
Blind Test Shock - Everyting sounds the same.

I seem to recall reading a psychology study which argued that we each hear music in a different way. So folk will never agree on which box sounds best, as said box sounds different to each set of ears. (or something along those lines).
Yet you still don't say why you purchased this gear, based on what? was it price (obviously not) was it sound (obviously not as you prefer to look at measurements than listen to music) so what was it/

Also you did state in an earlier post above that there are subtle differences, if that's the case why spend thousands as you have, makes no sense & does not back up your theory.

Can I just ask, do you believe that Julf, or anyone else, has EVER suggested that all speakers sound the same?

I ask because your constant line of questioning seems to suggest you do.
Yet you still don't say why you purchased this gear, based on what? was it price (obviously not) was it sound (obviously not as you prefer to look at measurements than listen to music) so what was it/

Obviously you know much better than I what I like and why I do things, so you tell me!

Also you did state in an earlier post above that there are subtle differences, if that's the case why spend thousands as you have, makes no sense & does not back up your theory.

You really don't seem to understand the concept of subjective preferences, do you? And BTW, what earlier post are you referring to?
I wanted to try my speakers in a new position but only had 4 metre lengths of Naim cable and the new position placed one speaker 8 metres from the amps. I also had a couple of 4 metre lengths of Exposure but only terminated at the amp end. So I twisted them together and taped up. Ended up with 4 meters of Naim one side and two bits of opposite direction Exposure the other. Sounded great, much better position, took me months to get around to buying two 8 metre lengths of Vann Damme.
Obviously you know much better than I what I like and why I do things, so you tell me!

You really don't seem to understand the concept of subjective preferences, do you? And BTW, what earlier post are you referring to?
post 7
Is there any chance that the posters who continually try to stifle any talk of any difference between any digital components could just stick to this thread and explore the endless possibilities of sameness on the one thread?

I have another suggestion: whenever somebody attempts to stifle threads where people are discussing differences which the stiflers are convinced don't exist, why not try ignoring them rather than rising to the bait? Could work, if we try hard enough.
Old Irt1367's a right card! I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt and suggest that he is trolling but I don't think he is.
I have another suggestion: whenever somebody attempts to stifle threads where people are discussing differences which the stiflers are convinced don't exist, why not try ignoring them rather than rising to the bait? Could work, if we try hard enough.
So, people can.t offer contrary opinions? Whatever happened to freedom of speech...
People aren't trying to stifle threads, they're just offering opinions. It wasn't clear, but that's my point.
People aren't trying to stifle threads, they're just offering opinions. It wasn't clear, but that's my point.

It's all in the eye/mind of the reader. What seems like a genuine contribution to the discussion to one reader will seem like trolling/circular argument/straw man construct to another.

Let's face it, there are opinions which are so diametrically opposed (whether about audio, music, politics or anything) that there can be no common ground, so those holding opinions at one end of the subjective/objective line will invariably see their opposites as being agenda-driven, because they can't believe that, for example, anyone could really believe that cheap cables can sound as good as expensive ones (and vice-versa, of course). It's only wishy-washy fence-sitters like me who can see both points of view.
You can't stifle a thread by typing words into a little box. These threads always read to me like "mummy they are spoiling it!" If everyone would just play nicely it will all be ok.
Disagreeing is stifling to some it seems, a little emotional leverage to try to silence those who differ in their views.
So you're suggesting that questioning whether "everything matters" is the same as saying "nothing matters"/"nothing makes a difference"?
It's not the first time julf has been contradicting in his views & I'm certainly not the first to say this,

Read the post, if he opposes it, which it states he does, then he thinks everything sounds the same, what else can he be saying, please explain, otherwise why even say anything to this remark.
Indeed, worst case you might even have to completely rely on your ears, instead of your eyes and what you have been told...
Here is another example, here he states that listening is better than reading about it, something I agree with, but in another thread he states please post measurements & proof, which is reading about it, he is just too contradictory & I get called a troll, it's the last thing I do on here. I post what I believe, not what can cause an argument & aggravate for the sake of it.

