
A thread to catalogue the eloquence, dignity, diplomacy and wisdom of Boris Johnson

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I seee there are photos of our smiling leader on several front pages today, including the Times. ;)

Britain Trump is on stage lying away right now. It is clear from the reaction in the hall that the Conservative Party has successfully fully transitioned into an alt-right Tea Party-clone. There is no moderate conservative Conservative Party anymore, it is as dead as Labour, this is pure Trump/Putin/Farage-grade hard-right popularism.
Interesting watching a multimillionaire from birth Bullingdon Club class warrior, racist and homophobe painting Labour as a bunch of ‘north London elites’, ‘leftist lawyers’ etc whilst very obviously ramping up far-right police state powers. Predictably his audience is lapping it up.
I can only take so much. I stopped at his reference to the great frost of 1706 and dig at Barnier. The guy's a ****er, and a popular one at that
Bullshitter bullshits. Nothing more to be said. The Tory rags would be wasting column inches if they write any more than that.

At times like these I hate the electorate with a passion.
The past few decades have been a real eye-opener for me. Seeing the likes of Sarah Palin, Fox News, Steve Bannon, Trump, Farage, Johnson, Putin etc gain traction and power (possibly absolute if the trajectory continues) has certainly disillusioned me both with human nature generally and specifically my own generation. All these lying corrupt racist far-right shitheads are generally my age (ok, Trump is way older). I honestly don’t understand where they came from. Who knew the future wasn’t jetpacks, flying cars and living on the Moon, it was ‘comedy fascism’ served up by a multi-millionaire/billionaire trough-feeding oligarchy. I want a refund on my childhood dreams.
I honestly don’t understand where they came from.

The Oxford Union.

Brilliant oratory from Boris today IMO -- style I mean, not content. Such charisma, such brio. With speeches like this it's not at all surprising to me that he wins people over.

Contrast the style of the leader of the opposition.
Brilliant oratory from Boris today IMO -- style I mean, not content. Such charisma, such brio. With speeches like this it's not at all surprising to me that he wins people over.

It was pure Trump, who is another who understands his target market perfectly. Truth is an irrelevance here, as is any evidence or performance metrics. The whole thing was a pure fantasy revision, a fairy tale, a child’s Christmas parable. Zero correlation to reality, yet that is exactly what his audience wants. The last thing these people will ever accept is any blame for the hundreds of thousands dead unnecessarily from covid, the social divisions and economic death spiral of Brexit, the lurch to an oppressive dystopian right, the structural failures of policing, the trough-feeding corruption of the ruling oligarchy etc etc. None of this exists anywhere in the altered reality of Johnson’s ‘comedy fascism’. Party conference season scripted as an episode of ‘Allo ‘Allo.
It was pure Trump, who is another who understands his target market perfectly. Truth is an irrelevance, as is any evidence or performance metrics. The whole thing was a pure fantasy revision, a fairy tale, a Christmas parable. Zero correlation to reality, yet that is exactly what his audience wants.

Yes I think the comparison to religion is an excellent one. Religions are powerful resilient institutions.
How can any electorate be expected to swallow this bullshit about Brexit enabling restructuring to a high wage high productivity economy, which they have clearly just fallen upon as a concept in the last 5 days. They're just making up any crap they can get away with.

And yet... they do get away with it.

Reality has got to catch up one day? Surely?
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