
Brexit: give me a positive effect (2023 ‘Epic Fail’ box set edition)

Nice borderline racism.
Would you like to clarify what my nationality has to do with it or is it just bants? Are some of your best friends Welshmen?

The Welsh are shits or inherently funny, then? Both?
Interesting. I said borderline originally. I knew you could do better than that.

Sorry to butt in here, but if you run a forum search on the word 'welching' (an ethnic slur which implies that Welshmen are inherently dishonest) you'll see that one of your closest compadres - whose name I won't mention - has used it on the political forums at least three times. On not one of those occasions, as far as I can see, has your voice been raised in objection. It would be easy to draw the conclusion that your 'offended' posture might be slightly partisan.

What is it that unites some Lab, UKIP and Tory?

The United Kingdom.

The Welsh are shits or inherently funny, then? Both?
Interesting. I said borderline originally. I knew you could do better than that.
Look. I wasn’t calling Welsh people ‘shits and giggles’ - I think youre just a big giggle, for example, makes no sense. It is a well known expression from the Austin Powers film suggesting at frivolity but you seem determined to take offence which surprises me a bit as you are generally keen to dish it out a bit or maybe it’s the case that you haven’t finished beating your wife yet. Just sayin.
The lady doth protest too much, me thinks.

Borderline racism in the sense of not racism at all. I didn’t ascribe any characteristics to Welshness so how could it be racism. I merely stated a fact, a fact often stated by yourself on this thread in order to differentiate yourself from the orrible English who voted for Brexit.

I guess you are just feeling a bit fragile after EV pulled your pants down, lifted you up by the ankles and slapped your arse earlier - only in an intellectual sense of course. Just sayin.

Gosh, someone actually ascribes significance to the little-england fanaticism that Eternumviti posts. There's a novelty.
Gosh, someone actually ascribes significance to the little-england fanaticism that Eternumviti posts. There's a novelty.

You're kind of saying there, Colin, that the fact that brexit happened is insignificant. I'd say that's a bit of a novelty, at least on these pages.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you a little-Scotland fanatic?
Look. I wasn’t calling Welsh people ‘shits and giggles’ - I think youre just a big giggle, for example, makes no sense. It is a well known expression from the Austin Powers film suggesting at frivolity but you seem determined to take offence which surprises me a bit as you are generally keen to dish it out a bit or maybe it’s the case that you haven’t finished beating your wife yet. Just sayin.
Ah, completely convincing.
So why DID you bring my nationality into it....just run that past me again?
I'm an anti-Tory and for as long as the UK is run solely for the benefit of the South of England (by both Labour and the Tories) I shall vote for an independent Scotland.

I see. Whilst I have some sympathy with your reasoning, you'll still end up with a little Scotland, and I guess that if I'm a 'little-England fanatic', then that makes you a little-Scotland fanatic.
UKIP aka the Reform Co. “The cult of perpetual grievance with unearned influence”.

…enough though to bend the Tory Party out of shape, fearing the threat to steal their votes. Brexit was only a staging post.

I saw Crace describe Tice was as "Farage’s plummy PA” that’s bound to needle. I did enjoy Victoria Derbyshire’s refusal to just let him pontificate on Newsnight. A bit of scrutiny for a change from MSM. Almost reminiscent of Paxo.
I see. Whilst I have some sympathy with your reasoning, you'll still end up with a little Scotland, and I guess that if I'm a 'little-England fanatic', then that makes you a little-Scotland fanatic.
No, because little-englander is a pejorative term, with racist, gammon and brexit-voting connotations. Not a common set of attributes in Scotland. Neither is Scotland little, 32 percent of the uk.
I don't think the little-englander is common in england - just carefully nurtured and enjoying disproportionate political influence.
The Ah, completely convincing.
So why DID you bring my nationality into it....just run that past me again?
If Brexit represents one thing it’s the expression of English ethnonationalism. There is no United Kingdom in Brexit. The Tories and Labour dont exist in N.Ireland and both have been pushed to the electoral margins in Scotland along with their Brexit.
Gosh, someone actually ascribes significance to the little-england fanaticism that Eternumviti posts. There's a novelty.
Erm not so much ascribing significance - more like recognising that he had demolished poor old ff1dls argument again who TBF is in good company. PsB is the only one to really get a nick on him. All imho of course.
I see. Whilst I have some sympathy with your reasoning, you'll still end up with a little Scotland, and I guess that if I'm a 'little-England fanatic', then that makes you a little-Scotland fanatic.
Well, except that in Scotland's case it's forward/outward looking , whereas the committed English Brexiter is backward/inward-looking. Very different mindsets.
I think you'll find that being forward thinking and outward looking brings rewards from partners and customers. Being inward looking with a superior mindset gets you mistrust and the shit end of the stick, as Brexit has amply proved. The Tories play zero-sum games with the country and themselves as the only beneficiaries. More sophisticated thinking is required. You should try it some time.
For me it’s about the inability of Britain to simply participate. The picture presented to the public was that Britain wasn’t accorded its proper status and respect in Europe- they were taking decisions over our head without consulting us, that it was essentially undemocratic.

That of course doesn’t tally with l'actualité where Great Britain was a major influencer within the union and had at least equal voting rights with the others. The same exceptionalism was played out when America didn’t deliver the sweetheart deal Blighty thought was its by right. Same with “we’ll trade with the Commonwealth again”- as if they’d welcome us back as post colonial big brother and roll over for us.

It’s been a hard landing but the penny hasn’t quite dropped yet. There’s still some way to go to the bottom.

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Ah, completely convincing.
So why DID you bring my nationality into it....just run that past me again?
I thought the phrase ‘The sound of a man drowning‘ nicely captured your flailing about in response to EV. But hey it’s a bit generic and given your unique contribution to PF, I thought to myself FF1dl deserves better and hence the upgrade or bespoke personalisation to ‘The sound of a Welshman drowning’.

The only way, to my mind at least, is that it could be construed as vaguely racist, never mind borderline racist, would be if there was some kind of historical association between the Welsh and drowning or maybe being bad swimmers. If not then it’s just a fact - you are a Welshman - nothing to be ashamed off and in contrast to the evil, feckless, gammon, brexit voting English.
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