
Addis pads - probably the greatest single upgrade ever…in the world!

The 6mm and the 8mm bumpers arrived not that long ago. Both feel more squidgy compared to the small bumpers I bought years ago from a pound shop. Dunno if it's psychoacoustics but music seems to have lost a little attack on the leading note using the 6mm bumpers; I haven't tried the 8mm ones yet, although I'm going out shortly and I won't be home till late so I'll experiment with those ones tomorrow. The slight lack of attack could all be in my head and apart from that I don't think there's much of a difference.

I see Screwfix sell a packet of bumpers for £3.79 (link) so I'll give them a go as well. Oh, the ones I bought the other day are made by 3M.
I think the Addis pads offer some improvement to my main speakers. I’ve listened for eight hours and music seems to flow rather nicely, tonally things seem spot on, perhaps a tad more resolution also.

I deliberately put them under the Leak at the same time so I’ll never know which set of pads is doing more or indeed whether one set is doing nothing. All tests are sighted. I am doing this for my enjoyment not conducting a scientific experiment.

I suggest that 300 discs for £2.50 is definitely worth a go!
That's great Alex. Did you use bumpers as well? I know in my case I never got the full impact until I inserted bumpers between pads and speakers.

I'm really hoping that the bumpers I picked up from B&Q there are essentially the same as the ones under my Tannoys. If they are then this combo is available for everyone:)
I do have bumpers but no sensible way to use them without removing feet and spikes that I’m not inclined to do (yet). System images better too btw.
Oh yeah I forgot you were dropping spikes straight into/onto the pads. Result!
Also about half my electronics seem to have bumpers of one sort or another for feet anyway.

I also believe the Densen and Sugden in the headphone setup have improved a bit. These are not huge gains, in my case, but the cost benefit is exponential. So a big thanks from me.
I do have bumpers but no sensible way to use them without removing feet and spikes that I’m not inclined to do (yet). System images better too btw.
If you were bored and were up for the faff, you could just use some inverted dome nuts to act as spike feet so as not to spear the pads.
Yes. My main problem, and why I haven’t fitted those or washing machine feet etc, is I can’t remember if the thread is M6 or M8, although I presume M8.
I'm just home from seeing my missus and I thought I'd try those 8mm Diall PVC bumpers that I bought in B&Q before I hit the sack... and I'm pleased to say they're the bumpers we're looking for! The slight loss of attack is gone and the pazzazz is back, along with everything else I've said already. Fwiw, there were different sizes of bumpers available so for really big and heavy speakers, the next size up (10mm) might be a better option.

So there we go, £2.49 for the mat + £1.53 for the bumpers = £4.02 for probably the greatest hifi upgrade ever... in the world!

Yes. My main problem, and why I haven’t fitted those or washing machine feet etc, is I can’t remember if the thread is M6 or M8, although I presume M8.

Or now that we know which bumpers to use, simply screw in short bolts, with nuts to lightly tighten as per, and then put bumpers on the bottom of the bolts? Short of using pads and bumpers directly beneath the speakers, this might well be the best approach, and probably the cheapest as well.
Now that I know I can buy extra bumpers as and when required, I'm gonna see if I can get some puds+bumpers beneath my 1210GR by removing the deck's feet and using nuts and bolts as feet instead. All I've done so far is just place four pieces of Addis stuff (four pieces connected horizontally, so just the one level) beneath the deck's feet but I reckon if I put bolts on, with nuts to lock the bolts in place once I've levelled the deck, then I can put bumpers on the head of the bolt and then sit the upside down bumpers on the pads. That way, I'll have the pad+bumper combo in place without also having the deck's own feet in place. I'm basing this on the assumption that the DIY feet will sound better than the deck's own feet as it seems to me that the 1210's feet are getting in the way here!

Update: the provisional results are in... jackpot!
I'm just about to head off to work but I thought I'd update the thread to say I removed the stock feet from my OPPO 103D blu ray player and inserted the magic combo between chassis and shelf and wow, another huge improvement (via analogue out). It seems all electromechanical stuff benefits from the combo, not just analogue electromechanical stuff like speakers and turntables, as I'd previously surmised. I'm now gonna buy more bumpers and insert the magic combo under everything, removing stock feet as per. This stuff defies expectations!
Will have a play tomorrow.

Addis at bottom, then bumper, then foot of hifi item on the top? Is that how you've stacked it?

Addis pad on bottom, then bumper, then bottom of speaker or equipment; bypass existing feet on equipment. Bumpers can be affixed to pads or equipment, that part doesn't matter.
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I've now put the magic combo underneath an old Pioneer DV600 DVD player and frankly, it has no business sounding as good as it does. There's no doubt about it, the combo has a 'house' sound about it: nothing is forced, everything is effortless, and music is simply music without baggage or gremlins or whatever... everything is just so satisfying!

