It would be nice to still have the right to live in the EU without having to make an application to immigrate. Where have you gone?
Here’s well known get Brexit done/ 2019 new Tory MP and Labour turncoat, Lee Anderson.


First Tory MP in the solid Labour constituency in a generation. On a salary his constituents could only dream of, noshing on his heavily subsidised food at Westminster and lecturing his constituents that if they’re poor they should be able to make dinner for 30p (while they’re waiting for Brexit Shangri-La to arrive).

Oh and the NHS isn’t getting an extra £350 million a week Brexit dividend, his government is preparing it for privatisation.
You may be. It would be nice to still have the right to live in the EU without having to make an application to immigrate. Where have you gone?

South of France, the spur was mostly from my wife who was born in Montpellier. We’re not far from there now but far enough. I have a residence permit based on marriage but we beat the end of the transition period too which made it easier and has a few extra advantages.
Appears we made a superb job of showing how not to do it.
Also of interest, the statement that some will now look for change from within, rather than leave.
Seems a way more sensible approach than gerrrrit dun idiocy we employed, (and still some seem to want that to go further, by dropping all of the laws we enshrined later this year.
We are so clever.

