
AVI DM10 - Active System


Please pass on my best wishes to Ashley and his family.

Tough times for Ashley and family, I wish he and his family all the best possible in these no doubt very trying circumstances.
i doubt the MBL Radialstrahlers use off-the-shelf drivers.


Also 'legacy' Joe, as Ohm did most of the ground work over 40 years ago with the Model F...


Throw a couple of toilet plungers on and they could be programmed to EXTERMINATE interweb shill marketeers.


One Radialstrahler, multiple Radialstrahler => singular = plural.
Thank you for correcting my German, which stinks.

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You're right about tape, but it's not the same situation as vinyl. Probably I shouldn't have mentioned tape. - JC
Perhaps pay a visit to a Bang & Olufsen shop and hear their Beolab 90's they might broaden your horizons.

I've recently done just that - flat out the very best loudspeaker I've ever heard at reproducing music, ever, and by a considerable margin.

Yet to hear a Steinway Lyngdorf system, or perhaps MBL Radialstrahlers, but compared to the rest of the 'mainstream' - i.e. the big 800 series B&W's, KEFS, Tannoys, etc, the Beolab 90s are on another level again as regards 'the closest approach to the original sound"


Neither the MBLs or the active Lyngdorf/Steinway can do what the Beolabs can, if you would prefer a much more affordable version try and listen to the Kii THREE, Bruno Putzeys' new design, they share the same technology as the B&Os.
Although tempting, I will not correct people's English, which stinks.

I often wonder how good a system needs to be before I can enjoy music.


I have a pair of fancy Sennheisers and separate can amp connected to my hi-fi and an entry-level pair of Grados I use with an iPod. In every way audiophiles and engineers would care to assess them the Sennheisers are significantly better, but music is more or less equally enjoyable through both set-ups.

Yes, better is better, but I'm done chasing rainbows.



I learned long ago that whenever I point out a spelling or grammatical error I inevitably make one myself.


I have a pair of fancy Sennheisers and separate can amp connected to my hi-fi and an entry-level pair of Grados I use with an iPod. In every way audiophiles and engineers would care to assess them the Sennheisers are significantly better, but music is more or less equally enjoyable through both set-ups.

Yes, better is better, but I'm done chasing rainbows.



I learned long ago that whenever I point out a spelling or grammatical error I inevitably make one myself.


Welcome to the rational world free from audiophile hype Joe; I long ago realised the futility of chasing an audiophools pot of gold at the end of a rainbow lit with pseudo science..

These days I spend too much time listening to the music, than to waste it listening to the HiFi...



I never left the world of science and rationality. I just realized that (a) the law of diminishing returns kicks in well before stratospheric amounts are spent and (b) that greater fidelity is loosely correlated with greater musical enjoyment.

I'm still playing the turntable I bought in 1997 and the CD player I bought secondhand in 1998, using an amp and speakers that either date to the 1950s in their technology (the Stingray) or date of manufacture (Tannoy GRFs).


I never left the world of science and rationality. I just realized that (a) the law of diminishing returns kicks in well before stratospheric amounts are spent and (b) that greater fidelity is loosely correlated with greater musical enjoyment.

I'm still playing the turntable I bought in 1997 and the CD player I bought secondhand in 1998, using an amp and speakers that either date to the 1950s in their technology (the Stingray) or date of manufacture (Tannoy GRFs).


I heard some JBL Everests a few weeks back - for scale and dynamics, very few passive separates systems I've heard could approach them, let alone match them.

Fully active systems from the likes of Meridian and B&O can, but they are usually written off as 'lifestyle' systems that don't suit the mix and match audiophile hobbyist mindset.



