
Brexit: give me a positive effect (2023 ‘Epic Fail’ box set edition)

Who knew? With benefits come responsibilities. It’s not like pre-1939 when you could extract whatever wealth you wanted with no consequences. It’s going to be a hard come down.

I'm intrigued by your unique take on 'responsibilities'.

Yes I’m voting Lord Crudearse, Lord Lebedev of Siberia, Lord Hannan of Lima and Baroness Mone out at the next opportunity.

Well, yes, of course I entirely take your point, I think we all agree that reformation of the HoL is now long overdue.

As an ironic aside, though, these people - I think particularly of Hannan - had far more influence prior to their elevation than they could ever have because of it.

I'm also quite fascinated by your apparent obsession over the status of two of them as foreigners, and I find myself wondering if you have a bit of an issue on this front. It must be small comfort that Mone is, so to speak, flesh and blood.
That depends upon how elusive or abstract you consider self-determination to be, and upon the mix of your concrete, if that's not too abstract.

Self determination is your exaggeration, it wasn't an issue and isn't for any others. The economic consequences are, however, very real and have only just begun. That particular self harm is also not an issue for others, whatever else might be.
The interesting question will be how long the forthcoming Starmer government can hold out against consistent negative polling on Brexit and the continued collapse in living standards? That’s just in England, where a majority will have voted for him- his writ doesn’t run in Scotland or N.Ireland.
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Self determination is your exaggeration, it wasn't an issue and isn't for any others. The economic consequences are, however, very real and have only just begun. That particular self harm is also not an issue for others, whatever else might be.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by your claim that self-determination is an exaggeration, and that it isn't an issue for any others. Due you mean the other 17.4 million odd who voted for self determination, or are you referring to other member states of the EU? If the former, that's a fairly major 'cancellation', if the latter, well then you're way off the mark; Macron himself admitted that, had the 2016 referendum taken place in France, he wasn't confident that remain would have won. Sure, the sampled numbers since then have been overwhelmingly pro-EU, but that's undoubtedly to some extent because people have watched brexit and realised just how difficult it would be to extricate themselves. For EZ members, it would be nigh-on impossible. It is also fair to say that, until the pandemic, things were fairly benign. With the cost of living crisis, energy shortages, recession and Ukraine (and there's no greater exemplar of self-determination than Ukraine) sentiments may well shift. Despite the mood-music emanating from Brussels, just under the skin the EU is a pretty fractured union right now.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by your claim that self-determination is an exaggeration, and that it isn't an issue for any others. Due you mean the other 17.4 million odd who voted for self determination, or are you referring to other member states of the EU? If the former, that's a fairly major 'cancellation', if the latter, well then you're way off the mark; Macron himself admitted that, had the 2016 referendum taken place in France, he wasn't confident that remain would have won. Sure, the sampled numbers since then have been overwhelmingly pro-EU, but that's undoubtedly to some extent because people have watched brexit and realised just how difficult it would be to extricate themselves. For EZ members, it would be nigh-on impossible. It is also fair to say that, until the pandemic, things were fairly benign. With the cost of living crisis, energy shortages, recession and Ukraine (and there's no greater exemplar of self-determination than Ukraine) sentiments may well shift. Despite the mood-music emanating from Brussels, just under the skin the EU is a pretty fractured union right now.
But not as fractured as the UK.
Or as corrupt.
We resented their imposed limits on our disintegration, government corruption and tax scrutiny, so we left.
I'm intrigued by your unique take on 'responsibilities'.

Well, yes, of course I entirely take your point, I think we all agree that reformation of the HoL is now long overdue.

As an ironic aside, though, these people - I think particularly of Hannan - had far more influence prior to their elevation than they could ever have because of it.

I'm also quite fascinated by your apparent obsession over the status of two of them as foreigners, and I find myself wondering if you have a bit of an issue on this front. It must be small comfort that Mone is, so to speak, flesh and blood.
Obsession with forigners? A former KGB spy is now in the HoL, Russia's conducting a war in Europe and is regarded as a hostile power, and that's OK?
Yes, obsessed.

