
Any suggestions for Tony L

I think there is potential to make money form the DIY room. There are lots of good ideas knocking about in there that could easily be the start of a PFM micro-business.
In my view the only thing mentioned so far that I would like to see implemented is the possibilty of T selling new vinyl....selected titles of course, not everything that is currently being thrown at a cutting lathe.

I would be happy to pay a premium for this service rather then send my money elsewhere to someone I don't know, (I am sure I have discussed this with Tony in the past, I seem to remember he had a perfectly valid and understandable reason why it will probably never happen :))

More international contributions.
I might have missed this sometime ago, but is there any problem with people disclosing their country of origin? I'd run a poll, but I don't think there are enough options.

I'm from Middle Earth.
pfm could charge for various services, so I've put together a rough fee schedule with examples for open discussion.

System recommendations — 50 squid an hour
Source optimization, tube rolling recommendations, active vs passive, minimum power requirements for Shahinian Obelisks

Copyediting services — 60 squid an hour
It's its, not it's its. WARNING: Some posters may need to file for bankruptcy if they make full use of this service.

Psychiatric treatment — 70 squid an hour
You don't need new speakers. You need psychiatric intervention for your O-CD.

Political advice — 85 squid an hour
Don't vote for those ****ing ****ing *******!

TV viewing recommendations — 100 squid an hour
Have you tried Star Trek or Buffy? Maybe some My Little Pony?

Just throwing some ideas out there.

I like the way this site doesn't really pander.

Leave it be.

The Trek interventions are part of it's charm along with the volt of knowledge on here.

More important than any of that, there is in the main, a spirit of community; that is what I think keeps most coming back.
Just for a while some of the 'needle drop' type threads were productive. It's relatively cheap to make them legal and above board but I think Google will still be ***** about the advertising.

Just for a while some of the 'needle drop' type threads were productive. It's relatively cheap to make them legal and above board but I think Google will still be ***** about the advertising.

Simply not worth risk, the ad revenue is essential to my being able to run this place.

if you opened up a restricted boudoir room for me, we can split sales of custom fetish photography.

i also think you could market selected posting from the off-topic room as think-tank ideas, both left and right. will need a better name for the RW variety, as "pink fish" will make people think you're weak on national defense, pro gay-marriage and and all that.

Love it here. Robert hasn't been around long enough at to learn its ways but that site is incredibly moderated. Some heavy hitters such as Ken Scott and MoFi mastering engineer Rob LoVerde have been booted of merely for stating facts that threaten Hoffman.

If you don't believe me, start a thread concerning Buddy Holly master tapes and watch it go poof. Or ask why there are gaps in the Audio Fidelity version of Heartbeat City when the original had the songs run together. Or where the digital clicking in the Morrison Hotel cd came from if the source was analog tape? The threads will go poof.

Controversy over The handling of Heartbeat City, when posts and threads and members kept disappearing like leftists in Pinochet's Chile and caused a number of longtime forum stalwarts to quit as well.

I'll need to cite the 'audio community / arguments from elsewhere' AUP clause here. I've no knowledge whatsoever of any of the above and have always found Steve Hoffman's site excellent. I certainly have no intention of being dragged into any criticism of the site here, especially given I very much enjoy being a member myself!
Perhaps a clever person could program something to crop and perspective adjust albums from a loosely taken photo. Say Tony put 8 albums on the floor and took a general photo, could some programming crop them out automatically for film and adjust for perspective?
Fair enough. I personally still participate at and don't mean to discourage it. The more experts there the better. But a lot of people get disillusioned when they realize it's not the free speech playground they imagined so I just meant to prep our fair readers.

I'll need to cite the 'audio community / arguments from elsewhere' AUP clause here. I've no knowledge whatsoever of any of the above and have always found Steve Hoffman's site excellent. I certainly have no intention of being dragged into any criticism of the site here, especially given I very much enjoy being a member myself!

steve hoff's bro makes lovely expensive cables too...
Simply not worth risk, the ad revenue is essential to my being able to run this place.

How about getting a PFM Test Disc pressed and making it available to members? Some tones and some original music recordings.

You would own the copyright so Paul and other interested parties could Needledrop test to their heart's content.

It would also be a chance to get a test disc that demonstrated qualities such as "tune", "Timing" and of course the old favourite PRAT :)
I know Tony probably hasn't the inclination but I'd buy all my new vinyl from him if I could, and some months that's hundreds of pounds worth. I would even forgo getting it next day, as is my want, to buy from him.

And you don't need to put the pictures of the albums up on here directly a Flickr account would be perfect. Just ask the members how many of them have never bought an album they haven't seen first.
It's not practical as I'd have to dramatically increase the prices due to the additional time required photographing and listing stuff, and if I could be arsed doing that I may as well get top-dollar on eBay as inevitably some stuff would go through the roof there! Plus vBulletin just isn't setup for this kind of thing either, so it would mean buying a whole shop back-end package etc. To be honest I sell vinyl at about the speed I can find it anyway, I don't want it to grow any faster than that - the record business is not the main income stream here, most is via advertising (Google, VigLink, Trade Accounts etc). Vinyl is getting harder to find of late too, so if anything I expect the shop to contract rather than expand unless I get offered some good collections cheaply.

Also, it takes literally seconds to find reasonable quality images of any album art ever produced. Google it.