Whilst I obviously thoroughly disagree with Lebedev's elevation to the HoL (and for what its worth), I think you'll find that he's neither an ex-KGB agent, nor in the HoL.

And what about Peru? Are they conducting a war in Europe too?

…and the biggest political donor in British history, Farage’s bankroller Aaaron Banks, lied about his meetings with the Russians and promises of mining opportunities in Russia.
Whilst I obviously thoroughly disagree with Lebedev's elevation to the HoL (and for what its worth), I think you'll find that he's neither an ex-KGB agent, nor in the HoL.

Although not-KGB himself, he has very close links through his dad. And he was considered to present such a security risk that it was recommended he shouldn't be given a life peerage. He has stated he isn;t a security risk, but then he would, wouldn;t he?

Of course he can sit in the HoL, and has done, albeit once; debating the Queen's Speech 12 May 2021 (
Yes, obsessed.

Whilst I obviously thoroughly disagree with Lebedev's elevation to the HoL (and for what its worth), I think you'll find that he's neither an ex-KGB agent, nor in the HoL.

And what about Peru? Are they conducting a war in Europe too?
It's Alexander Lebedev, his father, who is ex KGB.
Lord Evgeny Lebedev is a Lord and has sat in the HoL.
nothing to worry about at all, then.

And I don't GAF about Peru, never mentioned them.
Although not-KGB himself, he has very close links through his dad. And he was considered to present such a security risk that it was recommended he shouldn't be given a life peerage. He has stated he isn;t a security risk, but then he would, wouldn;t he?


Of course he can sit in the HoL, and has done, albeit once...

Which was exactly my point.
Although not-KGB himself, he has very close links through his dad. And he was considered to present such a security risk that it was recommended he shouldn't be given a life peerage. He has stated he isn;t a security risk, but then he would, wouldn;t he?

Of course he can sit in the HoL, and has done, albeit once; debating the Queen's Speech 12 May 2021 (

A British Foreign Secretary flies out unaccompanied to a Russian bunga bunga party hosted by Lebedev where his ex-KGB father is present, organising an unsupervised conference call between Johnson and Sergei Lavrov, seeking to open a back channel directly with Johnson without supervision by FCO officials.

Russia had already illegally annexed Crimea, had its armed forces covertly inside Ukraine fomenting civil war and had shot down flight MH17 murdering everyone on board. Only a month before Johnson’s appearance at the Oligarch’s party, Russia had used an internationally banned nerve agent on British soil in a murder attempt.

Even then, Johnson puts the Russian in the HoL and supresses a select committee report into Russian interference in British politics. The man who got Brexit done.
A British Foreign Secretary flies out unaccompanied to a Russian bunga bunga party hosted by Lebedev where his ex-KGB father is present, organising an unsupervised conference call between Johnson and Sergei Lavrov, seeking to open a back channel directly with Johnson without supervision by FCO officials.

Russia had already illegally annexed Crimea, had its armed forces covertly inside Ukraine fomenting civil war and had shot down flight MH17 murdering everyone on board. Only a month before Johnson’s appearance at the Oligarch’s party, Russia had used an internationally banned nerve agent on British soil in a murder attempt.

Even then, Johnson puts the Russian in the HoL and supresses a select committee report into Russian interference in British politics. The man who got Brexit done.
Look, it's just the lads being lads. We all like a drink, come on. I mean, anyone who's not gone to a bunga-bunga party with a KGB agent, well, all I can say is let he who is without sin cast the first stone. There you go, not so much of a rush now is there? Mind you, I'm not sure I like the sound of "Sergei Lavrov, seeking to open a back channel directly with Johnson without supervision by FCO officials.". Not for me, that, but I suppose maybe these ex public school types go in for that sort of stuff, if you believe what you hear.

